Smile And Love Always!

Monday, November 18, 2013

"Wherever Your Will Calls Me"

Surrendering it all as I await the Revelation of the call that You have on my Life, has taught me to endure the famine and to cherish the fruits of the harvest in preparation for new seeds to be sown. Encouraged in the knowledge that I will lack nothing as You provide ALL of my needs. I continue to feed my Faith, remaining nourished by Your Continuous Stream of Love, that has risen me above the highest expectations that I even had for myself.

When I thought that I had somewhat of a clue, I would become unglued in amazed BELIEF, that what you have done can only be outdone, by more of what only You are capable of doing.

I never grow tired and weary of hearing You speak to me, although sometimes it immensely overwhelms me. Yet you do not allow Your thoughts to consume me in my limited attention span, rather You give me the time to consume Them, in Your Loving Patience with me.

Having an ear to hear and a Heart to receive, stirs up my continued Faith, further compelling me to Believe. Whether You saved up all of the conversations that I could not previously hear, or perhaps it was just the fine tuning of my very capable ears. Either way, I am Faithfully dedicated to Your ways, and grateful to hear Your voice above all of the noise throughout the day.

I am in receipt of Your Gift of Life that has been coupled with the transformation lead by You. The old is dead and the future is in Your New. I am at Peace beyond my wildest belief and use my existence to continuously be of service to You. "Wherever Your Will Calls Me," is where I will be with You.

God, Love, And Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford

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