Smile And Love Always!

Friday, November 29, 2013

"The Luxury of Our Attention"

The attention that we afford others should come with a higher price tag instead of the discounted rate that our attention to their distraction allows them to afford.

When we allow distractions "The Luxury of Our Attention," they become emboldened in what they think they can actually, really and truly afford. They become comfortable within our comfort zone, so much so that their boldness is more comfortable within our parameters than we are within our own parameters. The infiltration and manipulation are well underway at that point.

We should not allow anything or anyone to become "comfortable" within our space and not at least charge them for what they are occupying. The "price" is not relative to or for the purposes of any kind of monetary gain. Rather, it is for the purposes of justifying the time that is yours, in which they occupy, to avoid any type of costly emotional strain or drain.

If we were to only make continuous withdrawals from our financial accounts sans any deposits whatsoever, it is a safe bet that we would eventually run out of the same funds that we never took or made the time in which to replenish. This philosophical approach is relative in nature with a direct correlation in respect to our "time."

Be careful in who and what you invest your time in. Just because you have the time does not mean that you should make the time for something that might not even deserve your time, which is the only thing that we cannot purchase more of or ever get back once it's gone.

The "Luxury of Our Attention" should not be affordable to all, and the management of our "time" will dictate whether or not we are made better or bitter, should we NOT take that call.

God, Love, And Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford

"Start Your Day"

The difference a year makes has made me indifferent to what the upcoming year will be. Realizing that you control so little actually puts you in control of what is really important: You. It matters not what comes your way, when King Jesus is how you "Start Your Day."

God, Love, And Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

"Teachable Moments: The Priority for Church is God!"

After enjoying breakfast with my kids, we engaged in a conversation that surrounded "priorities." We discussed different Churches that we have attended and the one that resonated with them the best. And although they initially were going to miss the friends that they made along the way, they were encouraged that they would be certain to make new friends, not to replace the old ones, but to enhance the experience of partaking in the NEW. It was there in my son's epiphany moment that he declared, "The Priority for Church is God!" Say no more son! You have said more than enough! And I am most certain, that He is Well Pleased in your response.

God, Love, And Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford

"Already In Tomorrow"

Right around the corner of certainty is the street of ambiguity when and where we leverage our logical thought process in an attempt to assess what it holds for us. I have tried in vain to guess what God has in store for me and I have always been disappointed with the results of how I thought things would turn out. Yeah well, Corey's logical "guess" process is zero match for God's Supernatural and Infinite Knowledge. And to top it off, my disappointment wound up having nothing to do with my expectations, but the self expectation that I could actually pick God's brain in order to ascertain what the future holds for me. Why would I concern myself with where I'm not even present? He is "Already In Tomorrow" and my concern with where I'm not even guaranteed to be, was awfully presumptuous of me. I should focus on being in the right here, right now and embrace the Blessing that affords my presence the ability to do so. If the Plans of the Father are to include me in tomorrow, then I will realize my presence in it, AFTER it materializes. This will allow me the privilege to recognize the Blessings of RIGHT NOW and not sqaunder or take for granted what it means to still be here. I worry and fear not what tomorrow holds and means. I Trust in the Lord to see me through His Plan and the inclusion of such will avail much, whether I am in it or not. His Perfection IS my direction! If I never see tomorrow, God is already there! If I do see tomorrow, God is already there! Embrace the day, giving Praise and Thanksgiving for the living of now. And if I do make it to the succeeding day, I will still and always be behind You, Lord. On this day, I give way, for I know that You are "Already In Tomorrow."

God, Love, And Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford

"Teachable Moments: New Shoes"

As quickly as children grow, my daughter was in need of new shoes for the Fall Basketball Season. Her tryouts were upon us and we set out to purchase some new shoes. She didn't wear the shoes to break them in prior to, so her first chance to do so was during her basketball tryouts. She comes over to me and said, "Dad, these shoes don't feel right, they are uncomfortable." I relaced the shoes, tied them better and asked her how they felt. "They feel much better. Thanks Dad!"

After the tryout session she informed me that although the new shoes felt better, she still wasn't used to them just yet.

Fast forward to our 5k Run a few days later: The night before our run, I purchased some new running shoes that I broke in as I tried them on in the store that night. As we were in the first one and a half mile of our run, I started to feel the discomfort of the new shoes that my body had not acclimated itself to. In just a matter of days, I was overwhelmed with an epiphany in the form of another "Teachable Moment."

When my daughter first told me about her new shoes not feeling comfortable, I admittedly was more concerned about the fact that she not only picked out the shoes that she wanted, but she tried them on as well, with no problems.

It was not until a few days later when I experienced the same type of discomfort with my new shoes that I realized that my level of compassion had more room for improvement. Why did it take my own "uncomfortable experience" in order to be compassionate about someone else's "uncomfortable experience?"

Sometimes we do not need to "understand" what is going on in order to have compassion in and towards the situation that other's are going through. We need not factor in how WE feel, when quite frankly it has nothing to do with how WE feel, rather it has everything to do with how others are feeling in the moment, at that exact time.

I am reminded that God has a sense of humor and when my daughter kicked my butt in the 5k run, I was humbled in my ignorant state, that I no longer claim.

Later on in the day after having licked my wounds, I spoke to my daughter and drew the correlation of her new shoes and Dad's new shoes before I acknowledged my compassionate shortcoming in that instance, prior to apologizing to her.

As we build upon our Father/Daughter Relationship, I will use this "Teachable Moment" to make me a better, more understanding and Compassionate Dad. She deserves it and I have definitely learned from it.

I Thank You Jesus for being the FIRST demonstration of Unparalleled Compassion, as I share in this "Teachable Moments: New Shoes."

God, Love, And Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford

Saturday, November 23, 2013

"Source of My Everything"

I fight with my pen and my words so that my children do not have to fight with their hands and their fists. I Stand in and on the Truth of God, so that my children can sit and rest on His Peace. I am only drawn closer to Him whenever I feel the wedge of dissension that attempts to pry me away from Him. For it only leads back to the "Source of My Everything." The exercise in futility provides me an upward and onward mobility, that gives me unparalleled connectivity to all that is Heavenly. Believe not my words if my actions are in absentia. Romans 8:28 confirms it all, with Love for God. I am locked behind Him and the key can only be obtained by someone that is approved by the Locksmith, Who has the Master's Key. Glory Be! Outside of your physical presence, unmitigated Love of Christ may be the only thing that you bring. For I have all that I will ever need, in the "Source of My Everything."

God, Love, And Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford

"Hello Adversity, My Name is Corey and I Am A Child of Victory!"

When He hung, bled and died, He simultaneously gave birth to the death of anything that is nothing like Him. There is no compromise in His Eyes. You either do or you don't, you will or you won't, but do not expect Him to redo His Perfection in order to submit to our imperfections. His demonstration is the elation that gives my Heart that much needed Jesus Joy that is my inheritance received through His earthly departure and the fact that I believe. No one could ever leave me when He is the presence that IS me. I have everything that I have ever lost and paid not one cent of the total cost, for He paid it all, when Ascension beckoned Him with its call. The Blessings of the Miracles performed and the Teachings imparted, keeps the presence of the departed forever in your Heart. The Holy Spirit reveals whatever is concealed and gives identity to all adversity. The last time we met, I was a poor representation of the now me. I wasn't the me that I have come to be. So allow me to reintroduce myself: "Hello Adversity, My Name is Corey and I Am A Child of Victory!"

God, Love, And Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford

"The Only One!"

"The Only One" that knows the conclusion of the end of my day at the start of my day, is the same One that made my day possible to begin with. It matters not what the day will consist of, for I know within my Heart that I am covered by His Wonderful Presence. And with that Knowledge, the attacks are ever present, however, they do not catch me by surprise. Nor the origins of the attacks in the form of the attackers. They could be anonymously weak or courageously brute, but the Strength that I claim in His Holy Name, always gives them the boot! Bragadocious is not an obnoxious necessity, but the bragging rights of knowing Christ affords me too much to allow negativity, pessimism and mediocrity to break my Spiritual Bank Account. I may be broke by the standards of the world, however, I am a walking and talking transformation of the same world, for I am RICH in Jesus Christ! Wall Street is not the name of the street on which I reside. I live on and by the "Way" of Christ, that hung, bled and died. Poverty was definitely around the corner, up the street and on my block. However, the concrete jungle had NOTHING, compared to my Rock! Lord, You are "The Only One!"

God, Love, And Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

"Look Within!"

Forever looking around for something to be found, when most of the time, it can be found within our mind. The external is not where the internal changes take place and no matter how much we rearrange the mess, it is still a mess, until we begin to undress the broken thought process that first introduced us to our self-made mess. Excuses are useless if we want to eradicate the foolish from our lives, becoming better husbands and wives so that we can be the same Resurrected demonstration of Love to our children, the way that Christ performed His demonstration to us, His Children. What is the benefit, if no one else is to benefit? "Look Within" to find that place of Peace and that Trustworthy friend that will not let you down. We allow ourselves to disappoint ourselves and turn right around and get mad when someone else doesn't live up to what we cannot even live up to, ourselves. In this perpetual search for the Truth, what is Pure, what is Right. Things turn around as soon as we turn around. Situations Change when we submit ourselves to, prior to our request of others to do the same. Sometimes we have to encourage us to be the demonstration for us, even when the resistance to us, is the reflection that IS us. I Love Smiles, so I Smile more. And if no one Smiles at me, I'm already Smiling at me. I will be the demonstration in the face of chaos and frustration and embrace the Joy that is my situation because it starts with me! In order for us to win, we must begin, to "Look Within!"

God, Love, And Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford

"The Rock That Is You"

Somewhere down in the pits of agony and defeat, I found the perfect place to place my feet upon. The jagged edges served as reminders that irrespective of all of the dangers around me, that I was on point, literally! The challenges that one faces were not meant to devour you, but to strengthen your insatiable appetite to consume them and rise from the ashes that were meant to contain your remains. That additional silhouette that permeates all around you is logically known to man as a shadow. However, in the Supernatural, it is the Presence of the Holy Spirit that protects you the same way that it protected Daniel while in the lions den. When they return to confirm your demise, they will be greeted by your eyes as you breathe the words that emanate from the lips of SURVIVORS. It didn't destroy you, nor did it consume you. Rather it groomed you to be sharper than you ever were, hence the jaggedness of the edges that you were perched upon. What you place your feet upon should be sturdy enough to hold you without fail, and sustain you through to Victory, knowing that you will prevail. The same holds true for Whom we believe and put our trust in. In the nakedness of our reality, the brutality of our own ignorance is determined to undermine us unto our own selves. However, when we place our feet upon something that is Greater than we could ever be, or fathom to be, our vantage point provides us the clarity to visibly see farther than the tips of our noses, and how apropos the sight that we have never seen before. Closed opportunities avail themselves as new doors that we walk through, and the past has only lead us to what has been waiting for us to breakthrough. Balanced, Focused and Content, on "The Rock That Is You."

God, Love, And Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford

"Try It, I Say"

It is hard to live a Life of Freedom when there exists so much captivity around you. The captive cannot comprehend your Freedom, for they themselves are unsure of what their lives would look like, become or mean, if they were to actually live Life Free. "Try It, I Say."

God, Love, And Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford

Monday, November 18, 2013

"Wherever Your Will Calls Me"

Surrendering it all as I await the Revelation of the call that You have on my Life, has taught me to endure the famine and to cherish the fruits of the harvest in preparation for new seeds to be sown. Encouraged in the knowledge that I will lack nothing as You provide ALL of my needs. I continue to feed my Faith, remaining nourished by Your Continuous Stream of Love, that has risen me above the highest expectations that I even had for myself.

When I thought that I had somewhat of a clue, I would become unglued in amazed BELIEF, that what you have done can only be outdone, by more of what only You are capable of doing.

I never grow tired and weary of hearing You speak to me, although sometimes it immensely overwhelms me. Yet you do not allow Your thoughts to consume me in my limited attention span, rather You give me the time to consume Them, in Your Loving Patience with me.

Having an ear to hear and a Heart to receive, stirs up my continued Faith, further compelling me to Believe. Whether You saved up all of the conversations that I could not previously hear, or perhaps it was just the fine tuning of my very capable ears. Either way, I am Faithfully dedicated to Your ways, and grateful to hear Your voice above all of the noise throughout the day.

I am in receipt of Your Gift of Life that has been coupled with the transformation lead by You. The old is dead and the future is in Your New. I am at Peace beyond my wildest belief and use my existence to continuously be of service to You. "Wherever Your Will Calls Me," is where I will be with You.

God, Love, And Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford

"Use Your Words to Inspire"

The words that emanate from your lips have origins of the Heart. And when those words depart from your lips and they are used to belittle, lie, cheat and tear down another person, then it is time to reexamine your heart to understand why you are compelled to say things that would do any and everything EXCEPT, lifting someone up.

It makes no sense to reinvent what was never flawed to begin with. God makes zero mistakes and His perfection in our creation revealed no imperfections.

Throughout our Life experiences we have made ourselves over, in order to mitigate others from "getting over" on us. And in the process, we have created our own beautiful mess.

One of the common themes that I have discovered to be True while studying God's Impeccable Word, are the "Matters of the Heart." The Holy and Magnificent One, Jesus Christ, was always adamant throughout His flawless teachings about searching one's Heart and reexamining ourselves when we feel compelled to pass the same judgment that is reserved for the Glorious Heavenly Father.

Who are we to judge? Who are we to criticize another's walk when our own walk is anything BUT, the Shadow of Christ? I find the Heart to be the mirror to one's soul and the words that come from that heart, to be a reflection of where that heart is within direct correlation to where Christ would like to see it. Do you measure well within Christ's Growth Chart? What percentile do you fall in?

Make no mistake about the fact that we will NEVER be as perfect as Jesus. However, His demonstration for us to follow, is like His Ultimate Sacrifice, not to be taken in vain.

Listen to the words that emanate from your lips so that you can gauge where your Heart is on the Growth Chart. Your percentile will not be the same as another, however, in the area of Christ, Growth is a mandatory necessity, showing Immaculate Reverence to the Heavenly.

As your own ears consume the contents of your own Heart, shape, mold and "Use Your Words to Inspire," before your lips, they soon depart.

God, Love, And Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford

Sunday, November 17, 2013

"Know Better"

You're never smart enough to fool people that are smart enough to "Know Better."

God, Love, And Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford

Saturday, November 16, 2013

"Eclipsed by His Glory"

"All things work together...."

All of the unreconciled things that have continuously plagued your Heart, have been specifically designed to play their part, individually, collectively and aggregately. For they were never meant to destroy you and keep you out of God's Kingdom. They were meant to Grow you so that you could become a contributing citizen in God's Holy Kingdom.

The limitations within you are only magnified in the Strength that is HIM! In your weaknesses, you are made Strong. Our limitations are eclipsed by His Limitless and Infinite possibilities. Redundant redundancy, for in the plethora of our weaknesses, there exists the exponential power in His Strength!

The collage of our shortcomings come up short in the Greatness that is His Love and Support. Everything great or small is not capable of scaling the Might of His Will and His Immense Wall. It will always be "Eclipsed by His Glory!"

God, Love, And Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford

Friday, November 15, 2013

"Desperate Plea"

Remind yourself that God is Faithful! He will do everything that He said He will do, albeit in His timing and not that of yours. The execution of His Plan is not predicated on or has a dependency on any plan other than His.

"Lord, when my flesh is weak and my Faith is teetering, please hear my "Desperate Plea" to replenish me, just as it is fleeting."

In Jesus's Name, Amen!

God, Love, And Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford

"Cascading Impacts in My Life"

Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit

A lot of things in our lives have cascading impacts that affect the way that we think, how we process things, and how we act after we have processed what we have thought about. Depending on the situations, we think differently, act differently and behave in a like different manner.

Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit

The continuity and consistency of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is the catalyst of the "Cascading Impacts in My Life." When I "seek the Kingdom first," everthing is just as God's Holy Word said it would be, falling right into place, just as it was Purposed and Destined to.

Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit

I am reminded on a daily basis that the "Cascading Impacts in My Life" are designed to be the cascading impacts in the lives of others. You are influenced so that you may in turn influence others. You are Blessed so that you may in turn be a Blessing to others. The demonstration of the cascading impacts was not meant to be in vain, but to make a lasting imprint, one in which shall always remain.

Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit



"Healing Begins"

Crying is not a sin! It is actually when the "Healing Begins."

God, Love, And Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

"Resting In His Embrace"

This windy brisk Fall day reminds you to bundle up and embrace the warmth that layers of protection will provide you. The elements greet you as you exit the front door of your home and/or office. Someplace warm, inviting and safe, always makes for a better place, in which to be.

Consuming something palatably soothing, to warm you from the inside out, is the only thing that we tend to think about. During this season, gone are the days of the old and cold, when the Loving Embrace of warmth are what we are in need of, for our Souls.

To see God in everything, means to Truly see God, in EVERYTHING!

That old and cold during the most rigid of seasons, is replaced by the New and True, for all the right reasons. However, do not allow the warmth and embrace that you seek, to be as temporal as the words that you speak. Allow your actions to replicate themselves throughout ALL of the seasons of Life, "Resting in His Embrace," throwing worry and fear to the wind, ridding yourself of unnecessary strife.

Bundle up and Embrace the Warmth that layers of protection will provide you. Be led by the Holy Spirit, always Trusting that it will guide you, to that one and only inviting place, "Resting in His Embrace."

God, Love, And Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

"Positive Skillset"

Throwing someone under the bus is not a "Positive Skillset." It actually says more about YOU, than it does them."

God, Love, And Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford

"ALL I Have to Give!"

Attempting to quantify the unquantifiable is as reliable as the quantifier that is making the attempt.

What You have Blessed me with over the course of my Life cannot be quantified and any attempt at such an aggregate total would be lame at best, on a clear and destructive path to insulting ALL that You have ever done for me.

The gentle and Loving kindness that You have unworthily bestowed always humbles me, reminding me Who It is really about. The process of elimination that only has two options, by default, rules me out.

Your Grace and Mercy took my fragmented state and has made me whole in You. I don't care who sees me now or what they might think. I care about what You see in me, after returning me from the brink.

There is no confusion and chaos when my focus is squarely on You. It is also how I am able to discern if It Truly and really is You. One cannot fool the Spirit, although the confidence of the immature knows not to revere It. In complete Peace and silence, I cannot help but to hear It.

The perfection of Your Gift was ruined when I chose how I wanted to live. Your Restoration of my Life, is now "ALL I Have to Give!"

God, Love, And Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford

Monday, November 04, 2013


If for no other reason than the fact that I am a Child of God, "I AM ACCOMPLISHED!"

God, Love, And Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford

Sunday, November 03, 2013

"In the Presence of My Savior"

I have been present all over the world, yet there is only ONE Presence that takes and brings me right back home, to the Rightful and Righteous Owner, to whom which I belong.

The places that I have been and the faces that I have seen have only cemented my Faith in Christ, that had it not been for Him, my presence would mean and be synonymous with my absence, when I was supposed to be present.

To be where I am Purposed to be and to be present in His Presence means that I am void and absent unto myself, as I grasp and cling onto the concept of what it Truly means to be in His Glory!

The reflection in the mirror indicates that it is me, however, the intimacy in my Belonging knows that it is Him in whose reflection that it is to be. Therefore, if I am to be present, means that I am absent to myself in order for His Presence to be. And for me, to be "In the Presence of My Savior," is the ONE Presence that takes and brings me right back home, to the Rightful and Righteous Owner, to whom which I belong. "In the Presence of My Savior."

God, Love, And Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford

Saturday, November 02, 2013

"Take Me Deeper"

On the shallow surface of an understanding that is all your own, there will always be the seed of a deeper relationship that is waiting to be sown. We grow from what we sow and harvest in the appropriate season. Going from the ankle deep to the depths of the ocean, with maturation being the reason.

We cannot remain where we are and just expect growth to accompany us. We need to be wherever growth is and allow it to develop within us.

We always want to experience what it feels to be submerged, yet we steadily tread where it is shallow, always playing it safe, even when we're right on the verge.

In order to accomplish greater than, we need to acknowledge our equal to and less than. Our existence in Life is more than just an equation. We are who God says we are, powerless to the contrary and the futility in their persuasion.

May our Faith allow us to walk out on the water, to the deepest parts of the unknown. Where the seed of a deeper relationship is still waiting to be sown.

Lord, where the shallow meets my ankles, and my Faith yet remains. "Take Me Deeper" in my relationship with You, so that my harvest will be the same.

God, Love, And Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford

"You Have My Heart"

I know that You have been vying for my Heart for as long as You have provided me breath. And for so long, I have delayed in obliging Your patient and gentle request. Hindsight acknowledges the fact that You wanting my heart had nothing to do with what You wanted, but had everything to do with what You wanted to do within my heart. Out of fear of losing me, I refused to gain You. Born of the need to "do me," I admittedly "neglected You." Older, wiser and more mature in my walk with You has given me the necessary Vision to catch a glimpse of where you wanted me to go in order to become ALL that You needed for me to be.

My open heart surgery successfully removed the blockage that was predicated on "me" thus providing me with a transfusion of the Blood of Christ that I needed to have, without my knowledge of me knowing that it was exactly what I needed.

I got over myself to become aligned with Your Spiritual Wealth. My days of selfish poverty are behind me, and Your direct deposits have Truly enriched me.

I used to avoid all that you ever really wanted and the gift was solely intended for my benefit. Lord, "You Have My Heart," and I relinquish myself, for You to do exactly what You meant to do with it.

God, Love, And Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford

Friday, November 01, 2013

"Faith Made Stronger"

When I ponder all of the miraculous things that Jesus did when he walked upon the earth as a man, I cannot help but to recall the level of Faith that was exhibited by those that were seeking Him out, believing that He alone was all of the difference that they needed in their lives to invoke a season of change.

The sisters of Lazareth, Martha and Mary, quickly come to mind. They approached Jesus, emphatically greeting Him upon His return to Judea, with their sadness at the loss of their dear brother Lazareth. Christ was already aware that Lazareth had passed away and for the demonstration of those that BELIEVE, they will indeed "see the Glory of God."

After 4 days in his tomb, Jesus summoned Lazareth by his name, raising him from the dead, bringing him back to Life, as if he was simply resting, until Christ returned.

The miracles that Jesus performed is not what takes my breath away because I KNOW that He can exceedingly and abundantly do ALL things as the Son of God Almighty. What amazed me was the BELIEF that people had in what King Jesus was capable of doing.

Both Martha and Mary BELIEVED that had Jesus been present, that Lazareth would have never died. Their Faith in what He was capable of doing BEFORE the fact, was outdone by what their Faith BECAME in what He DID after the fact, in raising their brother up from the dead.

The Power of Your Faith determines the outcome to not just your Life, but to the lives of the ones that you Love and the ones that Love you. If you were Lazareth, would you want someone to exhibit that type of Faith in the event of your demise? Reciprocally speaking, is your Faith strong enough to invoke the Spirit of the Lord to act on someone else's behalf?

When you think about the miracles that Jesus performed, it does indeed take your breath away when you realize just how Loving and Compassionate He was in His Perfect Demonstration of the Purpose that He was to Fulfill.

Knowing ALL that He is capable of, I did not have to be THERE, in order for me to believe HERE! His Love, Grace and Mercy is the reason for my "Faith Made Stronger."

God, Love, And Smile Always!
Corey A. Ford