Smile And Love Always!

Monday, October 05, 2009

"The Thought Of"

"The Thought Of" Loving someone OTHER than myself.

"The Thought Of" Loving someone MORE than myself.

"The Thought Of" being the absolute BEST father that I KNOW I can be.

"The Thought Of" inheriting the riches of HIS Kingdom.

"The Thought Of" passing on the Blessings that have been bestowed upon me.

"The Thought Of" BEING a Blessing to those that have been bestowed upon me.

"The Thought Of" GIVING and BEING in receipt of Love.

"The Thought Of" mastering the art of forgiveness.

"The Thought Of" being forgiven for all of the artful things that make up my colorful past.

"The Thought Of" being so far removed that RE-introductions are in order.

"The Thought Of" being so firmly planted that the uprooting process is no longer possible.

"The Thought Of" living in complete and uninterrupted unison with my heart, mind, body and soul.

"The Thought Of" being better than I was yesterday.

"The Thought Of" understanding who I am today.

"The Thought Of" growing into who I am destined to be.

"The Thought Of" being transparent for all to see.

"The Thought Of" doing something with the expectation of nothing in return.

"The Thought Of" having zero conditional attachments before and after Love has affixed itself to my heart.

"The Thought Of" Smiling everyday as if its my last.

"The Thought Of" reconciling my future before it becomes my past.

"The Thought Of"....

Your thoughts dictate who and what you are, hence the reason why they are YOUR thoughts.

What are the thoughts that consume YOUR mind? And what do they say about YOU?

"The Thought Of"

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

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