Smile And Love Always!

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

"Trouble Don't Last Always"

Your financial pulse does not determine how your blood flows nor is it a gauge for how well you really are. But if you allow it, you can become sick or sickened by the stress factor that accompanies it. But "Trouble Don't Last Always."

Self-preservation should be a mandatory priority within us all. We should obligate ourselves TO ourselves without missing an opportunity to make sure that we're "OK.". As we sometimes do, should we neglect ourselves, it's important and reassuring to know that, "Trouble Don't Last Always."

Balancing the trapeze act that we commonly refer to as "Life" we should ALWAYS keep in mind that WHATEVER ills you, keeps you up at night or tries to break your spirit, is aware of the fact that it's foundation is not sturdy enough to withstand the fact that: "Trouble Don't Last Always."

Be encouraged and motivated in the same fact that: "Trouble Don't Last Always."

All the Best, All the Time!

1 comment:

CIMSAAF said...

I absolutely love this paragraph:
"Balancing the trapeze act that we commonly refer to as "Life" we should ALWAYS keep in mind that WHATEVER ills you, keeps you up at night or tries to break your spirit, is aware of the fact that it's foundation is not sturdy enough to withstand the fact that: "Trouble Don't Last Always.""
This is very true!! EXCELLENT!