I have never met a flaw, that I could not appreciate!
I never made an attempt, in which I put forth no effort!
I never refused to accept a past, that had nothing to do with me!
I never refused to view a past, that has everything to do with me!
When I learned what Love truly meant, I never used it as I previously did!
When I began to comprehend the verb in Love, my actions became my words!
When the Word first spoke Agape to me, I devoured the notion that such could exist and cultivated the possibilities within my heart!
Your flaws...Good thing my heart doesn't care what your mouth says.
We should all Love our flaws! Someone out there Loves you because of them, and wants to Love you inspite of them, and Love you despite your protest of them, Loving you and them!
Embrace your flaws and the accompanying Love that wants to Love you and your flaws because you do deserve to be Loved, irrespective of how undeserving you might feel about yourself. Fortunately, what others think about us is none of our business. But, the business of Love is everybody's business!
I've embraced my flaws! = CHECK!
I Love me! = CHECK!
I deserve to be Loved! = CHECK!
I Promise to Love! = CHECK!
Do not allow the fear nor your flaws, to ever alter the natural course of your heart!
My heart and, "I Love Your Flaws."
To God Be the Wonderfully magnificent Glory, for an All the Best, All the Time Existence!
Love and My Children are My Inspiration!
Love and My Children are My Motivation!
Love and My Children are My Celebration!
Love and My Children are My Dedication!
Smile and Love Always!
Corey A. Ford