Smile And Love Always!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

"Other Than Yourself"

You ever want to experience something so liberating that it winds up bringing you to a place that you have never been before? Try being of service to someone "Other Than Yourself," and marvel at what is about to be revealed to you after you have given OF yourself TO someone else.

Somewhere along the way, someone HAS picked you up when you were down! Somewhere along the way, someone HAS scraped some of us off the bottom of the barrel when we were put out with the rest of the garbage! That someone was being of service to someone else, "Other Than Themselves."

And now it is OUR turn. Spiritually, we are obligatorily bound to be of service to anyone "Other Than Ourselves," especially when our knowledge is directly on the pulse of what they might be going through.

How can I eat, when my neighbor is unemployed and his children are hungry?

How can I partake in my Blessings without sharing with the one's that ARE without?

One at a time, make a single difference. Be that spark that ignites that flame that burns deep down within the soul that gives Praise and Thanksgiving to all whom need it and do not have it and to those that need it and have yet to even realize that they are in need OF it. They do not know what they do not know, until you tell them!

Mentor that young boy that has no father!

Teach that young girl how to be a lady!

Show that absent father how to be present!

Demonstrate Love to that Mother that is on the brink and about to break!

Allow the revelation to take place within you, by being of service to someone, "OTHER Than Yourself."

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

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