The Holy Name of Jesus is synonymous with that of Love! Fathoming the unfathomable is synonymous with Loving the unlovable. They both serve as convicting evidence that the Spirit of the Lord is definitely in the midst. How can you Love that which cannot be Loved? Jesus is the answer. How can you fathom the unfathomable? Again, Jesus is the answer. Any question that begs for an understanding that extends beyond the human comprehension, requires the Supernatural Response of Christ. And although there is nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9), our Strength and Understanding cannot begin until we concede that our logic is done.
In every instance of my existence, I am Blessed by earthly Angels that remind me of what God has declared it to be. Far be it from me to sacrifice it ALL for more of the same. When the answers extend beyond my understanding, I simply "Call Upon Your Name: Jesus!"
God, Love, And Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford
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