Smile And Love Always!

Friday, November 21, 2008

"New Meaning"

Some of the same things from our past that we have come in contact with in our Lifetimes take on "New Meaning" when they are packaged and presented by a "New" presenter.

For example, Love takes on "New Meaning" when it has returned from its outer body experience back to its rightful place, WITHIN your heart.

A once meaningless Song by an artist that you never really cared for takes on a completely "New Meaning" when the words of that very song now describe the Love that exists within your heart for that special someone in your Life.

You see "New Meaning" brings about "New Meaning" when the tide has turned and the bridges are UNburned and restored to their rightful upright positions, closing the gaps that separate My Love within, from Your Love within, tackling the single goal of now crossing that Faithfully restored bridge, TOGETHER.

"New Meaning," the restoration of "New," literally.

"New Meaning," the belief that Life is indeed full of purpose and "Meaning."

"New Meaning," the full circle commitment to changing the old into the new, never returning to that outer body place where Love will always feel out of place and morbidly displaced.

"New Meaning" requires new thoughts.
"New Meaning" requires new actions.
"New Meaning" requires new direction.
"New Meaning" requires your participation.

"New Meaning" is turning over a new leaf in ones Life, to abandon what did not work for something that WILL work!

"New Meaning" is a changing of the guard, a passing of the baton, a new script on Life starring the people that YOU want to cast, directed by YOU, edited by YOU and distributed by YOU. By the time the credits start rolling on your "New Meaning," make sure that your "New Meaning" is supported by Love and financed by HIM.

Look forward to the opening day of your "New Meaning."

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

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