Smile And Love Always!

Monday, December 24, 2007

"More of a Man"

"Sometimes it takes more of a man to walk away than it does to stand up and fight."

Back in the 8th grade is when my Mother schooled me on that quote. Little did I know that she was teaching me one of the lessons on manhood, not just on how to be one, but on how to be the best one. "Being a man encompasses so much, but so few encompass the necessary attributes of being one."

Life Lessons are not just taught during one's life, but also in their death. Since my capacity for learning is infinite, I continue to be "Engaged with Knowledge." Our nuptials are not pending and no annulment, separation or divorce will be on the horizon any time soon.

Yes, we have to pick and choose our battles. We have to be conscience on whom we declare war on or against. We need to readily understand that it is IN the understanding and not how we selfishly interpret it.

Until the last rose adorned my Mother's coffin, I was leaning on her very words that filled my ears back in the 8th grade: "Sometimes it takes more of a man to walk away than it does to stand up and fight."

My Mother is the Inspiration!
My Mother is the Motivation!
My Mother is the Celebration!

All the Best, All the Time!

1 comment:

CIMSAAF said...

This is very emphatic and powerful! "Life Lessons are not just taught during one's life, but also in their death." I really like this quote. I can relate from my father's passing. Great advice for your children (son/daughter)as well.:-))