Smile And Love Always!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

"Lead BY Example"

It is so easy to be a verbal mouthpiece, dictating what should be done, what could be done and what someone else needs to do. But if you are truly in it for positive results, then your actions will precede your words as you further illustrate your point when you begin to "Lead BY Example."

Always in the ears of my children, I decided to flip the script and do what it is I would have them do so that I can be the example that they need to see and not just the verbal mouthpiece that I already knew I could be.

Its tricky being a parent, but I have learned that if you go about Life in the same or like capacity, coupled with the power of Prayer, the immovable will be moved and the impossible will become possible.

I find this to be true because people have a tendency to gravitate to what it is that they want or what it is that they want to be. And if they witness "that" within you, your actions have BECOME the verbal mouthpiece that leads the way, thus allowing you to "Lead BY Example."

No, it's not rocket science, but putting the wheels in motion has to start with the driver of said change, that reflection that stares back at you every time you happen upon a mirror. You have to be the change that you wish to see within the world, first starting within YOUR world, with you, in your home.

The more you do, the less verbiage needs to be heard. The less you do, the more likely your verbiage will fall onto deaf ears.

In every facet of your Life, "Lead BY Example" and witness the positive results that will undoubtedly come about. It is equivalent to earning your "interest" even before having made a single deposit.

Be Blessed!

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

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