Smile And Love Always!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

"Leap Together"

I now realize that whenever I take a "Leap of Faith," it is not done so alone. I take that leap, shrouded in my Faith with the man who has purposed me to accomplish many things in Life. With HIM, we "Leap Together."

In my upright position, I worry not about what lies beneath my feet as I take the plunge into a space and place that HE would have FOR me, even though it may be foreign TO me. With HIM, we "Leap Together."

I recall the times that I had nothing to work with, yet successfully gained everything that I needed because I had a smidget of hope and an ounce of Faith. With HIM, we "Leap Together."

In hindsight, it escapes me why I was ever even afraid of heights to begin with. Especially when my "leaping partner" promised to never let me fall. With HIM, we "Leap Together."

Henceforth, I leap. With HIM, we "Leap Together."

Are you now ready to take the plunge knowing that you do not have to do so all alone?

If so, bring all of your problems and issues to the same ledge as all of my problems and issues and let's do this together. All three of us!

Henceforth, everyday we will meet at the ledge and with HIM, we shall "Leap Together."

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

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