Smile And Love Always!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

"Make the Most of YOUR -Dash-"

A good friend of mine that used to encourage me once told me that you have to "Make the Most of YOUR -Dash-." YOUR Life is the "-Dash-" that rests squarely between YOUR birth and YOUR death. Everything that happens in between is YOUR "-Dash-" and is representative of YOUR Life, hence the call to "Make the Most of YOUR -Dash-."

It took me a second or two to comprehend the core of what was being said, because it was actually easier than what I had initially made it out to be.

YOUR "-Dash-" is YOUR Life and all that lies within. YOUR "-Dash-" is what has been bestowed upon YOU in the beautiful form of Life, to make the most of it, giving it YOUR best and bringing the most out of YOUR best.

The beauty in YOUR "-Dash-" is the fact that it cannot be claimed or represented by anyone but YOU. Of everything that perhaps YOU do not have or own, YOU do have and own YOUR "-Dash-."

Compliments of my good friend, six valuable words were shared with me that day and I still heed the advice: "Make the Most of YOUR -Dash-."

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

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