Smile And Love Always!

Friday, June 18, 2010


GOD has Blessed me more than the human mind can begin to fathom. HE has been generous to Corey with HIS time, wisdom, knowledge and understanding.

Although it has not been easy and far from painless, I have arrived by way of GOD's "awesome" Grace and Mercy.

I have lost SO much, but in turn have gained even MORE. It makes no sense to complain, when the takeaways have been far less than the gains. You could not have uttered those very words to me in the midst of it all, but the truth be known, that is exactly why I stand so strong and tall. "Whatever doesn't kill you, does indeed make you STRONGER!" Ask me how I know!

I knew not HIS plans for me, but I chose to "listen" to HIM and GO!

I knew not the direction of HIS path for me, but I chose to head that way ANYWAY!

Life is chalk full of choices and with every sunrise that we are so Blessed to bare witness to, we are afforded the opportunity for what my children refer to as "do-overs."

GOD has not forgotten about us. HE knows WHERE we are, WHO we are with and WHAT we are doing! Do "YOU" know WHERE you are, WHO you are with and WHAT you are doing? If not, then you should take the time, make the time, in order to find out!

Once upon a time I knew not the answers to those very questions myself. But what they say is true indeed: "a closed mouth, does not get fed." And chances are the intensity of the hunger pains have not been elevated HIGH enough for you to reach FAR enough. But they will. Just live a little longer.

I never knew that GOD would use Corey in such a capacity, to speak through, to reach, to listen to, to advocate for, to Smile on behalf of, to be an instrument for, all whom would so subscribe to something better, in the true sense of having "All the Best, All the Time!"

I knew not HIS plans for me, but I knew GOD!

I knew not the direction of HIS path for me, but I knew GOD!

And here I stand, 400 Blogs in, humbled by the manner and capacity that the LORD GOD so chose to use me to glorify "HIM." To give "HIM" the honor and Praise that "HE" so deserves by way of authoring testimonies and stories alike that are honest in their interpretations and 1000% free of any self-righteous embellishment TO or FOR Corey.

I Pray that as I celebrate this "400th," that I am only scratching the surface with respect to what is in store and how HE shall choose to use Corey going forward.

I implore you to "avail yourself" so that you can stretch your potential to the far reaches of HIS creation and everything in between.

I Promise that once you receive the absolute best, never again shall you settle for less, by choice nor circumstance.

Happy "400th!" Thank You LORD!


Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

Smile and Love Always,

1 comment:

Reshape, Revive and Restore said...

Congratulations Corey on your 400th! It has been a long time since I've witness the love of God in such great capacity from a man as I see in you. I pray as God allows breath in your body that you continue to bless others including myself, that you continue to allow Him to use you in all your ways. Your mom is smiling on you (her cheeks are hurting) from smiling so hard :) I could write more but I'm lost for words! Again, congrats on your 400th and being a true example of manhood! Courtney