Smile And Love Always!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

"Create Your Own Lane"

It appears that everyone else is driving by you as you sit behind the red lights of the vehicle directly in front of you. You cannot get in the lane to your left because it is a High Occupancy Vehicle lane used for those that are perceived to be doing more because they are simply carrying more.

Upon closer observation, you begin to notice that not everyone driving in the HOV lane is meeting the requirements to travel in the HOV lane because they are not high occupancy even though they are vehicles using it as such.

Such is Life!

How many people are driving right on through Life in the HOV lane just because it is there and not because they are necessarily adhering to the rules of?

Tempting, isn't it? If you just bunny hop right on in that HOV lane for a few, you can successfully bypass the bottleneck traffic and simultaneously shave off some of your commute time, right? I mean afterall, didn't you witness someone else, others, doing the exact same thing without any perceived repercussions? It IS tempting, isn't it?

Such is Life!

There is NOTHING that we do, that we realize is not the right thing to do, that has no repercussions, whether it has been witnessed or not.

Such IS Life!

Instead of following and doing as the others do, DARE to "Create Your Own Lane" in Life. Dare to separate yourself from that bottleneck and flow on the open road of Life as if you're the only one on the road, traveling at that time, top down! Still Tempting?

When the road in Life that you're traveling down does not contain your needs and wants within its inventory, it is time to "Create Your Own Lane."

So, top off that tank, give Praise and Thanks and I'll see you on the road!

And remember, no one can pass you by, when you "Create Your Own Lane."

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

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