Smile And Love Always!

Monday, September 30, 2013


Such a river of pain that is flowing through the veins of those that are living their lives "Hurt."

Such an unnecessary burden that is being carried around and adorned like the latest fashion accessory by those that are "Hurt."

One does not realize what is wrong if the view is focused on what is going on on the outside as opposed to the real root of the problem that is flowing through them on the inside.

How can one adequately discern and diagnose the ills and the problems if the band aid is placed on the exterior as opposed to the healing of the Heart on the interior? You cant!

The shift in the atmosphere has nothing to do with what is going on around you environmentally. The shift begins when we take a look at what is going on internally, emotionally and mentally.

We cannot shift the blame onto others and think that the remedy to the situation has been addressed, because the mess will remain. The stains of our past do not have to remain visible when we have the cleansing power of the Holy Spiritual.

We find what we seek and if we seek out more of the same, the results will not disappoint. However, when we seek out the Change, the results will be unlike anything that even remotely resembles that of the same.

We were not designed to be held captive by the enemy of our own mindset. For it is through the Strength of a Greater Understanding that we will find our True Calling and begin to unravel the Miracles of God, by realizing and stepping into His Plans for our lives.

We go there, we have gone and resided there, But God, we do not have to remain there!

The shift is not contingent upon our position. The shift is contingent upon our perspective. When we change how we think of and see ourselves, aligning with how God thinks of and sees us, we can then and only then, step into the Glory that is Him!

"Hurt" has no fixed address, so do not allow it to reside within you!

Heal within, so that with God, we can begin to live again, without "Hurt."

God, Love, And Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford

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