Smile And Love Always!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

"Just Like A Daddy"

My "Children" recently saw a picture of my Mother and I that dated years back. In perfect unison, they equally chimed, "that's Daddy!" I was rocking a mustache and had quite a bit of hair atop my head.

So I asked them if they preferred Daddy WITH or WITHOUT a mustache and they both said, "no mustache Daddy!" I also asked them if they preferred Daddy WITH or WITHOUT hair and they both said, "no hair Daddy!" My daughter proceeded to go back to what she was doing and my son came to me, embraced me and said, "Daddy, I want you to stay, "Just Like A Daddy!""

I immediately took what my son said and on the surface I was under the impression that he did not like my "other" appearance and much preferred the appearance that he has always known.

After much deliberation, I firmly believe that my son was saying, Daddy, don't change! I know you as my Father, a provider, a friend, a playmate, a companion, a protector and a dependable source of protection. Sound familiar?

I believe my son thought that should Daddy change, that Daddy WOULD change, thus altering what he KNEW his experience of "Daddy" to be. I promised my son that Daddy would not change and that he can look forward to what he knows as Daddy to be, his Father forevermore. Nothing could ever change that fact because an outward appearance does not alter or change my internal makeup. He smiled.

My son embraced me again, he took another look at the picture of his grandmother and I and he said, "that's my Daddy!"

Are you not glad that regardless of our outer appearance that HIM being our Father never changes, alters or is modified from what we have come to know it as? HE remains "Just Like A Daddy" every day of every week of every month of every year.

As a parent, as a loving father and then as a human being and finally as Corey, my "Children" demand that I keep my growth on par with theirs.

When they are old enough to read Daddy's Blogs and additional writings, they will then realize that their youthful innocence taught their Father more life lessons than I could have ever imagined or bargained for.

I'm going to take my "Children's" advice with respect to my appearance because I too prefer it now as opposed to then, all the while I simultaneously heed my son's additional advice and stay "Just Like A Daddy."

Love and My Mother are the Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are the Motivation!
Love and My Mother are the Celebration!

All the Best, All the Time!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

"Stronger In, Grow Through"

Whatever it is that I am going through, please allow it to change me, make me over, in the form to YOUR liking. Please allow my change to be in accordance with YOUR will as I grow "Stronger In" everything that YOU have laid out for me.

Typically, we "go through" so much that we fail to realize that through our trials and tribulations, we do not just "go through" as much as we actually "Grow Through."

I become "Stronger In," to afford me the momentum to be able to "Grow Through" whatever comes my way. I offer up myself as a conduit with the very words that vacate my thoughts and escape to all peripherals, mine, yours and the like.

I promise to be "Stronger In" to be able to "Grow Through," what comes, what may.

May my experience guide my "Children" to be "Stronger In" as they too "Grow Through" the plans that YOU have in store for them.

May the Love of my Life be "Stronger In" to be able to "Grow Through" the plans that YOU have for Her.

May whomever that subscribes to a belief that is bigger than themselves be "Stronger In" to be able to "Grow Through" what YOU have in store for them as well.

"Stronger In, Grow Through" is not optional. Our lives will indeed face ups and downs that require us to pull up our FAITH by the bootstraps and stand with the type of conviction that "Stronger In, Grow Through" requires of us.

Mind you, you do not have to be "STRONGEST In," because HE has already won that battle on our behalf. We just need to be "Stronger In," so that HE can elevate us to the next level after we "Grow Through."


Love and My Mother are the Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are the Motivation!
Love and My Mother are the Celebration!

All the Best, All the Time!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

"1 Extra"

With so many reasons to frown, I do my absolute best to remember that even if I have 1,000 reasons NOT to SMILE, I know that I have 1,001 reasons TO SMILE. I will always maintain that "1 Extra" because I know that when my 1,000 different ways and effort to turn my frown upside down fail, it is through HIS "1" single effort that my Soul, Faith, Happiness, Love and Life are all restored to their original default settings.

You see, every now and then, WE, like our electronic counterparts, need to be reset, rebooted (hard or soft) and refreshed. And from time to time, we need to upgrade our internal capacity and memory and change our configuration settings to handle and balance the load of processing so that OUR systems do not overload themselves.

We are just as fragile as our electronic devices. Bump US around and drop US enough times and there exists a STRONG possibility that our performance will deteriorate in a similar fashion.

I carry my "1 Extra" with me everywhere I go. Some days when I am a little short or running low, I know that it will indeed come in handy and give me what it's name implies, that "1 Extra" to get me through the storms that are attempting to single me out.

My "1 Extra" cannot be quantified by its numeric value because truth be told, if I ONLY had that "1," I would not need any "Extra's" because that "1" is the ONLY "1" that I truly need to make ALL the difference that I need in my life!

I'm so glad that there is no expiration date associated with my "1 Extra." My only obligation is to renew and keep it current with daily "Thanksgiving and Praise" to acknowledge that I will always come up short should I not have my "1 Extra" with me, AT ALL TIMES!

Keep your "1 Extra" in every pocket of every piece of article of clothing that you own. Most importantly, keep your "1 Extra" in your heart and mind, where it is most needed!

So fantastically "GLORIOUS" to know that I have an Ace in my back pocket, to be trumped by NOTHING because HE holds ALL the cards! "1 Extra."

Love and My Mother are the Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are the Motivation!
Love and My Mother are the Celebration!

All the Best, All the Time!

Monday, September 22, 2008

"Fundamentally Speaking"

When I think about the fundamentals I think about the basics, the essentials in which to build upon. Long ago, I remember taking the "Fundamentals of Math" which gave me the building blocks that I was going to need as I advanced in my mathematical skills. Without those fundamentals, I would not have had the necessary building blocks that I needed in order to advance my life in the appropriate direction. Without those fundamentals, I could look forward to an abundance of "stumbling blocks" as opposed to those "building blocks" that I sought as I implored my mind to soak up all of this knowledge and embrace what was and still is, being afforded to me.

The "Fundamentals of Faith" have provided me with the same mathematical skills that allow me to use it as often as I use my math, which is on a daily basis. Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division, are the core fundamentals that are permanently applicable to the life we live, with purpose and passion, not parody and plight.

The "Fundamentals of Faith" tell me that through the "Addition" of a belief system that is bigger than me, that I CAN and WILL "ADD" value to my life.

The "Fundamentals of Faith" tell me that through "Subtraction," I will "SUBTRACT" those "Meaningless Distractions" FROM my life, that attempt to anchor me down and insist that I keep THEIR misery company.

The "Fundamentals of Faith" tell me that through "Multiplication," I will "MULTIPLY" and vastly INCREASE my Blessings, opportunities, knowledge in the WORD and Faith, as I bare witness to HIS works and effort.

The "Fundamentals of Faith" tell me that through "Division," I will be able to adequately "DIVIDE" my time in doing the things that are MOST important to me, WITH the PEOPLE that are most important to me.

Math was never my favorite subject, but rest assured, I can honestly say that I wholeheartedly appreciate the VALUE and PERSPECTIVE that it has given to my life. Those core fundamentals, the basics, the essentials, all contributed to the advancement of my mathematical skills as I navigate my way through life, with the aforementioned "Purpose and Passion."

Allow the fundamentals OF and IN your Life to be of sound and good judgement.

"Fundamentally Speaking," use those "Fundamentals of Math" to "Add, Subtract, Multiply and Divide," all of the variables that exist within your life.

And through the "Fundamentals of Faith," no question will go unanswered, no stone unturned, no outstanding action not taken, no bad deed unpunished and no good deed unrewarded.

The "Fundamentals of the Economy" can be debated all the day long, but since numbers do not lie, the "Fundamentals of Math" contain the kind of truth that is staunchly upheld through the "Fundamentals of Faith."

"Fundamentally Speaking," The Fundamentals!

Love and My Mother are the Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are the Motivation!
Love and My Mother are the Celebration!

All the Best, All the Time!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

"The Best Is Yet To Come"

There have been plenty of times in my life where I have thought, "this can't be IT! This can't be life! What have I done to deserve THIS?" Unfortunately, it sounds all too familiar, doesn't it?

No one ever said that "this is it! This is life!" YOU and I have both made that proclamation ourselves, inadvertently claiming "IT." Fortunately, HE never said "this is IT." Had HE made that proclamation, none of us would be right here, right now, tomorrow, next week, next month, next year or ever again for that matter.

At the time we elaborated on that self-fulfilling prophecy, we failed to realize that even though within "our" efforts, this may very well be "IT," it is through HIS efforts that we have yet to begin to receive or even realize all of the Blessings of HIS effort. It Truly is a beautiful thing to know that within our lifetimes, "The Best Is Yet To Come."

"The Best Is Yet To Come" has absolutely nothing to do with MY best or YOUR best, for we have tried and given it OUR best.

"The Best Is Yet To Come" has absolutely everything to do with GOD's proclamation that when WE are done, it is time to step aside and allow HIM to demonstrate HIS best.

Indeed, "The Best Is Yet To Come" when he becomes the pilot, co-pilot, navigator, mechanic, engineer, runway and air traffic controller of our lives. We are NEVER late. We are ALWAYS on time. We might never lose our luggage or personal artifacts, but we will encounter turbulence along the way.

My Mother used to say, "Corey, HE never promised us a smooth ride, just a safe landing." Pack my bags and take me for a trip around the world already!

"The Best Is Yet To Come."

No mid-air mechanical problems, no crash landings. GOD, a pilot that knows how to fly. JESUS, a co-pilot that takes HIS instructions from HIS Father. The built in navigational system of the LORD. And all I have to do is get my boarding pass and take my seat?

"The Best Is Yet To Come."

I do not know where you are in your life, but after you have given it your best, tried your all and BEFORE you give up, remember that you still have an unwrapped gift underneath the tree, for "The Best Is Yet To Come."

What lies ahead of you far exceeds everything that you have deliberately left behind you.

"The Best Is Yet To Come."

Do not mimic or mock your future. Live in "IT," live up to "IT," and live FOR "IT."

"The Best Is Yet To Come."

Through it ALL, a smooth landing IS in store, for "The Best Is Yet To Come."

I cannot thank you enough for instilling the Love of the LORD within my heart, within my life and within everything that I do, have yet to do and am about to do. It is because of YOU, that I know HIM. You knew the best was on the way and I now BELIEVE and KNOW well beyond a shadow of ANY doubt that "The Best Is Yet To Come."

Truly, "The Best Is Yet To Come."

Love and My Mother are the Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are the Motivation!
Love and My Mother are the Celebration!

All the Best, All the Time!

Friday, September 12, 2008

"This Morning"

A well rested evening brings forth a day to look forward to, for the simple reason that you do not have sleep on your mind, to occupy a space that can otherwise be used to make moves and progress, thus yielding some kind of results, throughout and before the conclusion of your day.

A clear and focused mindstate is the best formula for success and "This Morning" I feel successful and compelled to accept absolutely nothing that does not even faintly resemble what "This Morning" has afforded me.

"Keeping up" and "getting out of the way" become interchangeably synonymous with one another should you just so happen to be a hindrance to others, perhaps even to yourself. Sometimes it behooves us to get out of our OWN way and to stop being our OWN worst enemy!

May this afternoon sound like "This Morning." May this evening feel like "This Morning." May tomorrow be a repeat of today in the form of a NEW day, in which to do it all over again.

"This Morning" is the start of a beautiful day!

Love and My Mother are the Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are the Motivation!
Love and My Mother are the Celebration!

All the Best, All the Time!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

"In Their Eyes"

I never imagined myself to be a champion, a hero, a do-it-all persona, "In Their Eyes." They kind of made me into something greater than I could have ever made myself into. Unbeknownst to them, they gave me a level of motivation to do things I used to struggle AT in conjunction with the things that I used to struggle WITH. They made me tap into a Love and a level of effort that I once thought was reserved for everyone else, EXCEPT me.

Reflecting back, I realize that I have always had it IN me, I just needed that someone to bring it OUT of me. Not just anyone had that capability though. It had to be someone that I truly Loved and cared about, moreso than myself! Talk about a Revelation.

It is truly humbling to humble yourself through your own reality. My reality came alive when their eyes were UPON me, when their voices started ASKING the "think quick Corey" questions, when they started EMULATING my behavior and ADOPTING it as their own and when I knew that molding their lives was the perfect opportunity to remold my own and get it right, "In Their Eyes."

If you do not understand the Blessing that comes with being a parent, you need to either have kids or live vicariously through those that do, extinguishing your very own sight and View, Live and Love, "In Their Eyes."

Wonderfully Blessed!

Love and My Mother are the Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are the Motivation!
Love and My Mother are the Celebration!

All the Best, All the Time!

"Authentic SMILE"

There is an incomparable genuineness to an a "Authentic SMILE," one in which cannot be forsaken, replaced nor misunderstood. The feeling that you receive from the opposite end of that "Authentic SMILE" warms your heart and sizzles your soul to the tune of a beat that only an "Authentic SMILE" can compose.

There are no words to an "Authentic SMILE's" composition. The reciprocity of an "Authentic SMILE" is verbiage enough to say every single word that your mouth refuses to utter. If silence is golden, then an "Authentic SMILE" is pure platinum, too precious to put a price tag on, yet life should ill-afford to live without.

I hope that your "Authentic SMILE" is authentically SMILED upon as your heart warms and your soul sizzles to that "Authentic SMILE's" composition.

Today, SHARE in the gift of an "Authentic SMILE."

Love and My Mother are the Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are the Motivation!
Love and My Mother are the Celebration!

All the Best, All the Time!

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

"Come Too Far"

Before you ever THINK about turning back and returning from wince you came, think about how far you have come THUS far to simply get THIS far!

Throughout life's many travels, sometimes you are just too far along to turn back, especially considering the Faith, strength and trust that it took for you to arrive at your current destination.

Imagine dropping out of high school in the 12th grade! Why would you drop out of college with only one semester prior to graduation? Yes, sometimes we have "Come Too Far," entirely too far, to walk away from what we have accomplished and all of the promising potential that accompanies us on and throughout our life's journey.

A friend of mine once told me "Corey, you are trying just enough to say that you did. Kick it in gear and finish this race that YOU have started." I will always appreciate those words because at that time in my life, I was afraid. I was afraid of what I might have become. Success was not familiar territory, yet I wanted it to be MY story. Well, the spirit of fear is NOT one of HIS gifts, therefore, I am finishing this race and not just enough to that say that I did, but by succeeding to prove that I could. The spirit of ACCOMPLISHMENT now fuels my motivational drive!

Should you ever feel compelled to look back, let it be to put your efforts into perspective and to witness the path that you have blazed with every intention of continuing down the same tried and true path of "Spiritual Matrimony." I am married to my Faith and belief that HE has not brought me THIS far, to leave me.

Yes, sometimes we have "Come Too Far" to turn back, albeit alright for a QUICK glance for the purposes of reflection. Otherwise, keep pressing toward that forward progression!

Should you think that you have not come far enough, allow the rearview to remind you how much you have indeed traveled. Then humble yourself in thanksgiving for the ever-present passenger that ALWAYS rides shotgun.

Blessings Upon You!

Love and My Mother are the Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are the Motivation!
Love and My Mother are the Celebration!

All the Best, All the Time!

Monday, September 08, 2008

"Out of No Way"

There have been times in which I desperately tried in vein to make something happen and no matter what I did, which way I turned, what I TRIED to do, I could not make, nor find a way for it to unfold, unravel or actually happen.

Believe me when I say that my inability to make it happen had nothing to do with my heart or willingness in which to do so, I was just the WRONG conduit, at the WRONG time. You see THIS particular battle did not have my name affixed to it. It was my big brother's battle! And HE was the RIGHT conduit at the RIGHT time, to fight not only this one battle on my behalf, but ALL of my battles on my behalf.

You see, HE made a way "Out Of No Way" and restored my FAITH and confidence in HIS ability when HE proved the "thief, killer and destroyer" wrong, when HE covered me with HIS "Grace & Mercy," and when HE delivered on every Word that has emanated from HIS mouth!

When someone has NEVER let you down, you have no reason to doubt their abilities to do EXACTLY what they said they would do, with the love, tenacity and affection in which they do it! It is impossible to deny the intricate/starring role that they play in your life!

I have been headed down the wrong path and even when the sign said "Straight and Narrow" ahead, I continued down that wrong path, only to discover that HIS Way, "Out Of No Way," was what HE had in store for me THIS day and whether or not I liked it or not, HIS plan was the ONLY plan, hence the inevitability of my introduction to humbleness. I am TRULY humbled by HIS greatness, HIS immaculate Love and HIS breathtaking ability of forgiveness.

"Out Of No Way," HE has made EVERY way, POSSIBLE!

Thank You GOD!

Love and My Mother are the Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are the Motivation!
Love and My Mother are the Celebration!

All the Best, All the Time!

Friday, September 05, 2008

"Visibility and Responsibility"

An epiphany came over me as I came to the realization that visibility has a direct correlation to responsibility and what lies between the two is the link that has the vital ability to "clue you in" on matters that actually matter.

In other words, if you can SEE what needs to be done, it then becomes your responsibility to "Make It Happen!"

VISIBILITY. To see all of which needs to be done.

RESPONSIBILITY. The ownership of making sure that whatever needs to be done, gets done.

If you cannot see, thus preventing you from acting, your visibility is IMPAIRED.

If you CAN see, but you do not ACT, then your motivation to do so is IMPAIRED as well.

Being able to both see and do is the successful marriage of "Visibility and Responsibility" on its Golden Anniversary, still happy to be together and sharing the same glow as they did on day one.

I'm glad that neither my "Visibility or Responsibility" are impaired. I see what needs to be done and I take full ownership of "Making It Happen."

I've got work to do.

Be Blessed.

Love and My Mother are the Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are the Motivation!
Love and My Mother are the Celebration!

All the Best, All the Time!

Thursday, September 04, 2008


As I direct my "Children" to the bathroom to cleanse their hands, oft times I will stand over them to make sure that they cleanse them properly, adequately and thoroughly. From time to time, I will RE-demonstrate how to do it and the importance all the while I'm doing so. As "Children" do, they continue to get themselves into things on a regular basis: sometimes good, sometimes not so good, sometimes clean, sometimes not so clean, but rest assured, and with strict regularity, you should count on them getting into SOMETHING!

Conversations with my "Children" are a non-optional daily occurrence. As their father, I want to know what type of day they have had, what they learned, what's on their minds, if they are ok, if they need anything, if they are happy, sad or even mad and to simply just HEAR their voices. Truth be told, since my relationship with my "Children" EXISTS, they need not say one word in order for me to gauge what's going on, what's wrong, why they're upset, what hurts, what they like, dislike, what makes them SMILE, frown or jump for joy!

I say all of this to PERFECTLY illustrate WHY the relationship with my "Children's" father is as important and even more so as the relationship with the Father that we ALL share, as HIS "Children."

Always standing over us, watching us, protecting us, cleansing us, talking to us, listening to us, understanding us, reprimanding us, giving of HIMSELF completely TO us, including HIS Son, additionally covering us with HIS Grace and Mercy.

Should I fail at everything else, yet my children prosper, I have succeeded abundantly, happily, radiantly, cheerfully, overwhelmingly and intentionally. And I can live with that!

I thank GOD for reflection, direction and instructions on how to get to that destination.

As I'm sure HE will, I shall continue to make sure that my "Children" cleanse their hands for as long as I have breath! GOD knows that my "Children," along with HIS "Children" are BOUND to get into something.

As I continue to direct my "Children" to cleanse themselves properly, adequately and thoroughly, I will use that opportunity to readily acknowledge the fact and remind MYSELF that MY Father does the same thing for me whenever "I" get into something: sometimes good, sometimes not so good, sometimes clean, sometimes not so clean, with strict regularity.

Be Blessed.

Our "Children" are watching and listening to our every word and action.

Love and My Mother are the Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are the Motivation!
Love and My Mother are the Celebration!

All the Best, All the Time!