Smile And Love Always!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

"The Rock That Is You"

Somewhere down in the pits of agony and defeat, I found the perfect place to place my feet upon. The jagged edges served as reminders that irrespective of all of the dangers around me, that I was on point, literally! The challenges that one faces were not meant to devour you, but to strengthen your insatiable appetite to consume them and rise from the ashes that were meant to contain your remains. That additional silhouette that permeates all around you is logically known to man as a shadow. However, in the Supernatural, it is the Presence of the Holy Spirit that protects you the same way that it protected Daniel while in the lions den. When they return to confirm your demise, they will be greeted by your eyes as you breathe the words that emanate from the lips of SURVIVORS. It didn't destroy you, nor did it consume you. Rather it groomed you to be sharper than you ever were, hence the jaggedness of the edges that you were perched upon. What you place your feet upon should be sturdy enough to hold you without fail, and sustain you through to Victory, knowing that you will prevail. The same holds true for Whom we believe and put our trust in. In the nakedness of our reality, the brutality of our own ignorance is determined to undermine us unto our own selves. However, when we place our feet upon something that is Greater than we could ever be, or fathom to be, our vantage point provides us the clarity to visibly see farther than the tips of our noses, and how apropos the sight that we have never seen before. Closed opportunities avail themselves as new doors that we walk through, and the past has only lead us to what has been waiting for us to breakthrough. Balanced, Focused and Content, on "The Rock That Is You."

God, Love, And Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford

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