Smile And Love Always!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

"Just A Few Seconds"

My son and I are the Unified Tag Team Champions of the World. YES, we are fans of wrestling and have our own Tag Team Titles that we are willing to defend against anyone that thinks that they can pin either one us for the "1, 2, 3!"

So, as I make preparations for the day, my son pops in every 2 to 5 minutes imploring me to "WATCH this, Daddy!" "Have you EVER seen this move before, Daddy?" "Come look at THIS, Daddy!"

You see, my son has his little wrestling figures, the ring and the peripheral set up to stage all of his little matches.

"Son, Daddy has to get ready."

"It will be really quick, Daddy," he promises. "Please come here for "Just A Few Seconds," Daddy."

As I oblige his every request, I inform him that "Daddy cannot keep coming in every time that you call me son. I have to get us ready so that we can leave."

But my son has no concept of time management. So long as his time is spent with his father, he could care less.

In the back of my mind, I know that I'm going to be late and as we get closer to departure, his requests begin to increase, especially if our destination will mean that we have to go our separate ways for the course of the day.

I will usually have to administer EXTRA hugs on top of the mandatory 20. But in the back of my mind I hear his voice telling me "It will be really quick, Daddy." So, I oblige, EVERY time!

You see, to make a difference to ONE lifetime takes "Just A Few Seconds." So, I take EVERY one of those few seconds to make that difference in the ONE lifetime, so that he will oblige the "Laws of Reciprocity" and take "Just A Few Seconds" to make a difference in HIS sons lifetime, the same way that HIS Daddy did.

Not to say that I am better than, but imagine if ALL fathers took "Just A Few Seconds" to make a difference in the lifetime of the lives that they can unmistakably make a positive impact in?

I thank you GOD for making "Corey" smaller, so that my heart can grow BIGGER! I'm sure that it only took YOU, "Just A Few Seconds."

Typically, I'm behind schedule, but now I have a good reason to be. As one half of the Unified Tag Team Champions of the World, I'm going to take "Just A Few Seconds" to defend the titles with my son.

If I need to be somewhere, know that I will be behind schedule, for "Just A Few Seconds." For I now have a good reason to be.

MEN, starting TODAY, take "Just A Few Seconds."

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

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