Smile And Love Always!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

"Love's Address"

Just imagine being able to punch up L-O-V-E in your GPS and an actual route accompanied with step by step directions and an aerial map appear to guide you on your way. Oh, if it was that easy, automobile or not, we would all be walking around with pocket versions of any type of GPS that had such a functionality.

But back to reality and even though such a possibility is not within the realm of technology, you have to remember that Love was here FIRST and shall remain long after the demise of anyone that has ever laid claim to it.

We have been practicing the "Love rendition" all wrong. We need not look for Love at all, we only need to look within to find our way to the Love that the GPS "device" has no functionality to support.

Love does not reside at any physical location, but resides within the hearts of the person or people that take up residence in any location or situation.

"Love's Address" your heart!

Wherever your heart or the Global Positioning of your Soul (GPS), so is L-O-V-E. You are Love and how you give and receive Love is not specific to any geographic space nor demographic face, but how your heart speaks the language of Love to another heart that is so inclined to speak the same language.

Who does your heart SPEAK to?

Who does your heart LISTEN to?

You cannot GIVE Love without RECEIVING Love.

You cannot RECEIVE Love without GIVING Love.

You can try either one of the above-mentioned scenarios, but Love requires the presence of Love before Love makes the determination to FIRST show up. Otherwise, it will not work!

If you are sending Love, make sure that the return address is also Love.

If you have intentions on defrauding Love and misrepresenting what Love is all about, your transparent efforts will all be for naught. The only thing that Love knows how to do is Love.

So, pardon, as I enter L-O-V-E into my GPS, the Global Positioning of my Soul, where "Love's Address" resides, within me!

GOD is Love!

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

Smile and Love Always,

Sunday, June 27, 2010

"There Will Always Be Room..."

Both good and bad relationships alike yield lessons learned. More often than not, what was learned will not be felt in its entirety until you have been entirely removed from the situation.

Oft times we do not realize how bad or how good a relationship was until we are no longer IN it or a part OF it. The view is much different when you are on the outside looking in as opposed to being on the inside trying to find your way around.

Each of the aforementioned give way to the fact that there is always room for improvement, even when the relationship was good. Good does not equate to perfect and as long as perfection has not been achieved, "There Will Always Be Room..."

All of the things that you did right as well as all of the things that you did wrong, including everything in between, have taught us that there was still more to see and do for the ones whose hearts were meant to be true.

If you have ever broken a heart, go mend it. Not necessarily for the sake of reconciliation, but because it is the right thing to do. "There Will Always Be Room..."

If your heart has ever been broken, allow the healing process to commence. Not necessarily to afford the offender a "do-over," but so that you can move on with YOUR Life. "There Will Always Be Room..."

If you have ever NOT lived up to your potential in a relationship, revisit those lessons learned and document your own notes with respect to what was done and said up to and INCLUDING what YOU did or said. "There Will Always Be Room..."

Relationships tell us a LOT about ourselves, sometimes more than what we might care to or might want to actually know. How we conduct ourselves in the midst of adversity speak to the longevity or lack thereof and the consistency of either road in which we travel.

I am humbled by what I have learned about myself throughout the course of my relationships. I am also proud of the fact that the experience OF, is now my testimony TO, Love.

Now that I have been entirely removed from the entirety of the situation, I can now attest to the lessons learned that both good and bad relationships alike yield.

When it comes to improvement, "There Will Always Be Room..."

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

Smile and Love Always,

Friday, June 25, 2010

"Imitation IS the Best Form of Flattery"

Still do not believe that GOD is "WITH You" (

Through every crisis I have ever encountered, I have also experienced counter measures that aligned my path and bordered the shadows of my presence, even in broad daylight.

Had I not been covered, had you not been covered, it is safe to say that we would not be here, nor there or anywhere for that matter.

We question our purpose only for the simple fact that we are unaware or naïve to what our purpose actually is. Have you ever asked GOD for wisdom and understanding with respect to the role that you play? Well...why not? Seek and ye shall find. Ask me how I know.

I would never encourage someone to "question" GOD, but I would implore someone to seek out the knowledge and understanding that would catapult someone's foundation, by allowing someone to build upon that foundation, not only rising to the occasion, but raising the infrastructure to unprecedented levels, coupled with immeasurable success.

GOD Loves you!

It is time to start Loving yourself, just a fraction of what HE already does. Our level of Love may not ever reach the levels of HIS Love, but "Imitation IS the Best Form of Flattery."

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

Smile and Love Always,

Thursday, June 24, 2010

"WITH You"

If you are reading this right now then the LORD has given you another day, another opportunity and another Blessing to walk amongst the living and to be everything that you are destined and purposed to be in Life, YOUR Life!

I know way too many people right now that are GROWING through some issues and problems of both the personal and professional nature, up to and including myself. But what is most important and what we need to remember is that we are HERE for a REASON!

GOD has planned HIS work and HE is working HIS plan. And guess what? YOU'RE INCLUDED!!

If they try to tell you that you are not, it is only due to the fact that they are uncertain about their own, themselves.

But make no mistake about the sheer passion of the LORD and how much HE Loves you and is able and willing to do what needs to be done to provide you what you need, when you need it, even when your realization of such is non-existent. Who ELSE can give you what you need even when you don't even know what it IS that you need?

Glory Be To GOD!

Your fate is not determined by the jealousy, mediocrity and stupidity of others. But the moment that you start believing it, then it is! Hold fast in your belief that GOD is fighting on your behalf and that HE will boomerang those thoughts and exercises in futility back to their origins, without even grazing you.

When GOD is on your side, that semi-automatic venom that is spat your way is ultimately equivalent to spitting in the wind. And to the perpetrators of such, no it is not drizzling, but the calm before the storm that I will stand right in the middle of as I bare witness to your feeble attempts to contest My Father!

I struggle "WITH You."

I believe "WITH You."

I Pray "WITH You."

I Praise "WITH You."

I surrender "WITH You."

Hold your head up, I'm "WITH You."

If GOD be for you, then who DARE be against YOU?

TELL YOURSELF: "Since you're riding with me LORD, know that I'm riding "WITH You."

Top down, problems are in the rearview (

I'm "WITH You!"

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

Smile and Love Always,

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

"Thank You For Being My Daddy"

I do not believe that a man should solely verbalize his intentions but rather allow his very actions to speak for themselves.

When it is all said and done, it will not be what you "intended" to do but what you actually "accomplished" while you had the chance and your opportunity here in which to do so.

With that said, I am humbled that I have the wherewithal to know and act upon the differences between "intentions" and "accomplishments."

Mind you, from a definition perspective, no "clarification" is needed. But during Life and the subsequent "application" process, the difference between the two needs to be solidified in stone and substantiated through the actions of your heart.

I Love my children with every ounce of my being after GOD has replenished me upon the completion of the depletion of the Love that I have for GOD. In other words, GOD comes first!

And then one day HE so chose to Bless me to do something and to be someone that at the time only HE could have known I would be able to effectively do. HE knew that I could be a Dad. HE knew that I could be a Father. And everyday my children remind me of HIS Blessing of such an opportunity and privilege that HE bestowed upon the likes of me.

On the morning of Father's Day, my precious little Princess looked at me and allowed words to roll off of her tongue as if she really meant them, with conviction and Love in her heart and mind and as children so often do, catching me totally off guard. On Father's Day my daughter told me: "Thank You For Being My Daddy" and walked away.

As she left I wanted to say, "hold on, don't you want to talk about this?"

It doesn't get any better than that!

How could she possibly thank ME without me turning right around and thanking HIM? If you are not learning from children, respectfully, you are not paying attention.

My "intentions" are to be a great Father! And upon the completion of my last breath, I know that I will have "accomplished" just that because I plan on leaving everything, taking nothing and surrendering it ALL!

My daughter thanked ME for being someone and doing something that I never thought that I would be or could do. But HE knew!

It is a privilege to be a Father.

It is a privilege to be a Dad.

It is a Blessing to be able to experience them both within your Lifetime.

Before the completion of your last breath, leave everything, take nothing and surrender it ALL!

The pleasure is mine Princess! It is both an honor and a privilege, so thank YOU for allowing me to be your Daddy.

...leave everything, take nothing and surrender it ALL!

Glory Be To GOD!

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

Smile and Love Always,

Friday, June 18, 2010


GOD has Blessed me more than the human mind can begin to fathom. HE has been generous to Corey with HIS time, wisdom, knowledge and understanding.

Although it has not been easy and far from painless, I have arrived by way of GOD's "awesome" Grace and Mercy.

I have lost SO much, but in turn have gained even MORE. It makes no sense to complain, when the takeaways have been far less than the gains. You could not have uttered those very words to me in the midst of it all, but the truth be known, that is exactly why I stand so strong and tall. "Whatever doesn't kill you, does indeed make you STRONGER!" Ask me how I know!

I knew not HIS plans for me, but I chose to "listen" to HIM and GO!

I knew not the direction of HIS path for me, but I chose to head that way ANYWAY!

Life is chalk full of choices and with every sunrise that we are so Blessed to bare witness to, we are afforded the opportunity for what my children refer to as "do-overs."

GOD has not forgotten about us. HE knows WHERE we are, WHO we are with and WHAT we are doing! Do "YOU" know WHERE you are, WHO you are with and WHAT you are doing? If not, then you should take the time, make the time, in order to find out!

Once upon a time I knew not the answers to those very questions myself. But what they say is true indeed: "a closed mouth, does not get fed." And chances are the intensity of the hunger pains have not been elevated HIGH enough for you to reach FAR enough. But they will. Just live a little longer.

I never knew that GOD would use Corey in such a capacity, to speak through, to reach, to listen to, to advocate for, to Smile on behalf of, to be an instrument for, all whom would so subscribe to something better, in the true sense of having "All the Best, All the Time!"

I knew not HIS plans for me, but I knew GOD!

I knew not the direction of HIS path for me, but I knew GOD!

And here I stand, 400 Blogs in, humbled by the manner and capacity that the LORD GOD so chose to use me to glorify "HIM." To give "HIM" the honor and Praise that "HE" so deserves by way of authoring testimonies and stories alike that are honest in their interpretations and 1000% free of any self-righteous embellishment TO or FOR Corey.

I Pray that as I celebrate this "400th," that I am only scratching the surface with respect to what is in store and how HE shall choose to use Corey going forward.

I implore you to "avail yourself" so that you can stretch your potential to the far reaches of HIS creation and everything in between.

I Promise that once you receive the absolute best, never again shall you settle for less, by choice nor circumstance.

Happy "400th!" Thank You LORD!


Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

Smile and Love Always,

Monday, June 14, 2010

"OF Your Life"

GOD wants us to be good stewards over the many Blessings that HE has bestowed. It is incumbent upon us, with extreme reverence, to take care of the things that HE has already provisioned and taken care of HIMself.

There always has and there always will be the types of energies, in the form of people, places and things, that attempt to vacuum those Blessings up in a contained effort as opposed to just realizing what THEIR very own Blessings in Life are.

We always want what we want, yet oft times we actually do not even know what that WANT is. But, we still want it, we seek it out, and too much of the time it is at the expense of others.

Our stewardship is not just limited to watching over our Blessings, but protecting them as well. Sometimes this will lead us to make some difficult, yet necessary choices within our lives.

The difficult aspects are relative to the "perceived" emotional attachments that have been birthed and nourished along the way. Momma always told me, "Corey, everything that is good TO you, is not good FOR you." Food for thought? Well, come fix your plate and have a seat at the table.

Do not extend yourself to the detriment OF yourself.

Do not allow someone's presence IN your Life to be a contradiction "OF Your Life."

As the Blessings are nourished, they shall continue to flourish.

The gift of Life is a Blessing bestowed.

Therefore, be good stewards "OF Your Life."

Yet again, I find myself thanking YOU Mother! My Life made better because "OF Your Life."

I share "IN," so that one day I too, may be "OF."

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

Smile and Love Always,

Friday, June 11, 2010

"Laid Your Burdens Down"

They say that there is a catch to everything. If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is. There always seems to be a caveat when someone is explaining something or delivering anything your way.

We really shouldn't be surprised at this fact since it actually starts with GOD. There is nothing that HE cannot do, there is nothing that HE will not do for us and on our behalf. But there is indeed a caveat.

I have both witnessed and been the recipient of many Blessings, only after submitting myself unto Thee, relinquishing my actions and rendering them actionless when HE is in the midst. Oh, that caveat...

It is admirable in concept, yet deplorable in reality, to think that we can actually help GOD "get the heavy stuff" ( out of our directional paths in Life. HE can and most certainly will. But there is indeed that caveat.

In this very instance, the definition of pride seeks refuge outside of my mind and body as I heroically bare witness to the ease in which HE moves all that I need to be moved and reveals all that I need to be revealed. But there is indeed a caveat.

I dare you to turn around, after having "Laid Your Burdens Down." And if I was a gambling man, I would be willing to bet that you would not find them there, where you left them anymore.

So, the caveat is simple.

Just "let go and let GOD."

No bartering, no bargaining and no begging. After you have released them completely and in their entirety, physically, emotionally, mentally, psychologically AND Spiritually, just let go and I dare you to simply turn around.

No, I am not a gambling man, but if I were, how much would you owe me? Smile and let go!

Empty me and replenish with Thee!

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!


Thursday, June 10, 2010

"Although...Each and Every Day"

Although each day brings about new challenges and obstacles to overcome, it also affords us new opportunities to try to accomplish what we might have previously failed at, adding the twist of a new day, renewed strength and energy, to do better than what we could have, the first time around.

Although the agenda of each new day is ultimately unknown, I am humbled that I have the chance to partake in it and to be a part of the solution through all of my contributions.

Although what one contributes might be less than what another contributes, it is a contribution nonetheless.

Although what one contributes might be more than what another contributes, it is a contribution nonetheless.

Although the challenges we face may differ on a daily basis, the source of our inner resolve remains refreshingly constant. To know that no matter what lies ahead of us, we are affirmed by WHO and WHAT stands BESIDE and BEHIND us, at all times.

Although WE might fail, the moment where we recognize the difference in our efforts and those of HIS, we shall become permanently victorious in all that we do.

Until the day that I have no more days, I shall look forward, to "Each and Every Day."

Glory Be To GOD, forever!

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!


Tuesday, June 08, 2010

"Seasons of Your Life"

I Love You!

The chapter of your Life,
The stories within your book,
The testimony of your struggle,
The commitment to see it through,
The adversity that attempts to destroy you,
The Love that is still within your heart,
The actions that prove your intentions,

I Love You!

At this juncture in your Life, you should be happy to have survived this long and made it this far.

Everything that you have been through has brought you immense wisdom, clarity and further understanding, if you were paying attention.

Sometimes we cannot see the forest for the trees because we are solidly standing in our very own way.

Sometimes we are our very own worst enemy.

Sometimes we give ourselves too little credit for what we have done.

Sometimes we give ourselves too much credit for what we have not done.

And sometimes we forget and misplace the credit to the ONE that deserves it ALL.

No matter where you are within the itemizations, declare that "I Love You!"

For it is within each of the "Seasons of Your Life" that we discover the reasons of where we are, if we are paying attention.

To my current season I declare that "I Love You!" You are the reason that I will be prepared for all of the future "Seasons of My Life." I embrace your wisdom, clarity and further understanding.

Thank you for the preparation as I proudly make the declaration that, "I Love You," throughout all of the "Seasons of My Life."

Here's to paying attention, throughout all of the "Seasons of Your Life."

I Love You!

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!


Monday, June 07, 2010

"Love Shall Prevail"

In the midst of all of the most horrific things that are happening within the world today, there is something going on at the exact same time to counter the pessimistic, negative energy and actions, filling the voids with optimistic, positive energy and actions.

Those pot holes can and will wreak havoc on the front end alignment of your vehicle and your last minute avoidance could have potentially caused more undue harm to you, someone else or even your vehicle.

The everyday challenges that we face within our lives are no different. They too can wreak havoc and our attempts to avoid them can be more detrimental than to simply face them head on.

Worry not about the impacts of neither! Just remind yourself of who's side that you are on.

The challenges that we face are here to make us stronger and wiser. And even when those challenges become bigger, in all actuality, they begin to pale in comparison to the strength and wisdom that we have garnered along Life's way.

Life pulls FROM us only in order to deposit back WITHIN us.

And now when you travel and happen upon those once havoc wreaking potholes, you can simultaneously FILL them as you travel OVER them, unscathed by what was once a nuisance that no longer exists or impacts your existence.

Whatever we face will always pale in comparison to the face of Love.

Those uphill battles will always provide excellent views, once you're at the top...

Never allow yourself to fail, now that you know, that "Love Shall Prevail."

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!


"To Love Again"

It hurts to feel the sting that we are too quick to attribute to Love. Plain and simple: Love does not hurt. It is not supposed to. And as soon as we think that it is, we need to promptly label that big red flag to read: "THIS IS NOT LOVE!"

Love is not a foregone conclusion, should you forgo it to begin with. What would be the basis of something built on nothing? Zero times zero equals...

You see the only thing that you can subtract from Love, is you. And even then, once your animosity subsides, you'll be back because Love will never remove you from its roll call list and will continue to call out your name until that one day you decide to show up and it marks you present, once again.

So, in order to multiply Love, you need to first add TO Love, literally. The only thing that you should ever take away from Love, is "how to."

It is not going anywhere. Love will always be right here, waiting for your triumphant return to Love. Love needs you, "To Love Again."

Have a Lovely day, in the name of Love.

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!


Sunday, June 06, 2010

"The Elegance Of Love"

The precise craftsmanship that goes into creating an everlasting Love is first acknowledging that Love is the master and that WE are the permanent students of all that Love has and will continue to teach us throughout our OLT (On the Love Training).

I believe that when Love moves in, by default everything contrary to Love has to move out. Not out of choice, but out of necessity. Truth be told, eviction is more appropriate since Love will only accept payment for Love, in the form of Love.

All of your actions, both verbal and physical in nature should be soiled in Love so that what emanates from those actions is nothing short of an extension from the root of the seeds of Love that you have already planted.

Hurtful thoughts and deeds become a thing of the past, having been served their eviction notices when Love signed the Lifelong contract with your heart to forever take up residence in that prime peace of real estate that pumps Life into your entire existence.

Vindictiveness and spitefulness have withered away and died a horrible but much deserved death because Love, while gentle in nature, is THE most powerful force known to exist and has zero tolerance for anarchy towards Love and all that Love so desires to accomplish, starting with you, in your Life.

In all of its elegance, the brilliance of Love can hardly go unnoticed with every intention on staying focused on the tasks at hand: to give and to receive, absolute Love.

Substitutes for Love is mediocrity conjured up and dressed up to appear to be everything that it knows not HOW to be.

You cannot LOOK like Love if you are not Love.

You cannot SOUND like Love if you are not Love.

You cannot PRETEND Love if you are not Love.

You cannot FAKE the authenticity of Love if Love is not within your heart.

And you cannot persuade yourself or others to the POWER of Love, if you yourself are oblivious and fail to believe in its natural elegance, that of which, is "The Elegance Of Love."

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!


Wednesday, June 02, 2010

"Results WILL Vary!"

If your future is waiting for you to show up, then don't you think that it is high time that you got yourself marked "present" by actually being so?

I used to attribute my tardiness to the fact that I was born as such. Believing that you are "predisposed" is a fallacy dictated by the enemy that doesn't want to ever see you in prosperity.

It is nothing more than a cop out for the people that refuse to help you out. But if they do choose to help you, it is up to you to help them help you by getting yourself marked "present," since YOUR future depends on it and is actually waiting for you to make it happen.

Expectations: create them and see what happens. Likewise. Do not create them and see what happens. The "Results WILL Vary!"

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!
