Smile And Love Always!

Saturday, February 21, 2015

"I Seek Your Infinite Wisdom"

Lord, I Promise You to do what is Right in Your sight and to repent unto You every single time that I fall short of Your Glory. In doing so, I concede to the fact that I will be in a state of submission the vast majority of my Life. However, I know that there is no better place to be, as I embrace the Transformation to becoming everything that You have always wanted me to Be.

Whatever is done TO me, from this day forth, will be viewed as what has been done FOR me. The weakness of my flesh will become my opportunity to renew and replenish whatever my repentance has confessed.

I will not lean on my own understanding (Proverbs 3:5) and seek to gain better clarity and understanding with respect to what "it" means to You, what "it" means I should do, and to do "it," so that "it" is pleasing unto You, Lord.

"I Seek Your Infinite Wisdom" to carry out the Purpose that You have placed upon my Life, as I step into the blueprint of my Destiny. I seek You Lord, in ALL that I do!

Heavenly Father.

King Jesus.

Holy Spirit.

Smile And Love Always.

All The Best, All The Time.

And Still.

Exactly Who God Says I Am.

Corey A. Ford

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