Smile And Love Always!

Monday, January 28, 2008

"Planting the Seeds"

We did not have a garden the FIRST, yet I always witnessed my Mother "Planting the Seeds."

"Planting the Seeds" of GOD.
"Planting the Seeds" of Jesus.
"Planting the Seeds" of Faith.
"Planting the Seeds" of Love.
"Planting the Seeds" of Truth.
"Planting the Seeds" of Strength.
"Planting the Seeds" of Integrity.
"Planting the Seeds" of Hope.
"Planting the Seeds" of Courage.
"Planting the Seeds" of Endurance.
"Planting the Seeds" of Patience.
"Planting the Seeds" of Education.
"Planting the Seeds" of Self-Worth.
"Planting the Seeds" of Destiny.

.....she would sit back and watch her garden grow. What I thought to have been ANY ordinary feat was ALWAYS greeted with great pleasure and joy. Now I understand why. This was a way of reaping the benefits of the seeds that were sown way back when she was initially "Planting the Seeds." This proved to be the confirmation that no matter what was said, attempted or done contrary to "Planting the Seeds," the victory was at hand because it was harvest time and living proof that "no weapon formed against her/me, shall prosper."

Oh what joy it is to be a living example to those whose lives are so intricately intertwined with your own. What a Blessing it is to be a Blessing to people that you have never even laid eyes on. What a Gift it has been to receive the Victory even BEFORE crossing the finish line. What a Blessing it is to even be IN the race and at a competitive pace.

I thank my Momma for first "Planting Those Seeds." I thank my Momma for teaching me how to "pull those weeds" so they wouldn't infiltrate and harm my garden. I thank my Momma for teaching me how to be the only thing that I know how to be, ME. I thank my Momma for EVERY seed that she EVER planted...including the ones that I have yet to discover.

I'm a parent now and I do not have a garden the FIRST, yet I find myself, like my Momma, "Planting the Seeds."

You should see my Momma's "Generational" garden now!

Take the time to plant some seeds today.

Love and My Mother are the Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are the Motivation!
Love and My Mother are the Celebration!

All the Best, All the Time!

1 comment:

CIMSAAF said...

This is absolutely WONDERFUL!! Well done! :-)