Smile And Love Always!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

"Trying Times Highway"

When we remove our personal shudders, more often than not we will come to realize that many people around us are going through (something). Quite frankly, we would be hard pressed to say that we do NOT know someone, anyone that is in the midst of "Trying Times." Personally, I know quite a few, including MYSELF.

I've come to the realization that the most challenging aspect of "Trying Times" is not what we're in the midst OF, but our perseverance which directs us down the "path of least resistance" and the closest exit off of "Trying Times Highway."

Sometimes in our attempt to exit "Trying Times Highway" we attempt to make illegal u-turns, knowing good and well that we're NOT authorized vehicles and that action is prohibited. Even though the next exit might be quite a ways down the road, the important thing we must keep in mind is not where the exit is but how diligent we are in making it to that exit and rejoicing upon our arrival.

Failure to follow instructions or directions will always lead us straight to "Trying Times Highway." But "Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining." When my Mother used to recite that quote to me I could not fathom how she could derive the positive lessons from the most negative of situations. But that in and of itself is exactly where the silver lining was discovered.

The next time you find yourself in between exits on "Trying Times Highway" know that the silver lining within the cloud will expose itself soon enough and most importantly, when the time is right.

My Mother is the Inspiration!
My Mother is the Motivation!
My Mother is the Celebration!

All the Best, All the Time!


Anonymous said...

The truth of trying times is that we do "all" have them "all" the time. I appreciate your words of wisdom and encouragement. I am blessed to still have my Mom of that same spirit and believe she will still be with me in my heart as yours is to you. Hold on to all that Corey! God Bless.

CIMSAAF said...

Now I can relate to that!! You know what I went through last night but there was a silver lining after the drama!!! :-)))