Smile And Love Always!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

"You'll Never Change"

Change is good! Change makes you take an honest hard look at yourself and itemize the things that you like as well as the things that you do not like, subsequently allowing you to actually do something about it, should you so desire.

Some of us think that change is only relative to those that are around us, externally, as opposed to what is within us, internally.

But since we are all works in progress, we all stand in the need of change. It brings us closer to who and what we are selflessly SUPPOSED to be and not who and what we might selfishly WANT to be.

Perfection might not warrant change, but as imperfect as we are, change is a necessity.

Oft times I have heard people declare out loud their sentiments to another person's charge of "impeccability" by gesturing with their mouthpiece, whether in earshot or not that, "You'll Never Change."

Guilty as charged, GOD knows that I have perpetrated the same vocal sentiments about another. But, that was then. I need not concern myself with what and how a person changes and if they ever feel the desire to do so.

Although my willingness to share in the necessity of change compels me to do just that, it is not my job nor is it my responsibility to dictate it to another. Imperfection is a relative of mine as well.

Thank you LORD! I know that no matter what I go through on this journey of mine, I am humbled by the fact that YOU are perfection, and that "You'll Never Change." I can live with that!

In the meantime I have some itemizations to work through as imperfection steadily calls my name. My concession to the possession of perfection means that I shall forever remain humbled that perfection DOES exist, but only in the Father, through the Son. I can live with that too! Literally!

And thank GOD, "You'll Never Change."

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!



Dylana Suarez said...

What a great post! Your blog is very inspiring!

Corey A. Ford said...

Thank you, for being a part of the inspiration Dylana!