Smile And Love Always!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

"Better Than That"

I hold the door and allow ladies to go before me, because as a gentleman I was raised to do nothing less than that. Anything less than would silently scream, YOU know "Better Than That."

I wouldn't think of NOT offering my seat to a woman or an elder, all the while finding enjoyment in my upright position as if I were still sitting because I was raised "Better Than That."

I scoff at the notion that gentlemen are on par with dinosaurs because according to myself and my upbringing, I know, "Better Than That."

I teach my son "Ladies First," while he practices with his sister so she can simultaneously understand what it means to be TREATED like a lady. Thus hitting two birds with one stone, my son will become a gentleman as my daughter becomes a lady. Anything less than that would be unacceptable.

I am grateful in the fact that who and what I am has EVERYTHING to do with who and how I was raised.

I could not imagine being less than what is expected of me. Whether living up to expectations or fulfilling your own, create a standard that will separate yourself from the crowd. Be more than what is expected of you and dare to raise your own expectations to heights you might have once thought were unattainable. At the end of the day, co-sign the fact that "unlike the less thans" you are indeed, "Better Than That."

Love and My Mother are the Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are the Motivation!
Love and My Mother are the Celebration!

All the Best, All the Time!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Corey, your blogs are just wonderful. I really, really like this one!!