Smile And Love Always!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

"Hello Adversity, My Name is Corey and I Am A Child of Victory!"

When He hung, bled and died, He simultaneously gave birth to the death of anything that is nothing like Him. There is no compromise in His Eyes. You either do or you don't, you will or you won't, but do not expect Him to redo His Perfection in order to submit to our imperfections. His demonstration is the elation that gives my Heart that much needed Jesus Joy that is my inheritance received through His earthly departure and the fact that I believe. No one could ever leave me when He is the presence that IS me. I have everything that I have ever lost and paid not one cent of the total cost, for He paid it all, when Ascension beckoned Him with its call. The Blessings of the Miracles performed and the Teachings imparted, keeps the presence of the departed forever in your Heart. The Holy Spirit reveals whatever is concealed and gives identity to all adversity. The last time we met, I was a poor representation of the now me. I wasn't the me that I have come to be. So allow me to reintroduce myself: "Hello Adversity, My Name is Corey and I Am A Child of Victory!"

God, Love, And Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford

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