Smile And Love Always!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

"I Did Not Make That Happen"

Historically speaking, we loathe the discovery that someone has "used" us to get what they want. How dare they infringe upon our generosity, our kindness and our oversized hearts, that we so chose to wear on our sleeves?

Historically being the operative word, we were in THEIR Life, at THAT time, for a reason. We thought that we made something happen for them. We thought that it was our efforts alone that did it for them. But what we failed to realize is that sometimes that is exactly how GOD works. Sometimes HE makes it happen for someone else, using us as a conduit in which to make that happen.

The "Laws of Reciprocity" indicate that not only were you "used" to make something happen for someone else, but at some point in time during YOUR Life, someone was "used" to make something happen for you as well.

Replacing "historically" with "going forward," we now understand that it is everything that we do that serves as a part of HIS plan that we need not question nor second guess.

It was my car that we used that day, but "I Did Not Make That Happen." HE did!

It was my checkbook that the money was drawn from, but "I Did Not Make That Happen." HE did!

You finished your studies and got that dream job, but "I Did Not Make That Happen." HE did!

I stocked the refrigerator so that WE could nourish our bodies, but "I Did Not Make That Happen." HE did!

I took your child to school so that you could go to work, but "I Did Not Make That Happen." HE did!

"I Did Not Make That Happen." I was merely the conduit, therefore the credit resides with the one that is deserving of all the Praise and Glory.

It is the "Laws of Reciprocity" that should lead you to go back and itemize all that was done FOR you, as you appreciatingly itemize all that was done BY you. It Truly balances itself out in the end.

Besides, "I Did Not Make That Happen." It was all part of HIS plan to begin with anyway. I was merely the conduit.

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

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