You ever do something so well in one area that others imply that you must have "missed your calling?" Well, that has been directed to me on many occasions, so much so that I once started to believe it. I started to ponder where I went wrong. Perhaps I should have "stayed the course," but look where that got him. In a nutshell, we do not "miss our callings" because HE does not make mistakes. Our "Scheduled Impact" is not on OUR calendar nor OUR time, but HIS. When and where I make my impact is all within HIS plan, HIS schedule.
The calling for your "Scheduled Impact" is before you. You might not know where or how you will make the difference in someone else's life, but rest assured that your proactive measures will possibly change the course of someone's life; the same someone that could be moments away from changing the course of their own existence. Hence the reason it is imperative to ALWAYS make a positive impact on those around you. Whatever it is that they could be going through could possibly use your comforting words, strength and love, thus allowing you to make your "Scheduled Impact."
Perhaps making "Scheduled Impacts" WAS your calling? Until we "Learn to Embrace" what we do and what we do not do well, we will not be able to fully appreciate our "Scheduled Impacts."
I never missed my calling. I am doing exactly what I'm supposed to be doing, when I'm supposed to be doing it and how I'm supposed to be doing it. And during the process, I pray that my "Scheduled Impact" has positively influenced your very own existence.
My Mother is the Inspiration!
My Mother is the Motivation!
My Mother is the Celebration!
All the Best, All the Time!
Friday, December 28, 2007
Monday, December 24, 2007
"More of a Man"
"Sometimes it takes more of a man to walk away than it does to stand up and fight."
Back in the 8th grade is when my Mother schooled me on that quote. Little did I know that she was teaching me one of the lessons on manhood, not just on how to be one, but on how to be the best one. "Being a man encompasses so much, but so few encompass the necessary attributes of being one."
Life Lessons are not just taught during one's life, but also in their death. Since my capacity for learning is infinite, I continue to be "Engaged with Knowledge." Our nuptials are not pending and no annulment, separation or divorce will be on the horizon any time soon.
Yes, we have to pick and choose our battles. We have to be conscience on whom we declare war on or against. We need to readily understand that it is IN the understanding and not how we selfishly interpret it.
Until the last rose adorned my Mother's coffin, I was leaning on her very words that filled my ears back in the 8th grade: "Sometimes it takes more of a man to walk away than it does to stand up and fight."
My Mother is the Inspiration!
My Mother is the Motivation!
My Mother is the Celebration!
All the Best, All the Time!
Back in the 8th grade is when my Mother schooled me on that quote. Little did I know that she was teaching me one of the lessons on manhood, not just on how to be one, but on how to be the best one. "Being a man encompasses so much, but so few encompass the necessary attributes of being one."
Life Lessons are not just taught during one's life, but also in their death. Since my capacity for learning is infinite, I continue to be "Engaged with Knowledge." Our nuptials are not pending and no annulment, separation or divorce will be on the horizon any time soon.
Yes, we have to pick and choose our battles. We have to be conscience on whom we declare war on or against. We need to readily understand that it is IN the understanding and not how we selfishly interpret it.
Until the last rose adorned my Mother's coffin, I was leaning on her very words that filled my ears back in the 8th grade: "Sometimes it takes more of a man to walk away than it does to stand up and fight."
My Mother is the Inspiration!
My Mother is the Motivation!
My Mother is the Celebration!
All the Best, All the Time!
Sunday, December 23, 2007
"The Company You Keep"
Momma used to tell me that "You're judged by the company you keep." If that group is doing the wrong thing, even though you're NOT one of the wrongdoers, the external perception of you will lead people to judge a book by its cover and assume that since you're AMONGST the wrongdoers, you MUST be one OF them! Afterall, if you're NOT one of them, then why on earth would you allow yourself to fall into that visual trap?
So, if you're NOT hitting the nail right on the head, then what's the point? My momma never missed the nail. In an effort to hammer my own point home, I would often miss the point AND the nail, thus hitting my thumb. That's what I got for THINKING I knew better than Mom.
If you can't find good, inspiring company, then keep YOURSELF company! If your company is looking down on you and not extending an UPLIFTING hand, then keep YOURSELF company! If your company misrepresents who and what you're about then YOU represent WHO and WHAT you're all about. As a matter of fact, no one should represent you BUT you!
Yes indeed, we ARE judged by the company we keep. And when my Mother transitioned on to Glory, HE kept me company. When the clouds were hovering, HE kept me company. When the winds were waiting for me to turn the corner, HE kept me company. And when the tears are falling, HE STILL keeps me company. I'm proud to say that YES, I'm indeed in GOOD company.
Always make sure that you too are in good company. The kind of company that will never set and leave you adrift for no apparent reason. The type of company that will truly have ALL of your best interests at heart.
Since you're judged by the company you keep, always make sure that you're in good company.
All the Best, All the Time!
So, if you're NOT hitting the nail right on the head, then what's the point? My momma never missed the nail. In an effort to hammer my own point home, I would often miss the point AND the nail, thus hitting my thumb. That's what I got for THINKING I knew better than Mom.
If you can't find good, inspiring company, then keep YOURSELF company! If your company is looking down on you and not extending an UPLIFTING hand, then keep YOURSELF company! If your company misrepresents who and what you're about then YOU represent WHO and WHAT you're all about. As a matter of fact, no one should represent you BUT you!
Yes indeed, we ARE judged by the company we keep. And when my Mother transitioned on to Glory, HE kept me company. When the clouds were hovering, HE kept me company. When the winds were waiting for me to turn the corner, HE kept me company. And when the tears are falling, HE STILL keeps me company. I'm proud to say that YES, I'm indeed in GOOD company.
Always make sure that you too are in good company. The kind of company that will never set and leave you adrift for no apparent reason. The type of company that will truly have ALL of your best interests at heart.
Since you're judged by the company you keep, always make sure that you're in good company.
All the Best, All the Time!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
"The Road To Happiness"
Even though "The Road to Happiness" might be littered with cigarette butts, broken bottles, empty cans, broken down vehicles, people hitchhiking, inclement weather, lost souls, drug infested communities, fatherless homes, low Church attendance and shattered dreams, "The Road to Happiness" is STILL real!!!
I HAVE to be EVERYTHING I ever wanted to be in order to satisfy the insatiable appetite of my innermost soul. "How could I possibly be or do otherwise?" I LOUDLY proclaim to myself and ANYONE in earshot of my voice. It's a Blessing to know that the "The Road to Happiness" is STILL real and very obtainable.
That happiness "ain't" defined by what OTHERS think or what their conjured up thoughts might be. And as sure as the use of "ain't" in a grammatically incorrect fashion stands out, so does the need to map quest or TomTom your way to that oft times elusive, off the main road, potentially backroad, could be gravel/dirt road; "The Road to Happiness."
Unless I'm picking up an extra passenger, I won't be stopping! My tank is FULL, no gas needed! No left turns, no right turns and DEFINITELY no u-turns! Only forward progression is permitted and I won't be checking my rearview.
Ride with me or meet me there!
I look forward to the day when I can witness bumper to bumper, stop and go traffic on the "The Road to Happiness."
Ride with me or meet me there!
My Mother is the Inspiration!
My Mother is the Motivation!
My Mother is the Celebration!
All the Best, All the Time!
I HAVE to be EVERYTHING I ever wanted to be in order to satisfy the insatiable appetite of my innermost soul. "How could I possibly be or do otherwise?" I LOUDLY proclaim to myself and ANYONE in earshot of my voice. It's a Blessing to know that the "The Road to Happiness" is STILL real and very obtainable.
That happiness "ain't" defined by what OTHERS think or what their conjured up thoughts might be. And as sure as the use of "ain't" in a grammatically incorrect fashion stands out, so does the need to map quest or TomTom your way to that oft times elusive, off the main road, potentially backroad, could be gravel/dirt road; "The Road to Happiness."
Unless I'm picking up an extra passenger, I won't be stopping! My tank is FULL, no gas needed! No left turns, no right turns and DEFINITELY no u-turns! Only forward progression is permitted and I won't be checking my rearview.
Ride with me or meet me there!
I look forward to the day when I can witness bumper to bumper, stop and go traffic on the "The Road to Happiness."
Ride with me or meet me there!
My Mother is the Inspiration!
My Mother is the Motivation!
My Mother is the Celebration!
All the Best, All the Time!
"Trying Times Highway"
When we remove our personal shudders, more often than not we will come to realize that many people around us are going through (something). Quite frankly, we would be hard pressed to say that we do NOT know someone, anyone that is in the midst of "Trying Times." Personally, I know quite a few, including MYSELF.
I've come to the realization that the most challenging aspect of "Trying Times" is not what we're in the midst OF, but our perseverance which directs us down the "path of least resistance" and the closest exit off of "Trying Times Highway."
Sometimes in our attempt to exit "Trying Times Highway" we attempt to make illegal u-turns, knowing good and well that we're NOT authorized vehicles and that action is prohibited. Even though the next exit might be quite a ways down the road, the important thing we must keep in mind is not where the exit is but how diligent we are in making it to that exit and rejoicing upon our arrival.
Failure to follow instructions or directions will always lead us straight to "Trying Times Highway." But "Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining." When my Mother used to recite that quote to me I could not fathom how she could derive the positive lessons from the most negative of situations. But that in and of itself is exactly where the silver lining was discovered.
The next time you find yourself in between exits on "Trying Times Highway" know that the silver lining within the cloud will expose itself soon enough and most importantly, when the time is right.
My Mother is the Inspiration!
My Mother is the Motivation!
My Mother is the Celebration!
All the Best, All the Time!
I've come to the realization that the most challenging aspect of "Trying Times" is not what we're in the midst OF, but our perseverance which directs us down the "path of least resistance" and the closest exit off of "Trying Times Highway."
Sometimes in our attempt to exit "Trying Times Highway" we attempt to make illegal u-turns, knowing good and well that we're NOT authorized vehicles and that action is prohibited. Even though the next exit might be quite a ways down the road, the important thing we must keep in mind is not where the exit is but how diligent we are in making it to that exit and rejoicing upon our arrival.
Failure to follow instructions or directions will always lead us straight to "Trying Times Highway." But "Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining." When my Mother used to recite that quote to me I could not fathom how she could derive the positive lessons from the most negative of situations. But that in and of itself is exactly where the silver lining was discovered.
The next time you find yourself in between exits on "Trying Times Highway" know that the silver lining within the cloud will expose itself soon enough and most importantly, when the time is right.
My Mother is the Inspiration!
My Mother is the Motivation!
My Mother is the Celebration!
All the Best, All the Time!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
"I Represent My Momma"
Growing up with impeccable mannerisms and good habits were NOT optional. They were kind of like that "mandatory-voluntary" meeting that your boss invited you to. "Nah, you do not HAVE to come, but you’d BETTER go!" Nah, we did not HAVE to exhibit impeccable mannerisms and good habits, but if we knew what was good for us, we’d BETTER! Well, the level of participation for attending that meeting, having good habits and manners never really had optional as an option. It was all a figment of your imagination! You KNEW what you needed to do because you KNOW what is always expected of you!
High level expectations do not ever really change. It’s the devil in the detail that tends to be the moving target. From the detail to the high level, your actions and/or inaction's will forever represent what was instilled in you from the beginning.
Whenever I stepped outside of my Mothers home, I represented her. I represented her with my walk, with my talk, with my behavior, with my respect, with my conduct, with my SMILE, with my tenacity, with my fervor, with my heart, with my spirit, with my generosity, with my love. And with ALL OF MY MIGHT, "I Represented My Momma." She would have it no other way. I can hear her now: "Don’t burn your bridges Corey. You know you get more flies with honey than you do vinegar." My momma ALWAYS had something to tell me. A piece of advice after I thought the advice assembly line was all out of product. She ALWAYS had a piece of SOMETHING stashed away. I think she got a kick out of my facial expressions or my sudden silence on the phone before I asked her to repeat what I thought I just heard. To have a Mother like I did proved to be a Heaven sent Blessing that could have ONLY been bestowed upon me, by HIM.
Know that when you witness my walk, witness my talk, witness my behavior, witness my respect, witness my conduct, witness my SMILE, witness my tenacity, witness my fervor, witness my heart, witness my spirit, witness my generosity and witness my love. You need to know ONE thing. "I Represent My Momma."
My Mother is the Inspiration!
My Mother is the Motivation!
My Mother is the Celebration!
All the Best, All the Time!
High level expectations do not ever really change. It’s the devil in the detail that tends to be the moving target. From the detail to the high level, your actions and/or inaction's will forever represent what was instilled in you from the beginning.
Whenever I stepped outside of my Mothers home, I represented her. I represented her with my walk, with my talk, with my behavior, with my respect, with my conduct, with my SMILE, with my tenacity, with my fervor, with my heart, with my spirit, with my generosity, with my love. And with ALL OF MY MIGHT, "I Represented My Momma." She would have it no other way. I can hear her now: "Don’t burn your bridges Corey. You know you get more flies with honey than you do vinegar." My momma ALWAYS had something to tell me. A piece of advice after I thought the advice assembly line was all out of product. She ALWAYS had a piece of SOMETHING stashed away. I think she got a kick out of my facial expressions or my sudden silence on the phone before I asked her to repeat what I thought I just heard. To have a Mother like I did proved to be a Heaven sent Blessing that could have ONLY been bestowed upon me, by HIM.
Know that when you witness my walk, witness my talk, witness my behavior, witness my respect, witness my conduct, witness my SMILE, witness my tenacity, witness my fervor, witness my heart, witness my spirit, witness my generosity and witness my love. You need to know ONE thing. "I Represent My Momma."
My Mother is the Inspiration!
My Mother is the Motivation!
My Mother is the Celebration!
All the Best, All the Time!
"Cheat Sheet"
Back in Grade School, High School, Vocational School and even College, it always behooved me to create a "Cheat Sheet." The purpose of this "Cheat Sheet" was NOT to cheat, but served as a checkpoint for all of the important things that I needed to study for and remember in order to prepare for and successfully pass my test or exam.
Throughout my life my Mother has served as my "Cheat Sheet." Whenever I needed an "Ear to Hear," "Someone to Brainstorm With" or "Toss My Ideas Off Of," my Mother was my go to person. My Mother always told me that "Man Plans, But GOD Decides." As usual, she was right again, because I wasn't planning on the events that culminated into what became the "Celebration of Her Life."
My "Cheat Sheet" always provided me with the answers that I needed, the advice that I sought and the confidence that was required to navigate through the rough terrain that we commonly refer to as life. My "Cheat Sheet" had all of what I needed in the earthly realm to effectively make it happen. My "Cheat Sheet" was always one phone call away. My "Cheat Sheet" provided me with a lifetime of information, advice, love and memories. Yes, I have truly been Blessed to have had my "Cheat Sheet" in the wonderfully beautiful form of "My Mother."
For all that know me, have listened to my music and read my blogs, know that beyond a shadow of doubt, void of ANY ambiguity and with every ounce of my being, I LOVE My Mother. I CHERISH My Mother. I ADORE My Mother. My Mother has been my "Rock of Gibraltar," my spiritual guidance and the reason I refuse to let the grass grow under my feet.
The rest of my life will serve as a platform for everything that my Mother stood for, believed in, achieved and accomplished. Oft times we try to live vicariously because we desire what we THINK others have. I choose to breathe life in the form of my Mother's Legacy through me and everything I do from this day forth. I had the distinct pleasure of sharing my blogs with my mother and witnessing her joy in knowing that I have always carried her words near and dear to my heart. You see, when my Mother was talking, I was always listening. And for her to know that I was indeed paying attention validated everything that she taught me along her journey's path.
I can no longer call UP my "Cheat Sheet" when I need that comforting voice, but rest assured that I can always call ON my "Cheat Sheet" for the rest of my life.
Whatever test or exam that life throws my way, I am confident that my "Cheat Sheet" already contains the answers and will safely navigate me through.
My Mother is the Inspiration!
My Mother is the Motivation!
My Mother is the Celebration!
All the Best, All the Time!
Throughout my life my Mother has served as my "Cheat Sheet." Whenever I needed an "Ear to Hear," "Someone to Brainstorm With" or "Toss My Ideas Off Of," my Mother was my go to person. My Mother always told me that "Man Plans, But GOD Decides." As usual, she was right again, because I wasn't planning on the events that culminated into what became the "Celebration of Her Life."
My "Cheat Sheet" always provided me with the answers that I needed, the advice that I sought and the confidence that was required to navigate through the rough terrain that we commonly refer to as life. My "Cheat Sheet" had all of what I needed in the earthly realm to effectively make it happen. My "Cheat Sheet" was always one phone call away. My "Cheat Sheet" provided me with a lifetime of information, advice, love and memories. Yes, I have truly been Blessed to have had my "Cheat Sheet" in the wonderfully beautiful form of "My Mother."
For all that know me, have listened to my music and read my blogs, know that beyond a shadow of doubt, void of ANY ambiguity and with every ounce of my being, I LOVE My Mother. I CHERISH My Mother. I ADORE My Mother. My Mother has been my "Rock of Gibraltar," my spiritual guidance and the reason I refuse to let the grass grow under my feet.
The rest of my life will serve as a platform for everything that my Mother stood for, believed in, achieved and accomplished. Oft times we try to live vicariously because we desire what we THINK others have. I choose to breathe life in the form of my Mother's Legacy through me and everything I do from this day forth. I had the distinct pleasure of sharing my blogs with my mother and witnessing her joy in knowing that I have always carried her words near and dear to my heart. You see, when my Mother was talking, I was always listening. And for her to know that I was indeed paying attention validated everything that she taught me along her journey's path.
I can no longer call UP my "Cheat Sheet" when I need that comforting voice, but rest assured that I can always call ON my "Cheat Sheet" for the rest of my life.
Whatever test or exam that life throws my way, I am confident that my "Cheat Sheet" already contains the answers and will safely navigate me through.
My Mother is the Inspiration!
My Mother is the Motivation!
My Mother is the Celebration!
All the Best, All the Time!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
"Permanent and Removable Retainers"
So, after the braces come off, the "Permanent Retainer" becomes the BEST option to thwart the attempt of the teeth to move back to their "unrightful" position. You see, not even teeth like or adapt to change very well. The "Permanent Retainer" acts in the same manner as the "Removable Retainer," but its PERMANENT. Sometimes the "Permanent Retainer" can and will be used in conjunction WITH the "Removable Retainer" to reinforce the fact that the teeth need to stay in their "rightful" position. The problem stems from the fact that the teeth have ONLY known ONE position, the "unrightful" one.
So, when the introduction of change comes into play, our lives also need the reinforcements of a permanent and/or removable retainer. Oft times we are so used to the "unrightful" positions that we have allowed ourselves to be in, that even when the change is a change for the better, without our retainers, we're tempted to move back to those "unrightful" positions because once upon a time, it was all that we knew. Certain positions require the attention of BOTH retainers. The use of both retainers is to simply reinforce the reinforcements.
HE is my "Permanent Retainer." My children are my "Removable Retainers." In conjunction with one another, they keep me in my "rightful" position. They keep me upright! They keep me straight! And as long as I have them, they will always allow me to shine when I Smile.
Love is the Inspiration!
All the Best, All the Time!
So, when the introduction of change comes into play, our lives also need the reinforcements of a permanent and/or removable retainer. Oft times we are so used to the "unrightful" positions that we have allowed ourselves to be in, that even when the change is a change for the better, without our retainers, we're tempted to move back to those "unrightful" positions because once upon a time, it was all that we knew. Certain positions require the attention of BOTH retainers. The use of both retainers is to simply reinforce the reinforcements.
HE is my "Permanent Retainer." My children are my "Removable Retainers." In conjunction with one another, they keep me in my "rightful" position. They keep me upright! They keep me straight! And as long as I have them, they will always allow me to shine when I Smile.
Love is the Inspiration!
All the Best, All the Time!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
"Behind the Wheel"
Last year this time had no idea what this year this time was going to bring my way. But now that this year this time is upon me, I know exactly what it has brought my way. All the while, it wasn't imperative that I knew "What A Difference" a year was going to make, but that I continued to forge ahead with what I needed to accomplish. The story's ending wasn't my beginning, therefore, I needed to disassociate myself with the unknown and continue with the knowns that I knew.
Less confusing than what it sounds, I needed to NOT worry about the outcome and focus my attention on the elements that were well within my reach and allow the intangibles to fall and lay exactly where they fell. In essence, the intangibles needed to relinquish their PERCEIVED control and I needed to get out of the passenger's seat of my OWN vehicle.
It's OK to ride from time to time, so long as you never lose your sense of what it feels like to be "Behind the Wheel."
Love is the Inspiration!
All the Best, All the Time!
Less confusing than what it sounds, I needed to NOT worry about the outcome and focus my attention on the elements that were well within my reach and allow the intangibles to fall and lay exactly where they fell. In essence, the intangibles needed to relinquish their PERCEIVED control and I needed to get out of the passenger's seat of my OWN vehicle.
It's OK to ride from time to time, so long as you never lose your sense of what it feels like to be "Behind the Wheel."
Love is the Inspiration!
All the Best, All the Time!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
"Not About Me"
As a "Work in Progress" I have learned to continuously remove myself from the equation, so that I do not allow myself to get frustrated with what I might otherwise deem as a "Lack of Progress." I have to continuously remind myself that it's "Not About Me." The path might come through my town or perhaps even take up residence within, but it is STILL, "Not About Me."
Everytime I fail to remind myself that it is truly "Not About Me," I fail to realize that the blessing is not it "BEING about me" but the blessing lies within the fact that I should be honored that it is being facilitated THROUGH me. Yet still, it's "Not About Me."
Whether I am the "Work in Progress" or it has been determined that it should make a stop in my town, I promise to do my best to remind myself that it is "Not About Me."
Love is the Inspiration!
All the Best, All the Time!
Everytime I fail to remind myself that it is truly "Not About Me," I fail to realize that the blessing is not it "BEING about me" but the blessing lies within the fact that I should be honored that it is being facilitated THROUGH me. Yet still, it's "Not About Me."
Whether I am the "Work in Progress" or it has been determined that it should make a stop in my town, I promise to do my best to remind myself that it is "Not About Me."
Love is the Inspiration!
All the Best, All the Time!
"Anchored In"
What are you "Anchored In?"
My life consists of HIM, HIS Son, my children, loved ones and family. When I think about what I am "Anchored In," I realize how blessed I really, truly am. There is nothing more important than to be "Anchored In" everything that means everything to me. I could not possibly fathom being set adrift in an "Ocean of Uncertainty" without my anchor.
Without my anchor, my tidal foundation is virtually non-existent. Therefore I have proactively decided to anchor myself with an "Abundance of Love, Brutal Honesty, Extreme Happiness, Absolute Certainty, Non-Cocky Confidence, Configured Responsibility and Habitual Blessings."
Whatever you choose to anchor yourself in, make sure that it is with immovable conviction coupled with an undying passion for what you TRULY believe in.
All the Best, All the Time!
My life consists of HIM, HIS Son, my children, loved ones and family. When I think about what I am "Anchored In," I realize how blessed I really, truly am. There is nothing more important than to be "Anchored In" everything that means everything to me. I could not possibly fathom being set adrift in an "Ocean of Uncertainty" without my anchor.
Without my anchor, my tidal foundation is virtually non-existent. Therefore I have proactively decided to anchor myself with an "Abundance of Love, Brutal Honesty, Extreme Happiness, Absolute Certainty, Non-Cocky Confidence, Configured Responsibility and Habitual Blessings."
Whatever you choose to anchor yourself in, make sure that it is with immovable conviction coupled with an undying passion for what you TRULY believe in.
All the Best, All the Time!
Monday, November 26, 2007
"Time to Move On"
When it's "Time to Move On."
When you have exhausted ALL possibilities and the best case scenario only yields a REMOTE chance for "reconciliation," it's time to make that move. Otherwise that "Comfortable Bed" will start calling you on a first name basis and you might wind up either IN or BACK IN that rut.
Forward progression is the ONLY direction! Looking back on your "Lessons Learned" is the ONLY reason why you should even look back at all. As we move forward, we should be moving TOWARDS something and not running FROM something. At this point in time, by making the decision to move on, we have ALREADY faced our fears. We have stared in the face of adversity, arm-wrestled with it, and our decision ALONE has given us the VICTORY!
When it's "Time to Move On" do so without regret, remorse or could've, would've, should've. Remember, you've exhausted ALL possibilities and "Forward progression is the ONLY direction!"
Love is the Inspiration!
All the Best, All the Time!
When you have exhausted ALL possibilities and the best case scenario only yields a REMOTE chance for "reconciliation," it's time to make that move. Otherwise that "Comfortable Bed" will start calling you on a first name basis and you might wind up either IN or BACK IN that rut.
Forward progression is the ONLY direction! Looking back on your "Lessons Learned" is the ONLY reason why you should even look back at all. As we move forward, we should be moving TOWARDS something and not running FROM something. At this point in time, by making the decision to move on, we have ALREADY faced our fears. We have stared in the face of adversity, arm-wrestled with it, and our decision ALONE has given us the VICTORY!
When it's "Time to Move On" do so without regret, remorse or could've, would've, should've. Remember, you've exhausted ALL possibilities and "Forward progression is the ONLY direction!"
Love is the Inspiration!
All the Best, All the Time!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
"Where I Should Be"
"If that is where your heart is, that is where you should be...."
We're always planning out our days and going to places that we never have intentions on staying. I have found that I better enjoy going to places that I never have intentions on leaving. Places that hold a special place within my heart. And since that is where my heart is, that is "Where I Should Be."
Spending those precious moments that could feasibly become their OWN moments in time. Capturing those mental photographic scenes, forever etched in your mind. Since that is where my heart is, that is "Where I Should Be."
Family and loved ones help create the picture perfect memory of ALL that I aspire to be. Turning back the hands of time, if only to get it right the 2nd time around. Since that is where my heart is, that is "Where I Should Be."
Giving Honor and Praise for ALL that I have and ALL that I have become means MORE to me than ALL that I have and ALL that I have become. Since that is where my heart is, that is "Where I Should Be."
I like where I am. I'm EXACTLY "Where I Should Be."
All the Best, All the Time!
We're always planning out our days and going to places that we never have intentions on staying. I have found that I better enjoy going to places that I never have intentions on leaving. Places that hold a special place within my heart. And since that is where my heart is, that is "Where I Should Be."
Spending those precious moments that could feasibly become their OWN moments in time. Capturing those mental photographic scenes, forever etched in your mind. Since that is where my heart is, that is "Where I Should Be."
Family and loved ones help create the picture perfect memory of ALL that I aspire to be. Turning back the hands of time, if only to get it right the 2nd time around. Since that is where my heart is, that is "Where I Should Be."
Giving Honor and Praise for ALL that I have and ALL that I have become means MORE to me than ALL that I have and ALL that I have become. Since that is where my heart is, that is "Where I Should Be."
I like where I am. I'm EXACTLY "Where I Should Be."
All the Best, All the Time!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
"My Something BETTER To Do"
"If you have nothing better to do...."
Sure, we've heard that one before.
"If you have nothing better to do...."
"Don't you have something better to do?"
Yes, we've definitely heard THOSE before.
Well, I've FOUND "My Something BETTER To Do."
In the form of LOVE, I HAVE "My Something BETTER To Do."
We are and represent "OUR Something BETTER To Do."
I am "HER Something BETTER To Do."
She is "MY Something BETTER To Do."
HE is "Our Something BETTER To Do."
We are each other's "Something BETTER To Do."
Yes, we all have something better to do, but are we doing it is the question? Or are we simply waiting for someone to ask us, "Don't you have something better to do?"
Going forward let's make that question "N/A." That question is NOT APPLICABLE!
Everything that we do from this day forth will exemplify and personify that YES, we do INDEED....have "Something BETTER To Do."
So, what are you doing today?
As for me....I have "Something Better to Do."
Love is STILL the Inspiration!
All the Best, All the Time!
Sure, we've heard that one before.
"If you have nothing better to do...."
"Don't you have something better to do?"
Yes, we've definitely heard THOSE before.
Well, I've FOUND "My Something BETTER To Do."
In the form of LOVE, I HAVE "My Something BETTER To Do."
We are and represent "OUR Something BETTER To Do."
I am "HER Something BETTER To Do."
She is "MY Something BETTER To Do."
HE is "Our Something BETTER To Do."
We are each other's "Something BETTER To Do."
Yes, we all have something better to do, but are we doing it is the question? Or are we simply waiting for someone to ask us, "Don't you have something better to do?"
Going forward let's make that question "N/A." That question is NOT APPLICABLE!
Everything that we do from this day forth will exemplify and personify that YES, we do INDEED....have "Something BETTER To Do."
So, what are you doing today?
As for me....I have "Something Better to Do."
Love is STILL the Inspiration!
All the Best, All the Time!
Friday, November 16, 2007
"Make Them Leave, Make Them Stay"
Commitment is an all too powerful adjective that describes in meticulous detail how we feel about enduring LOVE. Sometimes we love who we love for the SAKE of being in love. Sometimes we love who we love because "it's a FORM" of love, albeit fragmented. And then there are those of us who love who we love because we think we KNOW love. Unconditional love made its presence known to me during my freshman year of parenthood. I THOUGHT I knew love, but my "SAT's on Love" could not gain me entrance to the Ivy League's.
The security blanket that we wrap ourselves in to protect against the outside elements oft times warns us that the harmful elements are actually coming from within. Our PERCEPTION of what it is clouds our judgment from what it ACTUALLY is. Wearing my heart on my sleeve means nothing if my jacket covers my heart. Saying "I Love You" means nothing if it originates from my mouth and NOT my heart.
Therefore, with the same tenacity and vigor, I LOVE like it's what I do best. I LOVE like my life DEPENDS on it. I LOVE like that is all that I know how to do.
ALWAYS remember that,
If someone loves you, nothing can "Make Them Leave."
If they don't really love you, nothing can "Make Them Stay."
Love is the Inspiration.
All the Best, All the Time!
The security blanket that we wrap ourselves in to protect against the outside elements oft times warns us that the harmful elements are actually coming from within. Our PERCEPTION of what it is clouds our judgment from what it ACTUALLY is. Wearing my heart on my sleeve means nothing if my jacket covers my heart. Saying "I Love You" means nothing if it originates from my mouth and NOT my heart.
Therefore, with the same tenacity and vigor, I LOVE like it's what I do best. I LOVE like my life DEPENDS on it. I LOVE like that is all that I know how to do.
ALWAYS remember that,
If someone loves you, nothing can "Make Them Leave."
If they don't really love you, nothing can "Make Them Stay."
Love is the Inspiration.
All the Best, All the Time!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
"Confidence Baton"
Many of us fail to realize the value that lies within each and every one of us. Perhaps some of us were told contrary to the fact, out of someone else's self-esteem issues? Perhaps the reinforcements that were sought at an early age were non-existent? Or perhaps the passing of the "Confidence Baton" was hindered due to dropping, not knowing how to or just plain failure to get in the race to begin with. Whatever the rhyme or reason, it is OK, actually it is IMPERATIVE to start being everything that you thought you never WOULD or COULD be.
Objectively the view will always differ from the outside looking in. But when WE are the one's on the INSIDE trying to look within, the "Confidence Baton" will have served it's purpose in providing us with the necessary tools to elevate ourselves in the manner and capacity that warrants growth and the realization of our inner-most potential. I have every intention on passing the "Confidence Baton" to my children and implore others to do the same. For those that have never been the recipient of the "Confidence Baton," it is my honor to now pass it on to you.
All the Best, All the Time!
Objectively the view will always differ from the outside looking in. But when WE are the one's on the INSIDE trying to look within, the "Confidence Baton" will have served it's purpose in providing us with the necessary tools to elevate ourselves in the manner and capacity that warrants growth and the realization of our inner-most potential. I have every intention on passing the "Confidence Baton" to my children and implore others to do the same. For those that have never been the recipient of the "Confidence Baton," it is my honor to now pass it on to you.
All the Best, All the Time!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
"Failure Is NOT An Option"
My life depends on it, so "Failure Is NOT An Option"
My children NEED me, so "Failure Is NOT An Option"
My LORD and Savior has expectations OF me, so "Failure Is Definitely NOT An Option"
Even though you might have to fail in order to succeed, your overall attempt should not be defined as failure. It simply means that you had the AUDACITY, the NERVE, the sheer GALL, to try again! Think you've failed at something recently or as of late? Go seek out and find that AUDACITY, the NERVE and your sheer GALL, and try it again.
The "lessons learned" will only aid you in your 2nd or 3rd attempt to get it right. 4th and 5th attempts are permitted as long as you're reviewing and adding to the "lessons learned."
To reiterate MY motivating factors:
My life depends on it, so "Failure Is NOT An Option"
My children NEED me, so "Failure Is NOT An Option"
My LORD and Savior has expectations OF me, so "Failure Is Definitely NOT An Option"
Should you NOT be aware of YOUR motivating factors, find them and tell yourself that "Failure Is NOT An Option."
All the Best, All the Time!
My children NEED me, so "Failure Is NOT An Option"
My LORD and Savior has expectations OF me, so "Failure Is Definitely NOT An Option"
Even though you might have to fail in order to succeed, your overall attempt should not be defined as failure. It simply means that you had the AUDACITY, the NERVE, the sheer GALL, to try again! Think you've failed at something recently or as of late? Go seek out and find that AUDACITY, the NERVE and your sheer GALL, and try it again.
The "lessons learned" will only aid you in your 2nd or 3rd attempt to get it right. 4th and 5th attempts are permitted as long as you're reviewing and adding to the "lessons learned."
To reiterate MY motivating factors:
My life depends on it, so "Failure Is NOT An Option"
My children NEED me, so "Failure Is NOT An Option"
My LORD and Savior has expectations OF me, so "Failure Is Definitely NOT An Option"
Should you NOT be aware of YOUR motivating factors, find them and tell yourself that "Failure Is NOT An Option."
All the Best, All the Time!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
"Kindness for Weakness"
"Interpretation is contingent upon the interpreter. "
That is why we should kindly remind the interpreter that ones kindness should never be mistaken for weakness. Extending a courtesy to someone doesn't mean that you've relinquished power to that person. That is why "reminders" are appropriate from time to time. It's never "what you say, but how you say it." It's never "what you do, but how you do it." You should not mistaken one's "Kindness for Weakness" because they have extended to you THEIR "kindness" during YOUR "weakness."
How we interpret things is often decided in how we WANT to interpret things. Whether it's MY kindness, YOUR weakness or YOUR kindness, MY weakness, interpret the gesture with humbleness and appreciation that is lead by your heart. Some of the kindest people have the most strength and your false interpretation might only display your weakness in an exponential manner.
I am humbled by the kindness that has been afforded to me and as equally humbled in the weakness that I have converted to strength and now offer to others in the form of kindness.
All the Best, All the Time!
That is why we should kindly remind the interpreter that ones kindness should never be mistaken for weakness. Extending a courtesy to someone doesn't mean that you've relinquished power to that person. That is why "reminders" are appropriate from time to time. It's never "what you say, but how you say it." It's never "what you do, but how you do it." You should not mistaken one's "Kindness for Weakness" because they have extended to you THEIR "kindness" during YOUR "weakness."
How we interpret things is often decided in how we WANT to interpret things. Whether it's MY kindness, YOUR weakness or YOUR kindness, MY weakness, interpret the gesture with humbleness and appreciation that is lead by your heart. Some of the kindest people have the most strength and your false interpretation might only display your weakness in an exponential manner.
I am humbled by the kindness that has been afforded to me and as equally humbled in the weakness that I have converted to strength and now offer to others in the form of kindness.
All the Best, All the Time!
Monday, November 12, 2007
"The List"
When I'm planning out my day or ongoing schedule, "The List" of "things to do" can become rather lengthy. Daddy Duties/Family Time/QT with Loved Ones/Daily Chores/Work/Social Activities and as if "The List" has been injected with growth hormones, it continues to grow, if NOT controlled. Through the "Process of Elimination" I do my absolute BEST to control the influx of things that wish to occupy my time.
Instead of solely prioritizing "The List" and revisiting it at a later date and time, I effectively eliminate the trivial contents and their existence altogether. Some things should not just be MODIFIED on your list, but REMOVED! At the end of the day, the things that OCCUPY your time should be WORTH your time. Time is something that is NOT guaranteed, so we should guarantee ourselves the right to better manage OUR time.
Throughout my life I know that I could have better managed my time. Going forward, "The List, My List" shall ONLY be composed of things that are TRULY deserving of MY time. Ego aside, YOUR time, MY time, OUR time is worth its weight in silver and gold. Refuse to cash in your time on things that are less than and NOT equal to that same weight.
All the Best, All the Time!
Instead of solely prioritizing "The List" and revisiting it at a later date and time, I effectively eliminate the trivial contents and their existence altogether. Some things should not just be MODIFIED on your list, but REMOVED! At the end of the day, the things that OCCUPY your time should be WORTH your time. Time is something that is NOT guaranteed, so we should guarantee ourselves the right to better manage OUR time.
Throughout my life I know that I could have better managed my time. Going forward, "The List, My List" shall ONLY be composed of things that are TRULY deserving of MY time. Ego aside, YOUR time, MY time, OUR time is worth its weight in silver and gold. Refuse to cash in your time on things that are less than and NOT equal to that same weight.
All the Best, All the Time!
Friday, November 09, 2007
"I Will Never Leave Your Side"
It took me as far as it could on an empty tank, which was represented in the form of integrity. It was empty due in large part because it was never really full (of integrity) to begin with. Fullness is represented in many ways. They say “it’s not how you start, but how you finish,” right? The start was humble, the emptiness was present and the truth was absent. That was then….
Truth has become, always was and remains to be my dearest friend. Truth has been with me through thick and thin, even when I refused to acknowledge Truth’s presence. I introduced myself to everyone while Truth just stood by waiting for its introduction. Instead of obliging the Truth, it was easier to camouflage it for the sake of consistency or to avoid embarrassment. I’ve come to the conclusion that there is absolutely nothing embarrassing about the Truth. The Truth is the Truth and should be examined as such.
Whatever your Truth is, acknowledge its presence, introduce it to YOURSELF first and others always! Allow Truth to guide your judgment and facilitate your every move. And most importantly, do not allow or permit Truth to be a stranger to YOU!
I’ve learned my lesson. “I Will Never Leave Your Side.” I will ALWAYS stand by the TRUTH!
All the Best, All the Time!
Truth has become, always was and remains to be my dearest friend. Truth has been with me through thick and thin, even when I refused to acknowledge Truth’s presence. I introduced myself to everyone while Truth just stood by waiting for its introduction. Instead of obliging the Truth, it was easier to camouflage it for the sake of consistency or to avoid embarrassment. I’ve come to the conclusion that there is absolutely nothing embarrassing about the Truth. The Truth is the Truth and should be examined as such.
Whatever your Truth is, acknowledge its presence, introduce it to YOURSELF first and others always! Allow Truth to guide your judgment and facilitate your every move. And most importantly, do not allow or permit Truth to be a stranger to YOU!
I’ve learned my lesson. “I Will Never Leave Your Side.” I will ALWAYS stand by the TRUTH!
All the Best, All the Time!
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
"Trouble Don't Last Always"
Your financial pulse does not determine how your blood flows nor is it a gauge for how well you really are. But if you allow it, you can become sick or sickened by the stress factor that accompanies it. But "Trouble Don't Last Always."
Self-preservation should be a mandatory priority within us all. We should obligate ourselves TO ourselves without missing an opportunity to make sure that we're "OK.". As we sometimes do, should we neglect ourselves, it's important and reassuring to know that, "Trouble Don't Last Always."
Balancing the trapeze act that we commonly refer to as "Life" we should ALWAYS keep in mind that WHATEVER ills you, keeps you up at night or tries to break your spirit, is aware of the fact that it's foundation is not sturdy enough to withstand the fact that: "Trouble Don't Last Always."
Be encouraged and motivated in the same fact that: "Trouble Don't Last Always."
All the Best, All the Time!
Self-preservation should be a mandatory priority within us all. We should obligate ourselves TO ourselves without missing an opportunity to make sure that we're "OK.". As we sometimes do, should we neglect ourselves, it's important and reassuring to know that, "Trouble Don't Last Always."
Balancing the trapeze act that we commonly refer to as "Life" we should ALWAYS keep in mind that WHATEVER ills you, keeps you up at night or tries to break your spirit, is aware of the fact that it's foundation is not sturdy enough to withstand the fact that: "Trouble Don't Last Always."
Be encouraged and motivated in the same fact that: "Trouble Don't Last Always."
All the Best, All the Time!
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
“While I Can Still Smell Them”
“Don’t bring me flowers when I’m gone. Give them to me While I Can Still Smell Them.” Yes, that’s another Mom quote.
Appreciation is a beautiful thing. We often think about how much we appreciate our loved ones and friends, but for some reason we can’t or don’t muster up the nerve to tell them so in a timely fashion. There is no such thing as a perfect time! That deserves emphasis: “THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A PERFECT TIME!” When you feel it, you should do it. Since I’m not promised another day, I voice my appreciation and express my love, verbal and otherwise, to those that have and continue to impact my life. I need for them to know just how much they mean to me. And if you were to flip the scenario around, you might be surprised at how much they need to hear that FROM you.
Appreciation is a beautiful thing. Remember what Mom said: “Don’t bring me flowers when I’m gone. Give them to me While I Can Still Smell Them.”
All the Best, All the Time!
Appreciation is a beautiful thing. We often think about how much we appreciate our loved ones and friends, but for some reason we can’t or don’t muster up the nerve to tell them so in a timely fashion. There is no such thing as a perfect time! That deserves emphasis: “THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A PERFECT TIME!” When you feel it, you should do it. Since I’m not promised another day, I voice my appreciation and express my love, verbal and otherwise, to those that have and continue to impact my life. I need for them to know just how much they mean to me. And if you were to flip the scenario around, you might be surprised at how much they need to hear that FROM you.
Appreciation is a beautiful thing. Remember what Mom said: “Don’t bring me flowers when I’m gone. Give them to me While I Can Still Smell Them.”
All the Best, All the Time!
Monday, November 05, 2007
"Changes in Priority"
I asked a good friend of mine this past weekend, when he knew that the priorities in his life had shifted and changed. Before he could utter a word, it was apparent that “Changes in Priority” impact us at different intervals of our lives. What is important to me today might not be important to you; what is important to you might not be important to me…AT THAT SAME PARTICULAR MOMENT IN TIME! When I became a parent, my priorities changed. When I went back to school, my priorities changed. When I went back to Church, my priorities changed. I’ve learned that my responsibilities will always dictate where my priorities lie within the scope of my existence.
Whenever I think about “Changes in Priority,” I look forward to the new element that will accompany the change. I look within the change to better understand it, comprehend it and subsequently embrace it. Another good friend of mine got married last month and I’m sure he had changes in priority to undergo, leading up to, before and after the wedding.
Change is inevitable, it doesn’t have to be regrettable and the growth should allow you to be more comfortable.
I’ve learned that “change is good!”
All the Best, All the Time!
Whenever I think about “Changes in Priority,” I look forward to the new element that will accompany the change. I look within the change to better understand it, comprehend it and subsequently embrace it. Another good friend of mine got married last month and I’m sure he had changes in priority to undergo, leading up to, before and after the wedding.
Change is inevitable, it doesn’t have to be regrettable and the growth should allow you to be more comfortable.
I’ve learned that “change is good!”
All the Best, All the Time!
Friday, November 02, 2007
"When You've Been Blessed"
Why, all of a sudden the philosophical approach? The fact of the matter is this is and has NOT been all of a sudden. My thoughts have always been mine and mine alone. For that reason I'm reminded of a quote that my mother used to repeat to me. "When You've Been Blessed, You Need to Pass It On." The blessing for my blog and I is to share my experiences, both past and present to others that might need to hear a positive word of encouragement or two, hence the title of my blog "All the Best, All the Time." I truly have this wish for all that I come in contact with, past, present AND future.
For me, the purpose of all of my experience is to use myself as a testimony to and for others that are either going through something, coming out of something or somewhere in between those two dynamics ("Just Like Me" Blog). What is the purpose of absorbing so much and hording it all to myself? As a parent, I've learned to be self-less and put ME to the side because contrary to a once held belief, "it's truly not about me." Humbling myself and removing ME from the equation provides me a better opportunity to look at things from a more passionate and objective perspective.
Long story short, I just decided to take my mother's advice: "When You've Been Blessed, You Need to Pass It On."
All the Best, All the Time!
For me, the purpose of all of my experience is to use myself as a testimony to and for others that are either going through something, coming out of something or somewhere in between those two dynamics ("Just Like Me" Blog). What is the purpose of absorbing so much and hording it all to myself? As a parent, I've learned to be self-less and put ME to the side because contrary to a once held belief, "it's truly not about me." Humbling myself and removing ME from the equation provides me a better opportunity to look at things from a more passionate and objective perspective.
Long story short, I just decided to take my mother's advice: "When You've Been Blessed, You Need to Pass It On."
All the Best, All the Time!
Thursday, November 01, 2007
"Hindsight is 20/20"
“Foresight and or Insight will always lead you to Hindsight.”
I delight in the fact that I am and continue to be afforded the luxury of experience. Through “Foresight,” some things are planned out very well. Through “Insight” we are able to intuitively discern things that we should be planning out. And through “Hindsight” we learn what we should have planned out. But through opportunity, “Hindsight is 20/20.” Opportunity allows us to try it again, give it another go, one more try, do-overs, another attempt to get it right. And when opportunity knocks we should effectively harness our experience, have committed the pro’s and con’s to memory, remove all doubt, and VAULT not leap, at the chance to try it again.
So, even though you can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink, we should relish in the fact that at some point in time, we have all been afforded the opportunity to “try it again.” And when that horse has proven to have worked up a much needed thirst, he will have an insatiable appetite to have that thirst quenched. Should your hindsight already be 20/20, afford someone else the luxury of your experience and quench their thirst when they’re ready to drink.
All the Best, All the Time!
I delight in the fact that I am and continue to be afforded the luxury of experience. Through “Foresight,” some things are planned out very well. Through “Insight” we are able to intuitively discern things that we should be planning out. And through “Hindsight” we learn what we should have planned out. But through opportunity, “Hindsight is 20/20.” Opportunity allows us to try it again, give it another go, one more try, do-overs, another attempt to get it right. And when opportunity knocks we should effectively harness our experience, have committed the pro’s and con’s to memory, remove all doubt, and VAULT not leap, at the chance to try it again.
So, even though you can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink, we should relish in the fact that at some point in time, we have all been afforded the opportunity to “try it again.” And when that horse has proven to have worked up a much needed thirst, he will have an insatiable appetite to have that thirst quenched. Should your hindsight already be 20/20, afford someone else the luxury of your experience and quench their thirst when they’re ready to drink.
All the Best, All the Time!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
"When It Creeps In"
It's that time of year again. It's actually that time of year all year round. You can seal the windows to keep it out. You can close the door so it won't come in. You can enclose and tamper-proof your surroundings until the comfort level is just right. But somehow, someway, by hook or crook, it still manages to creep in.
When "doubt" creeps in, it brings with it a multitude of disruption. You might have been on a roll and then "doubt" trips you up. You might be pressing forward, while "doubt" is tugging you back. You might be engaged with success and then "doubt" breaks you up. You might be humbled by your own accomplishments until "doubt" places your arrogance on display. You might be well on your way until "doubt" gets you lost! You might be full of integrity until you start listening to the LIES of "doubt." You could probably get that job if "doubt" didn't tell you otherwise. You are everything that "doubt" says you're NOT!
Remove the emphasis from around "doubt."
End your relationship with "doubt."
All the Best, All the Time!
When "doubt" creeps in, it brings with it a multitude of disruption. You might have been on a roll and then "doubt" trips you up. You might be pressing forward, while "doubt" is tugging you back. You might be engaged with success and then "doubt" breaks you up. You might be humbled by your own accomplishments until "doubt" places your arrogance on display. You might be well on your way until "doubt" gets you lost! You might be full of integrity until you start listening to the LIES of "doubt." You could probably get that job if "doubt" didn't tell you otherwise. You are everything that "doubt" says you're NOT!
Remove the emphasis from around "doubt."
End your relationship with "doubt."
All the Best, All the Time!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
"The Pen and the Sword"
So mom used to tell me that "the pen is mightier than the sword." And as a child, my visual of her words was literal. You can imagine the bewildered look that I gave her as my mind self-concurred with the very thoughts that it formed.
Funny how everything that she instilled IN me, is still WITH me. And to this day I graciously appreciate her wisdom and strength. Now as a father, it is incumbent upon me to instill the same with my children. But in order to do so requires me to practice what I preach. I need to be the example that I would like for them to follow as opposed to the "do as I say, not as I do" verbiage that seems to fail miserably, no less than 100%, I'm willing to bet. Hence the reason for writing so much as of late. The power of words is just as important as the decision to ACT on the "pen route" as opposed to the "sword route." Words can be used to encourage, inspire, motivate, uplift, congratulate and most importantly COMMUNICATE.
Yes indeed the pen IS truly mightier than the sword. A hallmark card comes by way of the "pen." An email comes by way of the "electronic pen." A text message comes by way of the "numeric pen." A note comes by way of the "traditional pen." A letter comes by way of the "ink pen." And within all of these examples, we are able to illustrate the strength of the pen as it yields NOTHING to that of the perceived strength of the sword. I will continue to demonstrate the strength of the pen, due in large part to the strength of my mother instilling within me the importance of developing an impeccable practice of penmanship.
Buy a card, send an email, type a text, send a note or mail a letter, but continue to embrace the fact that the pen will always be mightier than the sword. If for no other reason, mom said so.
All the Best, All the Time!
Funny how everything that she instilled IN me, is still WITH me. And to this day I graciously appreciate her wisdom and strength. Now as a father, it is incumbent upon me to instill the same with my children. But in order to do so requires me to practice what I preach. I need to be the example that I would like for them to follow as opposed to the "do as I say, not as I do" verbiage that seems to fail miserably, no less than 100%, I'm willing to bet. Hence the reason for writing so much as of late. The power of words is just as important as the decision to ACT on the "pen route" as opposed to the "sword route." Words can be used to encourage, inspire, motivate, uplift, congratulate and most importantly COMMUNICATE.
Yes indeed the pen IS truly mightier than the sword. A hallmark card comes by way of the "pen." An email comes by way of the "electronic pen." A text message comes by way of the "numeric pen." A note comes by way of the "traditional pen." A letter comes by way of the "ink pen." And within all of these examples, we are able to illustrate the strength of the pen as it yields NOTHING to that of the perceived strength of the sword. I will continue to demonstrate the strength of the pen, due in large part to the strength of my mother instilling within me the importance of developing an impeccable practice of penmanship.
Buy a card, send an email, type a text, send a note or mail a letter, but continue to embrace the fact that the pen will always be mightier than the sword. If for no other reason, mom said so.
All the Best, All the Time!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
"No Limits, No Boundaries"
"No Limits, No Boundaries" were part of the lyrics of a song that the choir was singing in Church.
When I think about "No Limits, No Boundaries," I contemplate the potential that exists not only on the surface, but the potential that is deeply marinated within the purpose of my soul. Finding one's purpose has proven to be an abundant task. With absolute certainty, how can one know for sure his or her purpose?
That's exactly where "No Limits, No Boundaries" comes into play. Since we may find uncertainty within our certainty, it becomes imperative for us to implement the "No Limits, No Boundaries" approach. In doing so, we are not allowing the grass to under our feet and we are refusing to accept the idle mind syndrome. The story's ending might be a question mark but what we are able to accomplish BEFORE that ending is well within our grasp and our potential.
There are truly "No Limits, No Boundaries" when we remove doubt from the equation.
There are truly "No Limits, No Boundaries" as we move towards the future of certainty but reflecting on the past of uncertainty.
All the Best, All the Time!
When I think about "No Limits, No Boundaries," I contemplate the potential that exists not only on the surface, but the potential that is deeply marinated within the purpose of my soul. Finding one's purpose has proven to be an abundant task. With absolute certainty, how can one know for sure his or her purpose?
That's exactly where "No Limits, No Boundaries" comes into play. Since we may find uncertainty within our certainty, it becomes imperative for us to implement the "No Limits, No Boundaries" approach. In doing so, we are not allowing the grass to under our feet and we are refusing to accept the idle mind syndrome. The story's ending might be a question mark but what we are able to accomplish BEFORE that ending is well within our grasp and our potential.
There are truly "No Limits, No Boundaries" when we remove doubt from the equation.
There are truly "No Limits, No Boundaries" as we move towards the future of certainty but reflecting on the past of uncertainty.
All the Best, All the Time!
Friday, October 26, 2007
"Learn to Embrace"
The strengths and weaknesses that lie within each and every one of us are either highly complimented or grossly exaggerated with the sole purpose of hopefully landing somewhere in between these two very opposite ends of the spectrum.
I've realized that I have spent an enormous amount of time dodging both my strengths and weaknesses because I did not think that they adequately aligned with "my plans." Therein was the all too familiar problem. I needed to remove "me" and "I" from the equation and "Learn to Embrace" the very strengths and weaknesses that I was exerting too much energy trying to avoid. Instead I thought I would recreate "my plans" and make them fit into my life the way "I" deemed necessary. The problem with that notion stems from the fact that I cannot alter the very fabric that composes and creates me as a person. I had to work within the parameters of my strengths and weaknesses in order to understand them in hopes to make the strengths stronger and the weaknesses weaker. I needed to "Learn to Embrace" myself in the same esteem and manner that HE does.
Embracing my strengths means that "I" cannot do as "I" so desire with respect to "my plans." Embracing my weaknesses means that "I" cannot ignore the weaknesses that never seem to escape the psyche that knows where and how long they've been lurking within. Equally embracing them acknowledges their individual existence as well as collective. Learning to embrace is equivalent to learning to face the very opposite ends of the spectrum that oft times dictate how, where and what manner in which we move in.
When I learned and started to embrace, "my plans" turned out better than I could have ever imagined.
"Learn to Embrace."
All the Best, All the Time!
I've realized that I have spent an enormous amount of time dodging both my strengths and weaknesses because I did not think that they adequately aligned with "my plans." Therein was the all too familiar problem. I needed to remove "me" and "I" from the equation and "Learn to Embrace" the very strengths and weaknesses that I was exerting too much energy trying to avoid. Instead I thought I would recreate "my plans" and make them fit into my life the way "I" deemed necessary. The problem with that notion stems from the fact that I cannot alter the very fabric that composes and creates me as a person. I had to work within the parameters of my strengths and weaknesses in order to understand them in hopes to make the strengths stronger and the weaknesses weaker. I needed to "Learn to Embrace" myself in the same esteem and manner that HE does.
Embracing my strengths means that "I" cannot do as "I" so desire with respect to "my plans." Embracing my weaknesses means that "I" cannot ignore the weaknesses that never seem to escape the psyche that knows where and how long they've been lurking within. Equally embracing them acknowledges their individual existence as well as collective. Learning to embrace is equivalent to learning to face the very opposite ends of the spectrum that oft times dictate how, where and what manner in which we move in.
When I learned and started to embrace, "my plans" turned out better than I could have ever imagined.
"Learn to Embrace."
All the Best, All the Time!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
"Just Like Me"
A good friend of mine recently asked me why I chose the Blog format to document my experiences.
Throughout our trials and tribulations we sometimes feel like we are all alone. And it's not that misery loves company, but it is reassuring to know that in our darkest moments when there is only a flicker of a light and dimmer of hope, we are NOT alone. There is someone somewhere going INTO a situation, going THROUGH a situation or someone somewhere that is coming OUT of a situation. And whether you're "INTO, THROUGH or OUT" it is imperative to be a witness to your own experience so that HE can use you as a testimony for others. No man is an island to him or her self. By default, it's not about me. I like to think of it as the "Laws of Reciprocity."
Another friend of mine once told me that "when you write from the heart, you will touch someones heart." A foundation built on integrity will not falter or waiver, no matter the trials or tribulations. So to my two friends, our experiences together have made me a better person and the "Laws of Reciprocity" dictate that I should do the same.
My mother used to say, "When you've been blessed, pass it on." Whatever situation I have been "INTO, THROUGH or OUT" I am aware of the fact that the path has been and will continue to be adorned with people "Just Like Me."
All the Best, All the Time!
Throughout our trials and tribulations we sometimes feel like we are all alone. And it's not that misery loves company, but it is reassuring to know that in our darkest moments when there is only a flicker of a light and dimmer of hope, we are NOT alone. There is someone somewhere going INTO a situation, going THROUGH a situation or someone somewhere that is coming OUT of a situation. And whether you're "INTO, THROUGH or OUT" it is imperative to be a witness to your own experience so that HE can use you as a testimony for others. No man is an island to him or her self. By default, it's not about me. I like to think of it as the "Laws of Reciprocity."
Another friend of mine once told me that "when you write from the heart, you will touch someones heart." A foundation built on integrity will not falter or waiver, no matter the trials or tribulations. So to my two friends, our experiences together have made me a better person and the "Laws of Reciprocity" dictate that I should do the same.
My mother used to say, "When you've been blessed, pass it on." Whatever situation I have been "INTO, THROUGH or OUT" I am aware of the fact that the path has been and will continue to be adorned with people "Just Like Me."
All the Best, All the Time!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
"Comfortable Bed"
"A rut is like a comfortable bed. It's easy to get into but hard to get out of." How true is that quote?
Oft times we find ourselves in all too familiar places and spaces because of their familiarity alone. Not because these places and spaces represent a healthy atmosphere for us, but because it's "what we know." And "what we know" represents that RUT that we find ourselves in. Just like that "Comfortable Bed," which we cannot seem to muster up the energy, nerve or strength to enable us to change our situations. During that time and unbeknownst to us, that "Comfortable Bed" is nothing but a RUT in disguise. How we got there is important to know so that we may not repeat the same mistake twice, but getting out from there is the immediate task at hand.
You don't come into existence on your own and you shouldn't live in existence on your own either. But if your existence means the comfort or lack thereof in the form of familiar spaces and places that do not represent the multi-layered components of health such as physical, mental, psychological, emotional, spiritual and educational, then it's time to rip away that "security blanket" that keeps you tucked away in that "Comfortable Bed" of yours.
It's time to make up the bed, without you in it.
All the Best, All the Time!
Oft times we find ourselves in all too familiar places and spaces because of their familiarity alone. Not because these places and spaces represent a healthy atmosphere for us, but because it's "what we know." And "what we know" represents that RUT that we find ourselves in. Just like that "Comfortable Bed," which we cannot seem to muster up the energy, nerve or strength to enable us to change our situations. During that time and unbeknownst to us, that "Comfortable Bed" is nothing but a RUT in disguise. How we got there is important to know so that we may not repeat the same mistake twice, but getting out from there is the immediate task at hand.
You don't come into existence on your own and you shouldn't live in existence on your own either. But if your existence means the comfort or lack thereof in the form of familiar spaces and places that do not represent the multi-layered components of health such as physical, mental, psychological, emotional, spiritual and educational, then it's time to rip away that "security blanket" that keeps you tucked away in that "Comfortable Bed" of yours.
It's time to make up the bed, without you in it.
All the Best, All the Time!
Monday, October 22, 2007
"Speaking into Existence"
The power of the tongue can either be a formidable opponent or your greatest asset. The good thing about either option is the fact that we own and control both of them. We possess the power to speak everything into existence. If you tell yourself you’re having a bad day, then guess what you will have? I’ve come to realize the importance of speaking things into existence in support of the greatest asset that it actually is. While “in the midst of” or “in the eye of” the storm, we persevere and speak into existence the fact that we will and are well on our way to VICTORY!
Failed marriage? Claim the victory that it represents because sometimes you have to fail in order to succeed. Foreclosed home? Claim the victory because you were delivered from something that you were drowning in. Speak into existence the same VICTORY that you celebrated at the beginning of your journey. My mother continues to tell me that “HE never promised a smooth ride, but a safe landing.” When we book our plane tickets to our destinations, we’re not really concerned about the particular airline as much as the cost. Each and every airline will have it's own type of turbulence. And when it kicks in, we’re only hoping and praying for that safe landing.
No matter your situation, destination or mode of transportation, speak into existence the VICTORY and celebrate the safe landing that is in store.
All the Best, All the Time!
Failed marriage? Claim the victory that it represents because sometimes you have to fail in order to succeed. Foreclosed home? Claim the victory because you were delivered from something that you were drowning in. Speak into existence the same VICTORY that you celebrated at the beginning of your journey. My mother continues to tell me that “HE never promised a smooth ride, but a safe landing.” When we book our plane tickets to our destinations, we’re not really concerned about the particular airline as much as the cost. Each and every airline will have it's own type of turbulence. And when it kicks in, we’re only hoping and praying for that safe landing.
No matter your situation, destination or mode of transportation, speak into existence the VICTORY and celebrate the safe landing that is in store.
All the Best, All the Time!
"IT is What IT is, Right?"

It's hard to remain optimistically positive when you're going through! But during the process, you have to remember to "Never Lose Your Praise." I truly understand what that means now. This year, 2007, has been and continues to provide me with an abundance of "Revelations." I'm starting to get "IT." The "IT" is not specific to one particular person, place or thing. There are no gender specifications, no cultural particulars or any religious hangups. "IT" is what "IT" is, right? Well, I don't really buy that anymore. It's NOT what it is because taking that "senseless" approach means that you have just agreed to settle for whatever "IT" is. I don't know about you, but settling is out of the question for me. It's no longer a viable option. Is it still one for you?
All the Best, All the Time!
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