Smile And Love Always!

Monday, November 24, 2008

"Jumping In The Shower"

My son jumps off of the curb.
My son jumps out of the truck.
My son jumps off of the step stool.
My son jumps off of the couch.
My son jumps off of the bed.
My son is forever jumping OFF of or OUT of SOMETHING!

I told my son that Daddy was about to jump in the shower and he turned, immediately looked up and asked, "Daddy, are you going to jump in the shower?" I responded "yes." As immediately as I responded, it dawned on me that he mistook MY "jumping in the shower" with HIS "jumping in the shower." I quickly clarified his interpretation of "jump" with Daddy's interpretation of "jump," and at that moment an epiphany came over me!

Perhaps I needed to be more thorough in how I communicate, being as precise as possible to avoid any and all misunderstandings, so that I can effectively prevent anyone from getting hurt. Do you see where I am going with this?

Imagine if I had NOT caught what my son was REALLY asking me and he was working under the guise that it was OK to "jump" in the shower. I would have not understood why he was "Jumping In The Shower" and would have just chalked it up as my son being a typical boy, doing typical boy "stuff."

Could I possibly be more communicative, choosing better use of my words, offering unequivocal clarity, as not to force someone to "jump" to any conclusions (no pun intended)? I sure can and going forward, I sure will!

My reflective nature forced me to examine just how I have been "Jumping In The Shower," ala my sons version, and not being as thorough in my verbal communication as possible.

The lessons that I have learned in parenthood have been enough to last me a Lifetime. The amount of Blogs that I can author is limitless because the ceiling on my "growth spurt" has been forever and irreversibly shattered!

I thank GOD for the opportunity of fatherhood that has been afforded TO me and Blessed FOR me.

My Mother had six children. It is no wonder why Her knowledge was as vast as it was. I am still plucking from her "Wisdom Tree" as I try to grow my own.

Tonight, I will remind my son, no "Jumping In The Shower."

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

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