Smile And Love Always!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

"Do Not Allow What Others Say and Do To Alter the Natural Course of Your Heart!"

Abrupt changes in your Life does not mean that God has cast you aside. My personal testimony has the Lord saving me from myself, by not allowing me to make a colossal mistake of epic proportions, from leading with and following my own heart.

What I have learned in Life is that, just because your heart is designed to giving, does not mean that the other heart, the receiving heart, will alter its natural design and internal make-up, in an appreciating manner that will otherwise convince you that it is "you," and not what you can or cannot do for the receiving heart, that they are in Love with.

Right on in steps the Lord, plucking and removing you from what you are about to do to you, for the vision that He has for you is so much greater than the sight and light in which we see ourselves!

Thank You Jesus!!!

Thank You for saving me from me!

Thank You for removing me from self-destruction!

Thank You for securing my foundation!

Thank You for not allowing what others say and/or do to alter the natural course of my heart!

Thank You for the continuous deposits that you make within my Life, thus making me a stronger servant to you, for NO servant is greater than his Master!

Thank You for the ReVival of my Spirit!

Thank You for the ReNewal of my mind!

Thank You for the ReDemption of my soul, for everything that I repent to You!

Thank You for the knowledge and wisdom of King Solomon, that provides me, by way of my Sword, the Words for clarity and understanding!

Thank You for the High Praises of King Solomon's Father Kind David, for first demonstrating what it means to glorify Your Name, giving You ALL of the Honor, Glory, and Praise, that one mouth and one's actions can muster!

Even after your heart has been broken!

Even when you do not understand why or what has changed!

Ask God for a wise heart that will not soon depart from your Life, during your Life.

Pray for knowledge! For what we "think" we understand shall always be a microcosm for what we actually do comprehend!

"Do Not Allow What Others Say and Do, To Alter the Natural Course of Your Heart!"

May the mistakes of yesterday, bring Clarity to what was done wrong, providing Knowledge for what not to do going and growing forward, and Wisdom to recognize when the flesh attempts to revert back to what it thinks it knows.

To God Be the Glory!

In the eyes of God, "sin is sin." Do not judge another person because they have or they do, sin differently than you. In the eyes of God, "sin is sin."

Therefore, "Do Not Allow What Others Say and Do, To Alter the Natural Course of Your Heart!"

To God Be the Wonderfully Magnificent Glory, for an All the BEST, All the TIME Existence!

God, Love, and Smile Always!

All the BEST, All the TIME!
Corey A. Ford

Friday, December 28, 2012

"Yes To Your Will!"

Walking tall, yet not alone, irrespective of what the visual might tell you. For it is the unseen that I am trusting to guide me, as opposed to the sight that could have ruined me.

Oft times it is our very sight that blurs the greater vision that God sees us in, that we have yet to see ourselves in. Therein lies the trust, where God is challenging you to step into the you that He made you to be.

Adam and Eve were living within God's perfect vision. That is until their disobedience compelled their sight to see outside of God's perfect vision for them. And in doing so, they fell into a waywardness and outside of God's preparedness for what He had purposed for them.

But, be not sad, for discipline is the Lord's way of Loving us.

Rejoice, for God shall continuously cover us.

Weeping may have endured through the night, but that Jesus Joy awaits our rising in the morning.

I do not proclaim to know what God's Will is for the Life of Corey, but I declare a concession, that captures my confession, on the strength of God's perfection, I trust in His Divine direction, His Supreme protection, and His Glorious selection, that I will do exactly what He says I shall, with whom He says I shall do it with, when He says I shall do it and where it shall be done.

I speak the universal language of surrender, by throwing my hands into the air, as I say, "Yes To Your Will!"

To God Be the Wonderfully Magnificent Glory, for an All the BEST, All the TIME Existence!

God, Love, and Smile Always!

All the BEST, All the TIME!
Corey A. Ford

Thursday, December 27, 2012

"Go Where I've Not Been"

Physically, my passport and I have been all over the world, consuming cultures, languages, foods, time differences, customs, religions, local dialects, differing thoughts, opposite beliefs, similar thoughts and close to similar beliefs.

But of all the places that I have been, and of all the places that I will one day go, there will always be a place to "Go Where I've Not Been."

This place does not necessarily require a physical passport, but more like a mental passport, that will allow me to travel to a place that is free of restrictions, parameters, and all of the things that would otherwise make us different in the physical world.

This type of place cannot be arrived at by merely booking a reservation, with passport in tow, making your way to the airport, awaiting your scheduled departure. No, this type of place is a "New Level," one in which requires a mental consumption of what you should partake next, as opposed to the next steps that one should make.

The physical aspects of Life always seem to be the easiest of things in which to undertake. For it is the transformation of the mind that is the hardest of things to remake.

To "Go Where I've Not Been" requires me to do what I've not done. You only tire of losing, when you're ready to say, "I've won!"

To God Be the Wonderfully Magnificent Glory, for an All the Best, All the Time Existence!

Love and My Children are My Inspiration!
Love and My Children are My Motivation!
Love and My Children are My Celebration!
Love and My Children are My Dedication!

Smile and Love Always!
Corey A. Ford

"Be Success!"

"Be Success!" So that you do not ever jealously crave what someone else has.

To God Be the Wonderfully Magnificent Glory, for an All the Best, All the Time Existence!

Love and My Children are My Inspiration!
Love and My Children are My Motivation!
Love and My Children are My Celebration!
Love and My Children are My Dedication!

Smile and Love Always!
Corey A. Ford

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

"Be Strength!"

"Be Strength!" So when you are at your absolute weakest, you know Whom to call upon to renew you of the Strength that He first deposited within you.

To God Be the Wonderfully Magnificent Glory, for an All the Best, All the Time Existence!

Love and My Children are My Inspiration!
Love and My Children are My Motivation!
Love and My Children are My Celebration!
Love and My Children are My Dedication!

Smile and Love Always!
Corey A. Ford

"Be Motivated!"

"Be Motivated!" So when you are all alone, you will still accomplish your Life's short and long-term goals, fulfilling God's purposes IN as well as FOR, your Life.

To God Be the Wonderfully Magnificent Glory, for an All the Best, All the Time Existence!

Love and My Children are My Inspiration!
Love and My Children are My Motivation!
Love and My Children are My Celebration!
Love and My Children are My Dedication!

Smile and Love Always!
Corey A. Ford

"Be Love!"

Be Love!  So that you do not have to look for what you already are!

To God Be the Wonderfully Magnificent Glory, for an All the Best, All the Time Existence!

Love and My Children are My Inspiration!
Love and My Children are My Motivation!
Love and My Children are My Celebration!
Love and My Children are My Dedication!

Smile and Love Always!
Corey A. Ford

Monday, December 24, 2012

"Within the Spirit and in the Presence of the Lord"

I entered into the house of the Lord with confusion on my mind, but upon my exit, I departed with the type of extreme clarity that can only be found "Within the Spirit and in the Presence of the Lord."

We have not, because we ask not. So I asked, and it was granted.

When the Lord has your name written in His daily agenda, I have learned that you can effectively scratch your name off of your own agenda, thus relinquishing yourself of what you wanted to do for yourself, so that you can do all of what God has called you to do, for Him.

No servant is greater than his Master! There is nothing that can be done to you, that was not first done to Him, yet will always pale in comparison. The demonstration of the ultimate betrayal and alienation, is the representation of Christ, having paid the ultimate price, for our Salvation.

"Within the Spirit and in the Presence of the Lord," I am able to disconnect from the discontent, and pull the plug on the discord.

Confusion abated, with clarity reinstated, for I am who God says I am, irrespective of whatever is debated.

"Within the Spirit and in the Presence of the Lord," I have found that the cost of my existence is worth the price, that all of His riches can afford.

To God Be the Wonderfully Magnificent Glory, for an All the Best, All the Time Existence!

Love and My Children are My Inspiration!
Love and My Children are My Motivation!
Love and My Children are My Celebration!
Love and My Children are My Dedication!

Smile and Love Always!
Corey A. Ford

Saturday, December 22, 2012

"Love's Pure Intentions"

One can never be too sure about the intentions of another. But, your own intentions should have absolute clarity!

You cannot control what someone else might say and/or do. But, you can and should be able to control ALL that you say and/or do.

Sometimes the intentions and actions Lovingly coincide with one another. Other times they are successfully merged into one another. And then there are those times where they are parallel parked onto the path that you are traveling upon. Unfortunately, not everyone can parallel park with the same ease as others.

For some, if it is not a position that they can just drive into, therein ensues the perceived difficulty. If they are not the driver of the vehicle of intentions, therein lies another perception of difficulty. Lastly, if they do not like the vehicle that is transporting said intentions, you can wind up and find yourself coasting downhill.

Be pure in your intentions when you involve people in your lives.

Be honest about who you are and what you are.

Everyone has a past, but the past is exactly where it belongs, IN THE PAST!

Believe not the words, if their actions are in absentia.

Do not allow people and things to re-write your story and you just co-sign it as gospel. God authors our stories that we co-sign as gospel through our intentions and actions.

When you Love,
Love honestly,
Love earnestly,
Love habitually,
Love feverishly,
Love intentionally,
Love decidedly,
Love friendly,
Love touchingly,
Love affectionately,
Love candidly,
Love harmoniously,
Love infectiously,
Love peacefully,
Love Lovingly.

Do not ever deviate from Love! Embrace all of the facets and components to Love, so that it can create the vehicle that you will one travel in on Love's journey, irrespective of its arrival to and in your Life. Be conscious of your intentions, so as not to hurt people along the way. Feelings are delicate and we all own some of the responsibility to make sure that we do not break things or people along the way.

Receive all that Love has for you and be absolutely sure that you bring all that you have for Love, to Love as well.

Bring all of your best, so long as it is not void, of "Love's Pure Intentions."


To God Be the Wonderfully Magnificent Glory, for an All the Best, All the Time Existence!

Love and My Children are My Inspiration!
Love and My Children are My Motivation!
Love and My Children are My Celebration!
Love and My Children are My Dedication!

Smile and Love Always!
Corey A. Ford

"No Curfew!"

I do exactly what it is that I am supposed to do, and hang out with Love as if there is "No Curfew!" The things that we would do over again, had the wherewithal been with us, and we considered it to be a friend.

To God Be the Wonderfully Magnificent Glory, for an All the Best, All the Time Existence!

Love and My Children are My Inspiration!
Love and My Children are My Motivation!
Love and My Children are My Celebration!
Love and My Children are My Dedication!

Smile and Love Always!
Corey A. Ford

Friday, December 21, 2012

"I Love Your Flaws"

I have never met a flaw, that I could not appreciate!

I never made an attempt, in which I put forth no effort!

I never refused to accept a past, that had nothing to do with me!

I never refused to view a past, that has everything to do with me!

When I learned what Love truly meant, I never used it as I previously did!

When I began to comprehend the verb in Love, my actions became my words!

When the Word first spoke Agape to me, I devoured the notion that such could exist and cultivated the possibilities within my heart!

Your flaws...Good thing my heart doesn't care what your mouth says.

We should all Love our flaws! Someone out there Loves you because of them, and wants to Love you inspite of them, and Love you despite your protest of them, Loving you and them!

Embrace your flaws and the accompanying Love that wants to Love you and your flaws because you do deserve to be Loved, irrespective of how undeserving you might feel about yourself. Fortunately, what others think about us is none of our business. But, the business of Love is everybody's business!

I've embraced my flaws! = CHECK!
I Love me! = CHECK!
I deserve to be Loved! = CHECK!
I Promise to Love! = CHECK!

Do not allow the fear nor your flaws, to ever alter the natural course of your heart!

My heart and, "I Love Your Flaws."

To God Be the Wonderfully magnificent Glory, for an All the Best, All the Time Existence!

Love and My Children are My Inspiration!
Love and My Children are My Motivation!
Love and My Children are My Celebration!
Love and My Children are My Dedication!

Smile and Love Always!
Corey A. Ford

Thursday, December 20, 2012

"Defend the Truth"

Do not allow the words, thoughts and actions of others to halt, hinder or derail your Life's mission and purpose.

When you are under and being attacked, know that this is a part of the preparation that God is allowing to happen to you, so that He may groom you through and through, in order to strengthen you for more of what He has in store for you.

Do not ever feel compelled to "Defend the Truth," for it shall always stand on its own two feet. When you know what you know in your heart and through your presence to be true, the attempts of lies will try to upstage the truth, but the character of truth is not a trained thespian. Rather lies are the trained thespians that perpetrate the truth in their method acting expertise, that is blatantly transparent to the truth!

The cloud of smoke that you witness is the unsettled dust in the wake of the lies being scattered by the truth. Similar to that of Christ as He happened upon the demon possessed man and the lies of the demon's existence were compelled to acknowledge His Holiness, knowing that it could no longer reside within His presence and begged for refuge in the swine, prior to their inevitable demise.

Do not be afraid or become bewildered when people abruptly exit your Life. View it as the Lord's protection over a Life that He has purposed for something greater than what you thought you had to begin with. Allow their presence to exit your Life, enter the swine and cast themselves down. And in all ways, acknowledge the Lord with YOUR words, thoughts and actions that will NOT halt, hinder or derail your Life's mission and purpose.

To God Be the Wonderfully Magnificent Glory!!!

Thank You Jesus!!!

Love and My Children are My Inspiration!
Love and My Children are My Motivation!
Love and My Children are My Celebration!
Love and My Children are My Dedication!

Smile and Love Always!
Corey A. Ford

"Protect Me O'Lord"

Even BEFORE the daggers have been removed from their sheaths, I take refuge in the Lord.

Before Judas betrayed Christ, He ALWAYS took refuge in and with the Lord.

When I lost that job, I took refuge in the Lord.

When my enemies mounted up, my refuge was in the Lord.

When loyalty was thrown in the recycle bin to never be used again, I took refuge in the Lord.

Weeping may endure for the night, but JOY, JOY, JOY, made its presence known by coming to me this morning!

"Protect Me O'Lord" as I prepare for JOY! JOY! JOY!

Weeping may ENDURE for the night, but

To God Be the Wonderfully Magnificent Glory, for an All the Best, All the Time Existence!

Love and My Children are My Inspiration!
Love and My Children are My Motivation!
Love and My Children are My Celebration!
Love and My Children are My Dedication!

Smile and Love Always!
Corey A. Ford


Try to Smile HARDER....for it travels FARTHER!

To God Be the Wonderfully Awesome Glory, for an All the Best, All the Time Existence!

Love and My Children are My Inspiration!
Love and My Children are My Motivation!
Love and My Children are My Celebration!
Love and My Children are My Dedication!

Smile and Love Always!
Corey A. Ford

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

"Higher Standard"

The level that we see ourselves is habitually less than and lower than the level that God has placed us on Life's shelves. The placement has everything to do with the visibility factor, for what we are purposed to do, was meant to be seen, as an example of what He is capable of, once we submit ourselves unto Him.

Examples representing what the solution looks like and not what the problem tells you that it is. God is solution-oriented and frets not about problems that He is capable of permanently vanquishing on a whim. But, the answers to those problems are not contained within us, but through Him.

The standards on which we stake a claim should not permit us to see with limited visibility. For it is through our "Higher Standards" for ourselves that we will see clearer and farther as we continue to ascend to heights unprecedented and explore the possibilities of what was once thought to be limited.

Thank God that He does not see us as we see ourselves!

Thank God that He places us high upon the shelves and out of the reach of limitations and impossibilities!

Thank God that He sometimes removes me from that shelf and holds me in His hands in order to reveal His Might, and to further demonstrate that contained within His Will, is the ability to persevere and bare witness to the art of fighting, without the actual fight.

He placed me back on the shelf after having administered to my heart. I concede to the stitching of the Spiritual wealth, that makes whole, each and every one of my many parts.

So, pardon the visual of my flesh as my stitching begins to heal. Being held to a "Higher Standard" is all about and has everything to do, with His Will.

Hold yourself to a....

To God Be the Wonderfully Awesome Glory, for an All the Best, All the Time Existence!

Love and My Children are My Inspiration!
Love and My Children are My Motivation!
Love and My Children are My Celebration!
Love and My Children are My Dedication!

Smile and Love Always!
Corey A. Ford

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

"Life's Difference Makers"

"Life's Difference Makers" do not have the easiest of tasks to undertake, but the direct placement of each of their assignments confirms that the Lord does not necessarily call the qualified, rather He qualifies the called, through His work, their assignments and the growth contained within all of the above.

The ease in which one accomplishes things should be anything but. The appreciation of accomplishing such things should yield a greater understanding of what it means to be chosen by God to do a work, His work, that He has thus assigned.

There will be times of uncertainty, but none of His work will be ambiguous, should you remove yourself from the mechanical aspects of His Will, and just totally submit you unto Him, and trust what He has and why He has you assigned to do what you might not readily understand.

The Lord's Will being done is not contingent upon the comprehension of a logical mind that knows not even a fraction of the magnitude and colossal impacts that the Will shall complete. Defeated is the mindset that has its mind made up about how the glorious enactments should actually be enacted.

"Life's Difference Makers" show up to make a difference and depart having made that difference, irrespective of their knowledge of such. For they trust that His divine presence has vicariously gifted the situation since the Will shall be done, with or without their consent.

Choose to relinquish you, in lieu of Him, to make a difference in them, whoever they might be.

"Life's Difference Makers"

To God Be the Wonderfully Awesome Glory, for an All the Best, All the Time Existence!

Love and My Children are My Inspiration!
Love and My Children are My Motivation!
Love and My Children are My Celebration!
Love and My Children are My Dedication!

Smile and Love Always!
Corey A. Ford

Thursday, December 13, 2012

"Cleanse Your Palate"

I wake up with this unspeakable joy in my heart, tasting every word, chewing on each of the sentences, clinging to the very last bite before I digest what I have just consumed, until I realize that unspeakable joy does not ever part from you. It shall always be upon, with and a part of you, from its conception within you.

"Cleanse Your Palate," and prepare to taste your very own unspeakable joy.

To God Be the Wonderfully Awesome Glory, for an All the Best, All the Time Existence!

Love and My Children are My Inspiration!
Love and My Children are My Motivation!
Love and My Children are My Celebration!
Love and My Children are My Dedication!

Smile and Love Always!
Corey A. Ford

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

"Conform to His Grace"

I arise with Love in my heart, to not soon part ways with Life's brand new start. The past is where it belongs, but I am thankful that it revealed all that was right, and I am grateful that it revealed all that was wrong. A song of praise emanates from my lips. The glory is in staying close, adjoined to my Lord's hips. To never part from His presence, and to always seek His face. May I be transformed forever, only to "Conform to His Grace."

To God Be the Wonderfully Awesome Glory, for an All the Best, All the Time Existence!

Love and My Children are My Inspiration!
Love and My Children are My Motivation!
Love and My Children are My Celebration!
Love and My Children are My Dedication!

Smile and Love Always!
Corey A. Ford

Thursday, December 06, 2012

"Know the Value"

Your willingness to negotiate your worth could be indicative of the fact that you are NOT abundantly aware of WHAT your worth actually is. Before you ever negotiate ANYTHING, "Know the Value" of what you are negotiating with.

To God Be the Wonderfully Awesome Glory, for an All the Best, All the Time Existence!

Love and My Children are My Inspiration!
Love and My Children are My Motivation!
Love and My Children are My Celebration!
Love and My Children are My Dedication!

Smile and Love Always!
Corey A. Ford

Wednesday, December 05, 2012


The circumference of the seed of Faith is equivalent to the circumference of the seed of doubt. Which circumference you place your belief system in determines the flexibility and inflexibility of said circumference. Faith is for you! Doubt destroys you!

To God Be the Wonderfully Awesome Glory, for an All the Best, All the Time Existence!

Love and My Children are My Inspiration!
Love and My Children are My Motivation!
Love and My Children are My Celebration!
Love and My Children are My Dedication!

Smile and Love Always!
Corey A. Ford

Saturday, December 01, 2012

"Love's Marathon"

As soon as you leave Love at the altar, right out of the gate you begin to falter.

The sprinter doesn't fare well in "Love's Marathon."

You need to pace yourself, and not race yourself, since you are no longer doing this by yourself.

To God Be the Wonderfully Awesome Glory, for an All the Best, All the Time Existence!

Love and My Children are My Inspiration!
Love and My Children are My Motivation!
Love and My Children are My Celebration!
Love and My Children are My Dedication!

Smile and Love Always!
Corey A. Ford