Smile And Love Always!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

"The Company You Keep"

Momma used to tell me that "You're judged by the company you keep." If that group is doing the wrong thing, even though you're NOT one of the wrongdoers, the external perception of you will lead people to judge a book by its cover and assume that since you're AMONGST the wrongdoers, you MUST be one OF them! Afterall, if you're NOT one of them, then why on earth would you allow yourself to fall into that visual trap?

So, if you're NOT hitting the nail right on the head, then what's the point? My momma never missed the nail. In an effort to hammer my own point home, I would often miss the point AND the nail, thus hitting my thumb. That's what I got for THINKING I knew better than Mom.

If you can't find good, inspiring company, then keep YOURSELF company! If your company is looking down on you and not extending an UPLIFTING hand, then keep YOURSELF company! If your company misrepresents who and what you're about then YOU represent WHO and WHAT you're all about. As a matter of fact, no one should represent you BUT you!

Yes indeed, we ARE judged by the company we keep. And when my Mother transitioned on to Glory, HE kept me company. When the clouds were hovering, HE kept me company. When the winds were waiting for me to turn the corner, HE kept me company. And when the tears are falling, HE STILL keeps me company. I'm proud to say that YES, I'm indeed in GOOD company.

Always make sure that you too are in good company. The kind of company that will never set and leave you adrift for no apparent reason. The type of company that will truly have ALL of your best interests at heart.

Since you're judged by the company you keep, always make sure that you're in good company.

All the Best, All the Time!

1 comment:

CIMSAAF said...

Very nice Corey! That's why I'm basically an earthly loner. :-) Good job!