Whenever you get into someone else's vehicle to drive it for the very first time, there are some adjustments that need to be made to suit your specifications and comfort level in the handling of a vehicle that is not yours.
The horizontal length of the seats in proportion to your height and the distance to the pedals, the vertical height of the seats, the rear-view mirror, the side mirror's and acclimating yourself to the controls and gadgets and the once or twiceover that you make prior to putting the vehicle in motion.
You are then able to drive something that does not belong to you, but it never quite rides like the vehicle that belongs to you, does it? And even though you are licensed to operate that vehicle, the registration bares a name that is other than yours. For "It Belongs To Someone Else!"
The Life Blessings that we are born into, that are to be revealed to us, are just the same in a like manner, capacity and scenario. Others may attempt to drive what is not customized to their specifications and them being licensed to do so is only done so, with your permission. And irrespective of how far or how long they drive, the ownership of both the Blessing and the vehicle are non-transferable, unless there is an associated cost, from one ownership to the next, or so it seems.
Some costs are beyond our ability and financial capability of ever affording. And the cost associated with Blessings are at an even Greater price, that was already paid for "On the Cross." You see, what is for you is only for you. What is for me is only for me. And the transferability of our inheritance is void of any transaction that would supersede the Owner of the Blessing.
Ownership is key, pun intended. You should not operate something unless the key is yours or unless the understanding is understood that "It Belongs To Someone Else!"
I think that we tend to become complacent in living a vicarious lifestyle and existence in and with something that does not bare our names as the Rightful owners. It is often as IF, the Owner of the Blessing got it wrong when He chose to Bless us with what He knew to be Best for us.
We must remove ourselves out of the mindset that we need to be seen through the eyes of someone else other than seeing ourselves through the eyes of ourselves. No ambiguity or confusion can lead us down a path of disillusionment or disillusion. We know who are and what we will become, when we finally start seeing ourselves through the "Eyes of the Son."
Live in the Blessing that is yours. Live the Life and existence that is all your own. And worry not about the customization of someone else's situation, that was not tailor made for you. For if it was, alterations would not be necessary. And since they are, understand that "It Belongs To Someone Else." Find what fits you and start wearing the Blessings that were made to your specifications. Your name is already on it as the Rightful owner and no adjustments or alterations are needed for the Perfect fit that is all your own. Everyone else will come to know, that "It Belongs To Someone Else!"
God, Love, And Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford
The horizontal length of the seats in proportion to your height and the distance to the pedals, the vertical height of the seats, the rear-view mirror, the side mirror's and acclimating yourself to the controls and gadgets and the once or twiceover that you make prior to putting the vehicle in motion.
You are then able to drive something that does not belong to you, but it never quite rides like the vehicle that belongs to you, does it? And even though you are licensed to operate that vehicle, the registration bares a name that is other than yours. For "It Belongs To Someone Else!"
The Life Blessings that we are born into, that are to be revealed to us, are just the same in a like manner, capacity and scenario. Others may attempt to drive what is not customized to their specifications and them being licensed to do so is only done so, with your permission. And irrespective of how far or how long they drive, the ownership of both the Blessing and the vehicle are non-transferable, unless there is an associated cost, from one ownership to the next, or so it seems.
Some costs are beyond our ability and financial capability of ever affording. And the cost associated with Blessings are at an even Greater price, that was already paid for "On the Cross." You see, what is for you is only for you. What is for me is only for me. And the transferability of our inheritance is void of any transaction that would supersede the Owner of the Blessing.
Ownership is key, pun intended. You should not operate something unless the key is yours or unless the understanding is understood that "It Belongs To Someone Else!"
I think that we tend to become complacent in living a vicarious lifestyle and existence in and with something that does not bare our names as the Rightful owners. It is often as IF, the Owner of the Blessing got it wrong when He chose to Bless us with what He knew to be Best for us.
We must remove ourselves out of the mindset that we need to be seen through the eyes of someone else other than seeing ourselves through the eyes of ourselves. No ambiguity or confusion can lead us down a path of disillusionment or disillusion. We know who are and what we will become, when we finally start seeing ourselves through the "Eyes of the Son."
Live in the Blessing that is yours. Live the Life and existence that is all your own. And worry not about the customization of someone else's situation, that was not tailor made for you. For if it was, alterations would not be necessary. And since they are, understand that "It Belongs To Someone Else." Find what fits you and start wearing the Blessings that were made to your specifications. Your name is already on it as the Rightful owner and no adjustments or alterations are needed for the Perfect fit that is all your own. Everyone else will come to know, that "It Belongs To Someone Else!"
God, Love, And Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford
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