Wednesday, October 28, 2009
"My Name IS Love"
Have you ever been introDUCED to something that just OVERWHELMINGLY surpassed any and ALL of your expectations, perceived, fathomed and even realized?
WOW, I can remember such a time, such a thing at such a place that beckons my recollection to accurately recall every intricate detail that I might have otherwise absentmindedly forgot about. But not this time.
You could be in tune with the beat, have no rhythm at all and still allow it to speak to your soul, through your whole and never miss a step, in the name of.
You could be blind to the fact, even when your heart KNOWS the facts, all the while you're still questioning its authenticity, the reason why its here and if it has the right address. But it does.
You might question its directions or the accuracy of, but its navigational system is on par and can guide you around meaningless distractions, construction, tolls, bottlenecks and all of the stop and go. And it will.
You can attempt to tell it what to do as it laughs right back at you and BOLDLY declares: "YOU'RE NOT THE BOSS OF ME!"
I HAVE met such a person. I WAS formally introDUCED to SUCH a thing.
And at that very moment, is when I heard: ""My Name is Love," pleased to meet you, Corey."
Corey, Love, Corey, Love, Corey, Love, Corey IS Love,
"My Name IS Love"
What's YOUR name?
_______, Love, _______, Love, _______, Love, _______ IS Love,
IntroDUCE yourself to someone today. It could be the ONLY encounter that they EVER have with Love.
"My Name IS Love!" Pleased to meet you today!
"My Name IS Love!"
Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!
All the Best, All the Time!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
"The Source for Our Resources"
It is nice to "think" that we are "helping" GOD, but let's keep things in perspective, HE does not need our help. In all actuality, HE "IS" our help!
When it comes to assisting and helping out others, we find ourselves in perpetual "Do For Others Mode." Although I think that it is completely admirable, it is not feasible to do for and Love others more than we do for and Love ourselves. We wind up being a disservice to the people that we "think" we are helping and more importantly, a disservice to ourselves.
Help YOU as much as you help the next person. Do for YOU as much as you do for others. Love YOURSELF just as much as you LOVE someone else. When you do, you will probably realize that you do not Love them afterall. Marinate on that thought for a minute...
Do not deplete your resources trying to replenish the resources of others...remember, GOD is GOD all by HIMSELF. HE "IS" our help and "The Source for Our Resources."
Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!
All the Best, All the Time!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
"2 Years and 300 Blogs Later"
My Mother always liked numbers. She could create an entire story surrounding numbers in the same capacity that I draw on personal and random inspiration to author each one of my Blogs. So, I know that she would be pleased that "2 Years and 300 Blogs Later," I am adding to and not attempting to subtract from a Blessing that is higher than I can count, farther than I can see and bigger than I will ever be.
I miss my Mother something terrible, but I know that each day that I think of her draws me closer to her wonderful memory and all that she has ever and continues to mean to my Life. I keep her legacy alive through my children and conduct myself as if she's watching over me and everything that I'm doing. Truth be told and in my heart, I know that she is. And if you read but a single Blog, you know beyond a shadow of doubt that I truly LOVE MY MOTHER!
Two years ago today, on October 22, 2007, I decided to author my first 2 Blog's titled: "IT is What IT is, Right?" ( and "Speaking Into Existence" ( Little did I know then that what started off as something kind of random, has since taken on a Life form all it's own. I say "kind of random" because even though I did not know what the next 2 years would offer me by way of "All the Best, All the Time," GOD sure enough did! I have learned that by keeping HIM first in everything that I do, means that I cannot lose in anything that I choose.
I am honored, humbled, overjoyed and often brought to tears knowing that GOD has so chosen me to do what I am most passionate about, bringing about a positive impact to the lives of a lot of people, some of which I have never even laid eyes upon. But that part matters not and what matters most is the fact that I have made a conscious decision to make myself available to GOD to do what HE would have me to do and to serve my Life Purpose as such.
Many years ago, it was my Mother that first introduced me to writing, specifically poetry. I used writing as an outlet after the death of my little brother over 25 years ago. And throughout the years, I have chosen to continue down a path, not necessarily of least resistance, but down a path that is favorable and compatible with my heart. As a man that is no longer AFRAID, I am free to "speak the truth and shame the devil," as my Mother used to say. This is me and my journey and I have so chosen to avail myself as that conduit representing change that first starts with me.
Sometimes, the feedback that I receive from my Blogs is one of astonishment that I would be so courageous to bare myself in transparent fashion for whomever to read, get to know, but most importantly, to learn from. But, one thing is for certain and that is when GOD is making changes on the inside, it would behoove you to get out of the way peripherally so that change can take root and forge ahead with all of GOD's plans. And that is why I write my Blogs. I no longer ignore the fact that something and/or someone was trying to get my attention because I had work to do. And when their attempts failed, ignoring the inevitable was not acceptable and anything else would have been negligent.
Throughout this journey, I have learned a lot about myself. And if I never write another Blog, I can walk away knowing that "2 Years and 300 Blogs Later," I know who and what Corey is, who and what Corey is about and what Corey is supposed to be doing, not in accordance with what Corey wants, but in accord with what needs to be done, in a passionate nature and with all of my heart.
I give all of the Honor, Glory and Praise to My LORD and Savior and to the Heavenly Father GOD. I thank my Mother for all of her wonderful insight, wisdom and knowledge that keeps my insatiable soul abundantly satisfied. I thank my Father for the relationship that we have maintained in my Mother's absence. I ADORE my children for showing me whats important and keeping me honest, hard-working and FOCUSED (! I appreciate everyone that has ever read all, some or even just one of the 300 Blogs that I have authored over the last couple of years in addition to sharing them with others after feeling compelled to share in a Blessing that was MEANT to be passed on.
My Mother would be so pleased.
"So, how many more Blogs are you going to write Corey?" she would ask.
"What have you learned from this Life altering experience?" she would wonder.
"I see the change in you my Son," she would exclaim.
I know that my Mother would be so pleased.
Whether 300 more or only just one, I cannot and will not stop what I'm doing until my job is "Well Done" (
I will never stop running this race, until I see my Mother's face as I'm crossing the finish line.
I forever ASpire to permanently INspire!
I celebrate YOU Mother!
I Love YOU Mother!
All that you have ever given TO me is all that I will surrender OF me. I will not take it with me because it was not selfishly meant to be retained BY me. There will be no "U-Haul" (
As I celebrate this wonderful milestone on the Anniversary of “All the Best, All the Time,” I have planted 300 seeds of inspiration over 24 months of meditation that was provided by 1: my Mother's Lifetime of preparation.
I think that my Mother would be pleased with those numbers. She’s probably telling the story right now.
It's called "2 Years and 300 Blogs Later."
I Love You Mom!
Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!
All the Best, All the Time!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
"Doing My Best In Order To Be My Best"
It matters not and the statute of limitations never expire when redemption is at hand and forgiveness lies within those very palms.
If I WANT the best, then I am compelled to DO the best, all the while BEING my best. I shall attract the same energy that I put forth and will RECEIVE it in the same manner that I GIVE it, expectedly so.
I am just "Doing My Best In Order To Be My Best."
Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!
All the Best, All the Time!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
"Prayer Changes Everything"
Throughout the day as I duck and dodge the darts and projectiles that are aimed in my direction...
Before I close my eyes to rejuvenate my body for another 24...
Whenever I need to renew my patience...
In wholehearted acceptance that there is always room for improvement...
To Love, protect and progress, without the need to ever settle for less...
When I MISS my Mother to the point that I want to JOIN my Mother...
When I could have sworn that I JUST paid all of my bills this month...
For all that I go through on a daily basis, I know that...
For all that YOU may go through on a daily basis, know that...
In everything that I do and on everyday that I do it, I "am" because HE "is." Through HIS Grace and Mercy, my knowledge and understanding, which has nothing to do with "who" I am, but everything and more to do with "what" HE is in the big scheme of things and the starring role that HE plays in my Life.
The ability to raise and parent children without a User's Guide or an Instruction Manual...
Being able to fight and stave off addiction, if for no one else but for the ones that Love you...
Forgiving the perpetrators of deceit, hurt and pain because you know that...
Making a way out of no way and trusting when you don't even have a say...
..."Prayer Changes Everything."
But do not take Corey's word for it. It is HIS word that will make all of the difference when you see about it for yourself.
Not some,
Not a little,
Not a few,
Not a couple,
Not just small,
Not only big, but...Prayer.
"Prayer Changes Everything"
Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!
All the Best, All the Time!
"Deposit Slips"
Having depleted my Lifelong "experience" savings and rendering my undying Love and Support, I will completely empty me of all that is me and give of me until there is no more of me.
With each day, I grab and fill out what would have otherwise been a blank "Deposit Slip" and contribute to an account and a fund that will sustain itself, replenish in Spiritual wealth and maintain its physical health, with every contribution that I make.
With every day there is a new deposit.
With every day there is a different deposit.
But most importantly, with every day, there IS a deposit!
The next visit that you make to your financial institution, be sure to stock up on some "Deposit Slips" so that you can start making contributions to an account and a fund that will ultimately match your efforts: effort for effort.
At first you might not feel like you have ANYTHING to contribute or write on your "Deposit Slip."
But every day provides you SOMETHING in which to write on that "Deposit Slip."
You might not believe that the contributions of your "Deposit Slip" add up to that MUCH. But, what is "not that much" to you could be an abundance to others.
If someone performed an audit on you, what would it say about where and how you invest your time and energy? Would it reveal you making significant withdrawals or Life Lesson contributions via your "Deposit Slips?"
What we oft times fail to realize is that what we contribute will not only benefit us and sometimes not at all, but because we made contributions, someone somewhere will be able to make withdrawals that will subsequently afford them the opportunity to in turn fill out a "Deposit Slip," in a contributing fashion.
Well, I'm getting low, so I'm off to make a bank run. Does anybody need any "Deposit Slips?"
Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!
All the Best, All the Time!
"Today" has afforded me the brand new opportunity to turn all of my negatives into positives and all of my weaknesses into strengths as I reflect on yesterdays pain and convert it to "Today's" gain.
Within a span of 24 hours I have managed to awaken a Spirit within the Spirit to claim the inheritance that HE has already died for in order for me to stake a claim to.
What "Today" means to me was just unbeknownst to me in what amounts to 2 twelve hour time periods.
What a difference "Today" makes when you choose to pay attention to what you missed out on the day before.
To think that "Today" was not promised and could have easily avoided my presence by the process of simple mathematics.
Nothing shall compare and everything will pale in contrast and comparison to the man that I am "Today."
Therefore, as I strive to better myself in every way, I cannot wait until tomorrow, to see how I can better myself "Today."
Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!
All the Best, All the Time!
Monday, October 19, 2009
"My Dearest Love"
Do not be afraid to attach legs to your words so that he may Love her with his words AND actions and she may Love him with her words AND actions, simultaneously.
My Dearest Love, I have Loved you from the first moment of the first day that I first laid eyes upon your sweet soul. I knew what I didn't know and I may have tried to hide what I wasn't ready to show, but there was no mistaking the inevitable that was about to be revealed, albeit unwillingly, yet destiny fulfilled.
What "My Dearest Love" has always shown me has been nothing short of lovingly in every action that was ever illustrated for me to see.
Sight is at times blind, but seen through the spectacles of a Loving heart will allow you, better yet afford you, the ability to not only see, but bare witness to all that "Your Dearest Love" has in store for you.
The Love that "My Dearest Love" gave was a Love that "Her Dearest Love" never knew. It is hard to accept growth when Love reminds you that you never grew.
But as soon as you acknowledge the presence of stagnancy in your Life, you rid yourself of it and begin to fight like hell to keep it off of Love's premises forevermore.
Mother did not ever lie to me, especially when she said "the grass is never greener on the other side, Corey." I concur, 1,000,000% Mother, no less than!
"My Dearest Love," what I embody WITHIN this body is nothing but Love for "Her Dearest Love."
"My Dearest Love" never lied to me.
"My Dearest Love" always supported me.
"My Dearest Love" treated me better than "I" treated me.
"My Dearest Love" will always be the one and only Love for me.
"My Dearest Love" is where my heart will always be.
May we one day Love each other better than we ever previously did.
Until then, "My Dearest Love."
Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!
All the Best, All the Time!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
"There Is No Such Thing"
Always trying to find the right time to say I'm sorry. But really, "There Is No Such Thing" if the person who needs to hear that apology is hurting right now.
Looking around the corner to find the Love that is right in front of your face, waiting for the timing to be right. But really, "There Is No Such Thing" if your heart expires and takes with it all of the Love that was inside of it.
Forgiving someone for such a horrible mistake that they admittedly made by informing them that you need "time to heal." But really, "There Is No Such Thing" should they die in the process of waiting for you to heal. Then you would have all of the time in the world in which to heal, without them, your first and true Love.
Moving your heart to forgive someone when the "time is right" is bologna. "There Is No Such Thing." Forgive them right now and move on with the rest of your lives, together! We ALWAYS say, "I can forgive but I can't forget." Well, I'm awfully glad that Jesus does not work under the same guise. Thank GOD, "There Is No Such Thing."
You will not "find" the time because you know that you will never look for it.
You will not "make" the time because you know that you will never create it.
You will not "spend" the time because you do not think that you can already afford it.
Timing is not everything unless you FIND the time, MAKE the time and truly SPEND the time, unequivocally.
Where "There Is No Such Thing," FIND it!
Where "There Is No Such Thing," MAKE it!
Where "There Is No Such Thing," SPEND it!
Then and only then will timing truly be EVERYTHING. Otherwise, "There Is No Such Thing."
Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!
All the Best, All the Time!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
"Leap Together"
In my upright position, I worry not about what lies beneath my feet as I take the plunge into a space and place that HE would have FOR me, even though it may be foreign TO me. With HIM, we "Leap Together."
I recall the times that I had nothing to work with, yet successfully gained everything that I needed because I had a smidget of hope and an ounce of Faith. With HIM, we "Leap Together."
In hindsight, it escapes me why I was ever even afraid of heights to begin with. Especially when my "leaping partner" promised to never let me fall. With HIM, we "Leap Together."
Henceforth, I leap. With HIM, we "Leap Together."
Are you now ready to take the plunge knowing that you do not have to do so all alone?
If so, bring all of your problems and issues to the same ledge as all of my problems and issues and let's do this together. All three of us!
Henceforth, everyday we will meet at the ledge and with HIM, we shall "Leap Together."
Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!
All the Best, All the Time!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
"Something About Giving Up"
I saw the look on my sons face as he kept trying to make his shots and before the frustration began to set in, I pulled him to the side and I told him, "don't quit!"
He said, "but, I'm not making my shots and you keep on making all of yours, Daddy."
"Son, you have to keep practicing and eventually your attempts will get better and you will begin to make more of those attempts. But whatever you do, don't give up. Don't you EVER give up!"
He has an incredibly competitive spirit, that little boy. Unbeknownst to me, those words would instantaneously sink in, resonate and marinate within his spirit as he began to make more of his attempts, flashing that impeccable Smile of his.
On another day that we were playing indoor basketball, the alignment of the stars must have carried over from the night before, because "he" could not miss a shot, even if "he" tried.
My motivation started to wane and before I knew it, my son pulled ME to the side and said, "don't worry Daddy. Just keep practicing and you will start making your shots just like me."
Impressed with his new found wisdom, I could not help but to inquire about their origins.
"Where did you learn that from son?"
"You told me to never give up Daddy. So, I kept on practicing."
In an attempt to mimic his impeccable Smile, I flashed one of my own.
You see once upon a time the words might have escaped me and I would have had to revisit them to ensure that the right motivational words came out of my mouth.
But, before ever becoming a parent, I relinquished my "know it all" philosophy and allowed GOD to run interference and be the mouth-piece that I needed to be in order to effectively make me the best parent that I was destined to be.
In other words...
When you have given it your absolute BEST,
That is when it is time to let GOD do the REST.
With that said, there is just "Something About Giving Up" that makes no sense at all.
So, whatever you do, don't give up. Don't you EVER give up!
My son didn't and neither will I (313).
Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!
All the Best, All the Time!
Friday, October 09, 2009
All day long, the thought of wearing that shirt kept popping up in my head and just overwhelmed me. Since I trust GOD, wearing it was not optional when I attended the funeral of my friends Mother.
It is important to NOTE the time because at ANY point in time, it COULD be the time. Thursday, October 8, 2009, as I entered the Church, I was greeted by my friend as she was handing out programs that captured a snippet of her Mother's legacy. She reminded me of me during My Mother's "Homegoing Celebration." I saw me in her, almost two years prior. We embraced and I went to take my seat.
After the service commenced, I perked up when I heard the music of a particular song that deeply resonated with me. This particular song was the identical selection that we chose and played at My Mother's "Celebration Service" called "What A Friend We Have In Jesus." As I sat there, with my shirt on, I knew in my heart that I trusted GOD!
I watched her during the service to make sure that she was ok, but I quickly reminded myself that there is nothing that I can "do" when GOD has already "done." I trusted GOD and therefore let it go.
At the end of the service I gathered myself in the restroom before going out to embrace my friend, still trusting GOD.
It is when you allow GOD in your heart, that it is ok to lead WITH your heart, because HE is not only the driver, but the driving force behind all of the decisions that you will make, whether or not you understand them when you make them. We just have to trust GOD in and with, our hearts.
When I embraced my friend, it was a wonderful, beautiful, Spiritual connection that could have only been facilitated by GOD. Jesus resides IN my heart and I trust GOD WITH my heart.
Although "I" might not understand at the time, I know who's behind the steering wheel of my heart and I trust HIM, emphatically!
Although "YOU" might not understand at the time, know who's behind the steering wheel of your heart and trust HIM, emphatically!
When I got home, I looked at myself in the mirror as I proceeded to remove my tie and my shirt. I recalled the days events and earlier in the day, the reason eluded me. But as I began to unbutton my shirt I realized the importance of me wearing the same shirt that I wore the day that I laid My Sweet Mother to rest, on the day that my friend was about to lay her Mother to rest. It was a show of "Solidarity" in the fact that we both trust GOD immensely and unequivocally.
You see sometimes GOD uses you whether you know it or not.
You see sometimes GOD uses you whether you like it or not.
You see sometimes GOD uses you whether you want HIM to or not.
But all of that is irrelevant, so long as you TRUST GOD!
Our Mother's had never previously met nor knew of each others existence. But now, due to our "Solidarity," I know, I trust and I therefore believe that they are getting acquainted, because "we" trust GOD.
With ALL of your heart, ALWAYS trust GOD. And do so, in complete "Solidarity."
To my friend and our wonderful Mother's, may we continue to trust GOD as they assist the greatest play maker every known in anticipation of our inevitable arrival.
Here's to our unspoken "Solidarity."
Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!
All the Best, All the Time!
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
"Your Kids In You"
Mother would always observe and take it in with a sly smirk on her face. I would often ask, "what's so funny, Mom?" She would say, "oh, nothing." But I KNEW it was something and for the Life of me I could never get her to reveal what it was. But, she knew that I would figure it out one day. At the time, I just wish I knew.
I know what my kids are going to do even before they do it. I anticipate their actions with my reaction prior TO their initial action. In other words, I'm already waiting with my response before they venture down "question boulevard."
You see my Mother was Smiling at the fact that what she saw in my children is what she saw in me. I would soon learn that what YOU see in YOU is nothing short of "Your Kids In You."
Your mannerisms, your gestures, your goals, your ambition, your drive, your spirit, your anger, your moods, your Love, your Life, your heart, your soul, your mind, your EVERYTHIHNG or lack thereof!
Oft times, children imitate their atmosphere. No rhyme or reason other than the fact that its "what they know." So, if you do not like THEIR behavior, then you need to change yours.
"Your Kids In You," so "I" got Baptized AGAIN, to afford them the opportunity to bare WITNESS.
"Your Kids In You," so "I" quit smoking those funky cigarettes that were attempting to rob me of my health, longevity and my presence in my children's lives and to not encourage THEM to smoke.
"Your Kids In You," so "I" subtracted Corey 100% and then added my children 100% because in order for it to all add up, you need to reduce some of the "other" stuff.
"Your Kids In You," so "I" went back to college to complete my Bachelors Degree to teach them the importance of an education and to lead by example.
"Your Kids In You," so "I" demonstrate INDEPENDENCE so that they never feel the need or allow dependence to manifest.
"Your Kids In You," "I" allow their ears to hear me Pray for them, so that one day they will Pray for others.
So, what do you see in your kids that is speaking loudly to YOU?
Well, it is because of my wonderful and beautiful Mother that I was smart and brave enough to change the things that I did not like, to change them for the better, with all of my might.
From up on high, I still see that sly little Smile,
I finally figured it out Mother, even though it might have taken me a while.
"Your Kids In You," will ALWAYS tell you, exactly what you need to do.
Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!
All the Best, All the Time!
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
"That Wasn't Supposed To Happen"
I always tell my son not to play ball in the house. And then he talks me into playing ball WITH him in the house. I began to appreciate his strategy once I figured out that I underestimated his wit and charm. What do they say about the apple...not falling...too far...from the...tree? Well, that's ANOTHER Blog altogether.
To prove my point and demonstrate to my son that Daddy knows what he's talking about, I allow my son to continue playing ball in the house so that the lesson that he needs to learn becomes tangible to him.
At first he delicately tosses the ball before looking in my direction to see if I am going to respond to the fact that he is breaking the rules. I know this and peripherally acknowledge his look. But I continue on doing what I'm doing as the delicate toss becomes more intentional and still, I say nothing.
You see he knows that he is breaking the rules and if I were to interrupt the flow, he will not appreciate why the rules are even in place to begin with. But, I say nothing.
As he continues to toss the ball around, his level of confidence has grown and builds enough to rival your favorite city's skyscrapers. Still, I say nothing.
Lost in his excitement that Dad has seemingly thrown the rules out of the window since he has not run interference, my son is literally beside himself. No, literally!
He begins to chunk the ball as IF he really IS outdoors playing, oblivious to the glass or other breakable objects that could soon meet their demise if he kicks or tosses the ball with too much emphasis, in their direction. But still, I say nothing.
All the while I am saying absolutely NOTHING, I am paying close attention to EVERYTHING that he is doing for the arrival of the moment that I DO need to run interference.
With excitement overflowing, he dipped into the "you know you're breaking the rules by playing ball in the house well" one too many times. And now his drought begins because the ball has successfully and inevitably connected with something breakable.
He feels the warmth of "the LOOK" upon him and by the time he lifts his head to engage my patient eyes, he quickly utters: "That Wasn't Supposed To Happen."
GOD knows that I Love my children! They have made me a BETTER person, an IMPECCABLE human being, a HUMBLE man, a TIRELESS individual, LOVE filled, overflowing with INTEGRITY, all on my way to becoming a permanent soldier on the straight and narrow path.
I look to my Heavenly Father in the same way and manner that my son looks at his father and utter the exact same words when I too have dipped into that "you know you're breaking the rules by playing ball in the house well" one too many times.
I feel the warmth of "the LOOK" upon me as I quickly utter to HIM: "That Wasn't Supposed To Happen."
But, yes it was!
That is exactly how we learn from our mistakes.
Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!
All the Best, All the Time!
Monday, October 05, 2009
"The Thought Of"
"The Thought Of" Loving someone MORE than myself.
"The Thought Of" being the absolute BEST father that I KNOW I can be.
"The Thought Of" inheriting the riches of HIS Kingdom.
"The Thought Of" passing on the Blessings that have been bestowed upon me.
"The Thought Of" BEING a Blessing to those that have been bestowed upon me.
"The Thought Of" GIVING and BEING in receipt of Love.
"The Thought Of" mastering the art of forgiveness.
"The Thought Of" being forgiven for all of the artful things that make up my colorful past.
"The Thought Of" being so far removed that RE-introductions are in order.
"The Thought Of" being so firmly planted that the uprooting process is no longer possible.
"The Thought Of" living in complete and uninterrupted unison with my heart, mind, body and soul.
"The Thought Of" being better than I was yesterday.
"The Thought Of" understanding who I am today.
"The Thought Of" growing into who I am destined to be.
"The Thought Of" being transparent for all to see.
"The Thought Of" doing something with the expectation of nothing in return.
"The Thought Of" having zero conditional attachments before and after Love has affixed itself to my heart.
"The Thought Of" Smiling everyday as if its my last.
"The Thought Of" reconciling my future before it becomes my past.
"The Thought Of"....
Your thoughts dictate who and what you are, hence the reason why they are YOUR thoughts.
What are the thoughts that consume YOUR mind? And what do they say about YOU?
"The Thought Of"
Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!
All the Best, All the Time!
Friday, October 02, 2009
"Like the Day We First Met"
"Make sure she leaves something for the imagination Corey," my Mother would remind me on a regular basis. She knew that I "got it," but she wanted to make sure that "it" did not have me before I "GOT IT."
My Mother was smooth! She knew how to spare your feelings in the process of educating you along the way.
So, when we finally first met, I remembered what my Mother first told me about her:
"That first impression."
"That something for the imagination."
My recollection of the events leading up to are crystal clear. My subsequent thoughts thereafter are abundantly dear.
I am humbled that I did not live to regret, that I Love you just "Like the Day We First Met."
The power of Love will compel you to fall in Love with Love all over again. Should you have any doubt, then fondly recall the day that you met and fell in Love with Love.
You too will be humbled that you did not live to regret, the very day that you...just "Like the Day We First Met."
It's time to fall in Love with Love all over again. That first impression, that something for the imagination, just "Like the Day We First Met."
I'm so glad I "GOT IT," because my Mother sure was right!
Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!
All the Best, All the Time!
Corey A. Ford
Thursday, October 01, 2009
"The Beauty In"
You say what needs to be said, for no reason other than the fact that it, needs to be said.
Your heart is as big as all outdoors because your physical frame is too small to contain the immense joy that is packaged within just that wonderful Smile alone!
You make all of the difference in all of the lives that you touch, directly and indirectly, expecting nothing in return, other than the NEXT opportunity in which to do it all over again.
May your beauty never fade.
May your heart never grow weary.
May your efforts never become tired.
"The Beauty In" what you do, is the fact that it makes YOU who YOU are.
When people see YOU, do they see "The Beauty In" YOU?
More importantly, when YOU see YOU, do YOU see "The Beauty In" YOU?
GOD does....
In everything that you do, there lies "The Beauty In" YOU!
Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!
All the Best, All the Time!