Smile And Love Always!

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

"Unconditional Love"

The birth of my daughter introduced me to the first thought and complete understanding of "Unconditional Love" in its truest and most purest form, in the eyes of GOD.

I witnessed my little girls birth into this world with a presence that in turn witnessed the birth of her father's "Unconditional Love," for her and all of the Loved ones in my Life.

I have been on the front lines of parenthood, both offensively and defensively, with one single purpose: to guide and lead down a path of righteousness shown through the Living example and demonstration of "Daddy."

In order to DO right, I had to GET right!


That's right, it had to start with ME, if I was going to deliver it to THEM! Otherwise, how would it get done? Would I simply defer that to someone else? Would I haphazardly appreciate the Blessings that have been bestowed upon me? What would "I" do if "I" were in "MY" shoes? Well, I did just THAT!

In order to remain "Just Like A Daddy," I had to first BECOME one! My daughter's birth did not guarantee me that title. My ACTIONS provided and provide me with that title! Stripping myself COMPLETELY of me and ALL of my selfish thoughts and wants brought me to this place and space called "Unconditional Love."

I relish in the fact that I can look into the mirror everyday of my Life and be pleased with how far I have come. I use MYSELF as a measuring stick to gauge where I AM, from where I CAME. I wasn't always right and I will always be a continuous work in progress, this I know. But, for the purposes of reflection and perspective, when I "peek" back, I am so joyously proud and honored that through the birth of GOD's Blessings to me, I have arrived to that "Unconditional Love" that fuels my soul, drives my actions and responsibly molds the lives that helped ME re-mold my very own Life.

"HIS works are incredible! HE used the Lives that HE placed in my Life, to reshape me, so that I could mold them, in HIS liking!"

GOD is good! HIS Love is everlasting and forever endures the hands of time.

If you do not know HIM, introductions are in order. You will be pleased to make HIS acquaintance, this too, I know.

Thank you Princess, for introducing "Daddy" to this place and space called "Unconditional Love."

Keep reshaping "Daddy," and through "Unconditional Love," we will ALL be in HIS liking!

"Unconditional Love" in its truest and most purest form, ALL in the eyes of GOD.

Love and My Mother are the Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are the Motivation!
Love and My Mother are the Celebration!

All the Best, All the Time!

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