Monday, August 29, 2011
"The Right Punctuation to My Story"
Compassion is what has been extended to me to afford me a better view of said destiny, with the knowledge that everything that has ever surrounded me has subsequently groomed me, "To Be."
Irrespective of who or what it was, certain things were and are allowed to happen, thus strengthening and equipping me with the future wherewithal to recognize them, align my defense mechanism in the form of additional Prayer and turning them over to my source of strength and protection, so that He may deal with them and/or it accordingly.
Growth has never been an option for Corey. It has always been a rudimentary necessity that has coupled itself with the fundamentals that compose themselves over the instrumental tracks to my Life.
I thank my Savior for saving me when "I" neglected me.
I thank my Savior for directing me when "I" lost me and my way.
I thank my Savior for Loving me, thus showing me the importance of Loving other than me.
I thank my Savior for forgiving me, thus showing me the importance of forgiving other than me.
I thank my Savior for all that has happened in my Life, permitted or otherwise, that has groomed me to be all of what my destiny has in store for me.
Believe not my words if my actions are in absentia. For you will always see what I have done before you have heard about what I have done. I seek not the glory, just "The Right Punctuation to My Story."
Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!
All the Best, All the Time!
Smile and Love Always!
Corey A. Ford
Thursday, August 25, 2011
"My Tie"
Sometimes we hit the nail right on top of its head and other times, we simply miss.
Whenever I used to step out into the natural light to find out that "I will definitely be ticketed by the fashion police today," I used to hurry back indoors to correct my fashion faux pas. Well, that was then...
And now when I step out into the natural light and think that I might possibly be re-ticketed, I continue on my way with the thought of perfection getting farther and farther away as I gravitate towards what awaits me for that day.
You see it matters not what I look like. It matters what my heart acts like.
Once I commit myself to the exterior of my residence, I now understand that some days I will feel how I look and other days I will look how I feel. In other words, some days are better than others, but they are days that we have been Blessed to bare witness to, nonetheless. And subsequently, we have yet another opportunity...
So, as I matched up "My Tie" today, I allowed my heart to lead the way, irrespective of the ticket that I may or may not receive, so long as what I do is pleasing in His eyes and not that of the one administering the tickets.
Afterall, they have a certain quota to meet, so how relevant are the things that emanate from their lips in the form of their opinions? "His" opinion is what we should all be concerned with.
Pardon me, I need to fix "My Tie."
Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!
All the Best, All the Time!
Smile and Love Always!
Corey A. Ford
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Oft times it behooves you to offer and provide "Clarity" to what some might deem ambiguous or something that might be perceived as "relative to you." Well, this is one of those times.
You see as a writer, I am always in search of inspiration so that I may otherwise turn right back around and inspire someone else that might "growing" through some things in their Life.
But in order to BE an inspiration, sometimes you need to absorb what is going on so that you can adequately translate that information to others in the form of inspiration.
As I listen to, take in and absorb stories that so many people are "growing through," it is quite humbling to hear and become acquainted with a plethora of stories that have nothing to do with you directly, but ultimately wind up impacting your Life indirectly and sometimes directly, due to the nature of their relationship with you. This could be a neighbor, a co-worker, a friend, a family member, or anyone of the sort.
But, you see therein the seeds of ambiguity can be found, if the watering of information do not sprout the perceived results. It can be quite tricky if one is to believe that everything ever written is personal to or relative to, the writer. In my case, that is not the case.
God is good and has been better to me than I have been to myself. But, that is God, so surprised I am not. I know what my Life’s purpose is and I “purposely” live within those parameters so as to use what I believe to be my gift to positively influence the lives of others. But, you see, not everyone is living on easy street. Not everyone is happy. Not everyone is in Love. And everyone is not doing ok, hence the varied subjects that I address within my Blogs.
It pains my heart to know that so many people are hurt, hurting and have not the faintest clue as to what to do or where to go. Rev. Run once said that, “hurt people, hurt people.” I recognize those people because I was once one of them. Shame on me if I were to recognize the hurt in people, and do nothing with it by way of my gift, as a conduit to something better, irrespective of what they might be “growing through.”
Within my Blogs and the things that I write about, there is a lot of Love, a lot of hope, a lot of God, a lot of promise, a lot of truth and a lot of anything else that you can think of. Kind of like looking out of your window, walking around in the mall, canvassing the lawn at your favorite outdoor concert venue, in Church or even within your own home. Marinate on that for a minute.
God knows that I wish that I could write about happiness all of the time because that is what I encountered all of the time. But that is not the case. And even though that is not the case, there is always a silver lining in every cloud. And that is something that I have made numerous references to throughout my Blogs. My purpose is to inspire others to subscribe to something better.
I used to have a British Literature teacher that once publicly professed her belief that she thought “there was such thing as a stupid question.” I begged to differ then and many years later, I still do. If you do not know, then simply ask. God is good and God knows that Corey doesn’t know it all. But I ask God for “Clarity” to avoid the temptation of “leaning on my own understanding” when I should actually “lean NOT on my own understanding.”
I am so humbled, honored and Blessed to have more readers of “All the Best, All the Time” than I will probably ever know. Personally, I do not believe in coincidences and I am privileged at this opportunity to be able to offer and provide “Clarity” to what some might deem as ambiguous or something that might be perceived as "relative to you,” in this case me, Corey.
I live a very transparent Life. People will not be surprised at what they find out about me. My guardian angel, My Mother is watching over my every move and I shall disappoint her not. Speaking of which, please allow me to share some of that transparency with you. “For Once In My Life: A Mother’s Love: Ramona’s Story of Inspiration” is the book that I have written that honors the woman that has always been my source of inspiration throughout my Life and even in her passing. More to come on Mother’s book...Smile.
I have been afforded things in my Life that I could not have been able to otherwise afford and I am grateful for said things. The same things that I shall always be willing to impart to others that might be hurting. One day they too will recognize someone else is hurting because Rev. Run was right when he said that “hurt people, hurt people.” They too will be compelled and inspired to make a difference the same exact way that a difference was made in their lives. Is God not the greatest! No question mark needed, since that was not a question at all.
In closing, as my many “All the Best, All the Time” readers tune in to read my Blogs, I implore you to think bigger than big and realize that there is a bigger than big difference in playing chess as opposed to simply playing checkers. I used to be a checker player when I tried to live this Life without God. But Glory be to God, that I am now learning to play and getting better at playing Chess.
One Blog at a time!
One day at a time!
And God all of the time!
Do not ever be afraid to engage someone if the Spirit so moves you to do so. If it is not “Clarity” that you may need, it may be “support” that they need. Remember, I do not believe in coincidences. I believe that everything happens for a reason and that silver lining shall be revealed as soon as we make the effort to dispel the silliness of there being such a thing as a stupid question. If you don’t know, who or what is really stupid? The question or you for not asking the question? And THAT is why, I do not support the notion that such a question exists. Just simply ask and worry not about who else might already know the answer because if you do not know the answer, then that is one person too many.
I am honored,
I am humbled,
I am grateful to you,
I am grateful for you,
And I Love you without the need of having laid eyes upon you.
Glory be to God!
I need to go practice my Chess! The silver lining in this cloud provided me the same “Clarity” that I Pray I have successfully offered and provided to you.
God Bless You!
Smile and Love Always! I truly wish you, “All the Best, All the Time!”
Corey A. Ford
"It Starts With You"
Sometimes people treat themselves less than, yet they expect others to treat them greater than. In all actuality, how people treat you is similar if not identical to how you treat you. If you don't Love or believe in you, then why should or would you expect people to Love and believe in you? And do not underestimate the visibility of how you feel about you. Believe it or not, it is transparent.
You deserve to be Loved, but you must first Love you. For if you do not Love you, you will never be able to appreciate the Love that someone else has for you. Your belief system starts with and has everything to do with you. Although someone else can Love and believe in you, it will only go as far and last as long as you Love and believe in yourself.
Do not rely on someone else to feel a certain way about you should you not echo the same sentiments about yourself. If you want Love, then start Loving yourself. If you want someone to believe in you, then start believing in yourself.
Whether Love, belief or any and everything else that Life has to offer, recognize the fact, that "It Starts With You."
Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!
All the Best, All the Time!
Smile and Love Always!
Corey A. Ford
Monday, August 22, 2011
"Your New"
Even with only one ticket in hand, one way or round trip, it is never a trip that is taken alone, the King on the throne, my foundation, my backbone!
It matters not the words that are uttered or spat in your direction. Heavenly Father I come to You and I stand in Your shadow of protection.
Your goals, my goals, belong to you, belong to me. The price of talk is cheap, especially when the price to live is free.
Share your dreams, goals and ambition with a chosen select few. And don't be too surprised when the old is frowning upon "Your New."
Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!
All the Best, All the Time!
Smile and Love Always!
Corey A. Ford
Thursday, August 18, 2011
"Differentiate You"
"But Mom, I'm not doing anything!"
"Corey, you're judged by the company that you keep, son!"
Nuff said!
With that said, how and where do we begin to draw the line of where "they" end and "we" begin?
With that said, how do we bridge the gap of what "they" do as opposed to what "we" do?
Bridge? Perhaps that is exactly where we detonate the connection between what "they" think, say and do, as opposed to what "we" think, say and do?
From afar, are there any identifying markers or actions that "Differentiate You" so that you are NOT judged by the company that you keep?
Objectively, if the difference cannot be made, then it is incumbent upon you to make the difference to "Differentiate You" from "them."
Momma was so right! "Corey, you are judged by the company that you keep, son!"
I was listening to you Momma! I'm still recalling and reciting every word of encouragement and wisdom that you EVER imparted to me.
Glory Be To GOD that I was ever so Blessed to call you MY Mother!
How do you "Differentiate You" from the rest, the company that you keep?
Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!
All the Best, All the Time!
Smile and Love Always!
Corey A. Ford
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
"The Best That Life Has to Offer"
Life is good,
God is better,
And I shall continue to get better at getting better by way of forgiveness and Love because "Love Matters."
I want more of what is important and less of what is not, so that I can create a demonstration to my Life's presentation as an example of God's perfection by way of His Heavenly direction.
If I want some of the best that Life has to offer, then I need to separate myself from what is not best for me. Oft times that means severing the ties that bind you, even though your thought process convinced you that to be bound meant to be closer to. In all actuality, no, it was designed to keep you from...everything that you were and are purposed to be.
I now see that God has "The Best That Life Has to Offer," and it is all for me (Your Name), purposely!
Glory Be To God!
Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!
All the Best, All the Time!
Smile and Love Always!
Corey A. Ford
Thursday, August 11, 2011
How unfortunate, we prosecute ourselves by way of judge and jury, convicting and condemning ourselves and in the same breath asking and praying for forgiveness of and for the same things that we do not forgive ourselves for.
Why do we ask God to forgive us when we do not forgive us?
Oh, the importance of forgiveness, that double-edged sword that cuts both ways should we never get a handle of forgiveness on either end, for starters.
But glory be to God, that what we THINK and what He KNOWS are not "Synonymous."
Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!
All the Best, All the Time!
Smile and Love Always!
Corey A. Ford
Wednesday, August 03, 2011
"I Owe Me"
Such a cop out when all I had to do was opt out of the past and reinvent myself in order to live in the present so that I could set myself up to do God's work in my near future.
Humbling oneself at the request of yourself so that your constructive criticism is that of yourself! I did just that. I need not look without when I knew all that I needed to do from within.
Forever determined to make a difference, my difference had to be determined forever.
No longer waging my salvation in order to support the continuation of my detrimental situation.
Therefore, I spoke to my reflection, made the modifications, adjustments and corrections and I support the infinite possibility, be it high level or extreme granularity.
Now I like what I see and I Love who and what I am. I couldn't have asked me for a better me, especially since the change had to first start with me.
But I had to stomach myself in order to reinvent myself, hence the reason why I first had to humble myself. Having purged out the toxins that once polluted my Spirit, detoxification was the best therapy on my way to "Happy Me." Giving, the most healthiest ingredient for Life. Now I don't charge myself for Love, because I know that Love is free. I deserve nothing less, because "I Owe Me."
Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!
All the Best, All the Time!
Smile and Love Always!
Corey A. Ford