When you are absent from, you do not know what your Presence has missed out on. Being present means that you are in the know with what you need to know. Your physical presence is only one component. Your Emotional and Spiritual Presence are also required in order to engage your Heart, so that you do not miss out on the part that you must play.
The importance of your Presence should not fall upon deaf ears and simply relegated to the notes of someone else that understood the importance of Presence. If you need to be there, then there is exactly where your Presence needs to be, connected both Emotionally and Spiritually. Your Heart needs to hear what you feel and feel what you hear, so that it can communicate it to your actions, all of what you must do.
Minimizing your Presence only leads to a minimization of everything thereafter. Your Presence has a way of communicating the intentions of your Heart, which has a paralleled focus on your actionable part.
If your Presence is absent more than it is present, do not be surprised when everything else starts to refuse to show up. Presence takes its queue from you. If you are not there, you should not expect it to be there either.
However, bad news is only bad when the opportunity to make it good is never acted upon. It is never too late to become present with your Presence.
Become "Present In And With Your Presence," so that absence becomes a thing of the past. Yours.
Be present when it matters.
Be present where it matters.
Be present with whom it matters.
Be present through both the good and the bad matters.
Be present with your entire being, leaving no leaf unturned in all matters.
Be present! All else won't matter. Just your Presence.
Be "Present In And With Your Presence." Presence changes all of Life's matters.
Smile and Love Always!
Heavenly Father.
King Jesus.
Holy Spirit.
Smile And Love Always.
All The Best, All The Time.
And Still.
Exactly Who God Says I Am.
Corey A. Ford
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