Smile And Love Always!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

"Do Not Allow What Others Say and Do To Alter the Natural Course of Your Heart!"

Abrupt changes in your Life does not mean that God has cast you aside. My personal testimony has the Lord saving me from myself, by not allowing me to make a colossal mistake of epic proportions, from leading with and following my own heart.

What I have learned in Life is that, just because your heart is designed to giving, does not mean that the other heart, the receiving heart, will alter its natural design and internal make-up, in an appreciating manner that will otherwise convince you that it is "you," and not what you can or cannot do for the receiving heart, that they are in Love with.

Right on in steps the Lord, plucking and removing you from what you are about to do to you, for the vision that He has for you is so much greater than the sight and light in which we see ourselves!

Thank You Jesus!!!

Thank You for saving me from me!

Thank You for removing me from self-destruction!

Thank You for securing my foundation!

Thank You for not allowing what others say and/or do to alter the natural course of my heart!

Thank You for the continuous deposits that you make within my Life, thus making me a stronger servant to you, for NO servant is greater than his Master!

Thank You for the ReVival of my Spirit!

Thank You for the ReNewal of my mind!

Thank You for the ReDemption of my soul, for everything that I repent to You!

Thank You for the knowledge and wisdom of King Solomon, that provides me, by way of my Sword, the Words for clarity and understanding!

Thank You for the High Praises of King Solomon's Father Kind David, for first demonstrating what it means to glorify Your Name, giving You ALL of the Honor, Glory, and Praise, that one mouth and one's actions can muster!

Even after your heart has been broken!

Even when you do not understand why or what has changed!

Ask God for a wise heart that will not soon depart from your Life, during your Life.

Pray for knowledge! For what we "think" we understand shall always be a microcosm for what we actually do comprehend!

"Do Not Allow What Others Say and Do, To Alter the Natural Course of Your Heart!"

May the mistakes of yesterday, bring Clarity to what was done wrong, providing Knowledge for what not to do going and growing forward, and Wisdom to recognize when the flesh attempts to revert back to what it thinks it knows.

To God Be the Glory!

In the eyes of God, "sin is sin." Do not judge another person because they have or they do, sin differently than you. In the eyes of God, "sin is sin."

Therefore, "Do Not Allow What Others Say and Do, To Alter the Natural Course of Your Heart!"

To God Be the Wonderfully Magnificent Glory, for an All the BEST, All the TIME Existence!

God, Love, and Smile Always!

All the BEST, All the TIME!
Corey A. Ford

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