Smile And Love Always!

Thursday, April 09, 2009

"I'm Never Going Down From This"

My children keep me on my toes! How they think, what they say, what they do and how they react is as unique as each of their personalities. At the drop of a dime they can conjure up laughter at the somberest of moments, invoke a thought deep enough to prance around my mind all day and bring about an immense joy that cannot be replicated by any store with something to sell or by nothing that money can buy.

We TRULY practice random acts of Love, for it is part of our daily bread, our daily requirement, a part of who and what we are. I am what I wish them to be and demonstrate it in such a manner that it requires the same of them in Loving response.

Their playfulness at the most serious of times reminds me that there are indeed more important things in the world than what I THINK I might be going through at the moment.

No matter how tired I might be, how broke I am or how broken I have been, I HAVE TO make my contribution, my deposit into this Blessing called Life. The seeds of today shall flourish within the harvest of tomorrow. And that is why I proactively claim my itemized contributions and not my itemized deductions.

When I kneel down to embrace my children, they wrap their little arms around my neck, squeeze tightly and they always ask me to "lift them up." I said, THEY ALWAYS ASK ME TO "LIFT THEM UP!" I didn't get that until recently. Amazing it is to hear the "verbal commands" or witness the "physical illustration" of someone or something talking to you, imploring you to do what you are called to do.

I lifted up my daughter to an impeccable embrace, putting her on my emotional level with her "physical illustration."

I lifted up my son to hear his "verbal command" that informed me, "Daddy, "I'm Never Going Down From This.""

Each of your verbal requests to "Lift Me Up" are happily obliged in such a manner that it requires the same of ME in Loving response. For the same rule applies to Daddy. When I need you to "Lift Me Up," the laughter comes, the thoughts prance and the joy cleanses.

So NO, "I'm Never Going Down From This" either.

Thank YOU for always "lifting me up" and using my children as a conduit in which to get your message across, so that I can in turn "lift someone else" up.

"I'm Never Going Down From This," he said.

Well, neither am I son! Neither am I!

From on high, "I'm Never Going Down From This."

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

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