Smile And Love Always!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

"Differentiate You"

My Mother used to ALWAYS tell me, "you're judged by the company that you keep, Corey."

"But Mom, I'm not doing anything!"

"Corey, you're judged by the company that you keep, son!"

Nuff said!

With that said, how and where do we begin to draw the line of where "they" end and "we" begin?

With that said, how do we bridge the gap of what "they" do as opposed to what "we" do?

Bridge? Perhaps that is exactly where we detonate the connection between what "they" think, say and do, as opposed to what "we" think, say and do?

From afar, are there any identifying markers or actions that "Differentiate You" so that you are NOT judged by the company that you keep?

Objectively, if the difference cannot be made, then it is incumbent upon you to make the difference to "Differentiate You" from "them."

Momma was so right! "Corey, you are judged by the company that you keep, son!"

I was listening to you Momma! I'm still recalling and reciting every word of encouragement and wisdom that you EVER imparted to me.

Glory Be To GOD that I was ever so Blessed to call you MY Mother!

How do you "Differentiate You" from the rest, the company that you keep?

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

Smile and Love Always!
Corey A. Ford

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