Smile And Love Always!

Monday, May 11, 2009

"Love Is Love"

Once upon a time I heard that "you cannot help who you fall in Love with." At the time I first heard this, I did not believe that you had no "control" over who you decided to Love and who you decided not to Love. My interpretation of "control" was just that!

But oh, time and experience sure does change both perception AND reality. Who we Love is who we Love and we can deny the desires of our hearts but for so long until they eventually cave in to the POWER of Love.

An immovable force, Love is. Shall it move, it will be in its only direction, towards Love.

Sometimes we try to alter the course of Love and are rendered helpless as our feeble attempts are rebuffed at the door. We cannot "change" something that does not need to be changed. We cannot "fix" something that is not broken and does not need to be fixed. Rather we should "EMBRACE" Love in all of its Heavenly glory.

Love is that one Blessing that has been bestowed upon ALL of us. And as soon as we halt all attempts at redesigning Love, we shall realize its strength and power and humble ourselves to something that is greater than any of us could ever imagine.

"Love Is Love" and represents ALL that is right and shames all that is contrary to Love.

The most powerful representation of "Love, Is Love."

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

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