Smile And Love Always!

Thursday, November 06, 2008

"The Crowd"

The naysayers will doubt you, out of their OWN fear. The pundits will critique you, because they "can't" do it themselves. The fair weathered, will blow away at the first gust of wind. The staunch will stand WITH you. GOD will Bless you all the while your Faith sustains. Victory shall bare witness to your name as perseverance rewards your commitment to be a better you for a better place for better results, to accomplish "All the Best, All the Time!"

Life begins when you awake from your sleep, there is no rest for the weary. Accomplishment begins when your to do list starts getting checked off. Success comes when that list is finished and the next one is started. Legacy is formed when you repeatedly continue to do what separates you from "The Crowd."

In a sea of faces, how you so choose to stand out is really contingent upon the purpose and the reason that you are standing out. With the operative word being "Purpose," we should all find ours since we ALL have ONE.

Be careful to not FOLLOW "The Crowd" and should your "Purpose" so dictate, direct those within "The Crowd" to find THEIR "Purpose" and always encourage others to do the exact same.

As you become the success that you are destined to be, the doubt will subside, the doubters will be converted and the tide will irrevocably "Change," lending itself to excuses no more. Aspirations are now realizations and your determination forever "Changes" your situation.

You are truly becoming everything that perhaps you were once told otherwise, simultaneously being everything that GOD made you to be! You have effectively separated yourself from "The Crowd." Congratulations in advance!

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

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