Smile And Love Always!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

"Kindness for Weakness"

"Interpretation is contingent upon the interpreter. "

That is why we should kindly remind the interpreter that ones kindness should never be mistaken for weakness. Extending a courtesy to someone doesn't mean that you've relinquished power to that person. That is why "reminders" are appropriate from time to time. It's never "what you say, but how you say it." It's never "what you do, but how you do it." You should not mistaken one's "Kindness for Weakness" because they have extended to you THEIR "kindness" during YOUR "weakness."

How we interpret things is often decided in how we WANT to interpret things. Whether it's MY kindness, YOUR weakness or YOUR kindness, MY weakness, interpret the gesture with humbleness and appreciation that is lead by your heart. Some of the kindest people have the most strength and your false interpretation might only display your weakness in an exponential manner.

I am humbled by the kindness that has been afforded to me and as equally humbled in the weakness that I have converted to strength and now offer to others in the form of kindness.

All the Best, All the Time!


CIMSAAF said...

How beautiful!!! This is superb and so very true!! :-)

CIMSAAF said...

I really like this quote: "Some of the kindest people have the most strength..." :-)