Smile And Love Always!

Friday, October 24, 2008

"Invest In Yourself"

In an economic whirlwind where we do not know where to dump, put or hold on to our Lifelong resources, perhaps this presents the perfect opportunity in which to "Invest In Yourself."

We are always looking for someone on the OUTSIDE to help us with our assets, yet we do not take the TIME to manage our own. Sometimes we are looking out and AROUND when we need to steadfastly search from WITHIN! That internal investigation and discovery phase will yield much higher percentages and greater returns on our investments should we/you be so inclined to "Invest In Yourself."

In the big scheme of things, wouldn't it be a beautiful thing to invest in yourself, see a return, invest more in yourself and see a big return, invest more in yourself and see an even bigger return, invest even MORE in yourself and see the BIGGEST return you've ever witnessed in your Life? That is exactly how HE works. GOD is good and that is all that HE wants us to do. HE wants you to "Invest In Yourself" to make a better Life for you and your family, depending on HIM to manage your assets and not someone that does not have your best interests at heart. HE needs not take or steal from you because there is nothing that we have that HE has not afforded us to begin with! You'd best believe that EVERYTHING that we have is all in accordance to what HE so desires for us, until we graduate, thus turning it over to HIM.

"Invest In Yourself" to lift yourself higher. "Invest In Yourself" to lift those around you higher. "Invest In Yourself" to lift HIM up higher. And when you "Invest In Yourself" having lifted yourself higher, you cannot help but "witness" how HE has more than met you HALFway by providing you EVERY way that you need to survive both yesterday, tomorrow AND today!

At the end of the day, that economic whirlwind just required us to stand in the midst of FAITH to demonstrate that the solution lies not in the problem, the solution resides "WITHIN" yourself and the problem solver HIMSELF!

When you "Invest In Yourself," you will not, cannot go broke. It becomes the gift that keeps on giving. Truly! When you "Invest In Yourself," your portfolio automatically becomes diverse as it anxiously awaits the fruits of your labor, for its harvest time!

Your Life depends on it, so "Invest In Yourself!"
Your Loved ones need it, so "Invest In Yourself!"
Your inspiration to others craves it, "Invest In Yourself!"
Your example to people welcomes it, "Invest In Yourself!"


The health of the economy is trivial in comparison to the health of your state of mind. Whatever lost shall be found. Whatever stolen shall be returned. Whatever denied shall be rewarded! All you need to do is "Invest In Yourself."


I Love You Mother!

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

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