Smile And Love Always!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

"I Did Not Make That Happen"

Historically speaking, we loathe the discovery that someone has "used" us to get what they want. How dare they infringe upon our generosity, our kindness and our oversized hearts, that we so chose to wear on our sleeves?

Historically being the operative word, we were in THEIR Life, at THAT time, for a reason. We thought that we made something happen for them. We thought that it was our efforts alone that did it for them. But what we failed to realize is that sometimes that is exactly how GOD works. Sometimes HE makes it happen for someone else, using us as a conduit in which to make that happen.

The "Laws of Reciprocity" indicate that not only were you "used" to make something happen for someone else, but at some point in time during YOUR Life, someone was "used" to make something happen for you as well.

Replacing "historically" with "going forward," we now understand that it is everything that we do that serves as a part of HIS plan that we need not question nor second guess.

It was my car that we used that day, but "I Did Not Make That Happen." HE did!

It was my checkbook that the money was drawn from, but "I Did Not Make That Happen." HE did!

You finished your studies and got that dream job, but "I Did Not Make That Happen." HE did!

I stocked the refrigerator so that WE could nourish our bodies, but "I Did Not Make That Happen." HE did!

I took your child to school so that you could go to work, but "I Did Not Make That Happen." HE did!

"I Did Not Make That Happen." I was merely the conduit, therefore the credit resides with the one that is deserving of all the Praise and Glory.

It is the "Laws of Reciprocity" that should lead you to go back and itemize all that was done FOR you, as you appreciatingly itemize all that was done BY you. It Truly balances itself out in the end.

Besides, "I Did Not Make That Happen." It was all part of HIS plan to begin with anyway. I was merely the conduit.

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

Monday, November 24, 2008

"Jumping In The Shower"

My son jumps off of the curb.
My son jumps out of the truck.
My son jumps off of the step stool.
My son jumps off of the couch.
My son jumps off of the bed.
My son is forever jumping OFF of or OUT of SOMETHING!

I told my son that Daddy was about to jump in the shower and he turned, immediately looked up and asked, "Daddy, are you going to jump in the shower?" I responded "yes." As immediately as I responded, it dawned on me that he mistook MY "jumping in the shower" with HIS "jumping in the shower." I quickly clarified his interpretation of "jump" with Daddy's interpretation of "jump," and at that moment an epiphany came over me!

Perhaps I needed to be more thorough in how I communicate, being as precise as possible to avoid any and all misunderstandings, so that I can effectively prevent anyone from getting hurt. Do you see where I am going with this?

Imagine if I had NOT caught what my son was REALLY asking me and he was working under the guise that it was OK to "jump" in the shower. I would have not understood why he was "Jumping In The Shower" and would have just chalked it up as my son being a typical boy, doing typical boy "stuff."

Could I possibly be more communicative, choosing better use of my words, offering unequivocal clarity, as not to force someone to "jump" to any conclusions (no pun intended)? I sure can and going forward, I sure will!

My reflective nature forced me to examine just how I have been "Jumping In The Shower," ala my sons version, and not being as thorough in my verbal communication as possible.

The lessons that I have learned in parenthood have been enough to last me a Lifetime. The amount of Blogs that I can author is limitless because the ceiling on my "growth spurt" has been forever and irreversibly shattered!

I thank GOD for the opportunity of fatherhood that has been afforded TO me and Blessed FOR me.

My Mother had six children. It is no wonder why Her knowledge was as vast as it was. I am still plucking from her "Wisdom Tree" as I try to grow my own.

Tonight, I will remind my son, no "Jumping In The Shower."

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

"The Promise Of Tomorrow"

Yesterday is extinct, today is on the verge and tomorrow comes with a promise.

"The Promise Of Tomorrow" brings with it another opportunity in which to say thank you.

"The Promise Of Tomorrow" brings with it another opportunity in which to get it right.

"The Promise Of Tomorrow" brings with it another opportunity in which to do all of the things that you put off yesterday and today.

Yesterday might be gone and today is fading, but "The Promise Of Tomorrow" is what we can all look forward to with advanced Praise and Thanksgiving.

With a promise in hand, I'll see you tomorrow.

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

Friday, November 21, 2008

"New Meaning"

Some of the same things from our past that we have come in contact with in our Lifetimes take on "New Meaning" when they are packaged and presented by a "New" presenter.

For example, Love takes on "New Meaning" when it has returned from its outer body experience back to its rightful place, WITHIN your heart.

A once meaningless Song by an artist that you never really cared for takes on a completely "New Meaning" when the words of that very song now describe the Love that exists within your heart for that special someone in your Life.

You see "New Meaning" brings about "New Meaning" when the tide has turned and the bridges are UNburned and restored to their rightful upright positions, closing the gaps that separate My Love within, from Your Love within, tackling the single goal of now crossing that Faithfully restored bridge, TOGETHER.

"New Meaning," the restoration of "New," literally.

"New Meaning," the belief that Life is indeed full of purpose and "Meaning."

"New Meaning," the full circle commitment to changing the old into the new, never returning to that outer body place where Love will always feel out of place and morbidly displaced.

"New Meaning" requires new thoughts.
"New Meaning" requires new actions.
"New Meaning" requires new direction.
"New Meaning" requires your participation.

"New Meaning" is turning over a new leaf in ones Life, to abandon what did not work for something that WILL work!

"New Meaning" is a changing of the guard, a passing of the baton, a new script on Life starring the people that YOU want to cast, directed by YOU, edited by YOU and distributed by YOU. By the time the credits start rolling on your "New Meaning," make sure that your "New Meaning" is supported by Love and financed by HIM.

Look forward to the opening day of your "New Meaning."

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

"ALL Things Considered"

EVERYTHING that my eyes have witnessed, my physical has experienced, my mental has overcome, my soul has redeemed, EVERYTHING...I am still BLESSED beyond words, "ALL Things Considered."

When I think about how and where I could have wound up: dead, incarcerated, filled with hopeless thoughts of tomorrow, no recognition of My LORD and Savior, a disappointment to all that have believed in me...I am still BLESSED beyond words, "ALL Things Considered."

When I think about the loss of my younger Brother, the loss of my grandfather, the loss of my grandmother, the loss of my uncles, the loss of close friends and the loss of my WONDERFUL Mother...I am still BLESSED beyond words, "ALL Things Considered."

When I think about the fact that I awoke this morning to another Glorious day, filled with the Promise of HIS Word, "My Sweetest Love" (POSTED 7/10/08) and the knowledge that HE continues to keep me covered with HIS Grace and Mercy...I KNOW that I am still BLESSED beyond words.

"ALL Things Considered," everything that I have ever loss has been regained, reclaimed and reframed in a picturesque scenery rivaled by absolutely nothing that man can create and absolutely everything that HE has created.

"ALL Things Considered," I am better NOW than I have EVER been in my entire Life, yet HE continues to make me over in HIS liking, to HIS liking and for HIS liking. Therefore, I cannot complain, not one iota ...for I am still BLESSED beyond words, "ALL Things Considered."

"ALL Things Considered," do understand how BLESSED you Truly are, whether you are DEEP in the valley of despair or HIGH on the mountaintop of Victory.

"ALL Things Considered," you are immeasurably BLESSED to have WITNESSED, EXPERIENCED, OVERCOME and REDEEMED yourself "In the Face of Adversity" (POSTED 5/5/08).

You are STILL here,
"ALL Things Considered."

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

"BUT Love"

When you find yourself in Love with someone that challenges your heart to Live and Love a little bit Longer and Harder than what you know you have previously tried, worships WITH you and ultimately and undoubtedly compels you to be a better you, you have found yourself in all inclusive company with someone that you do not let go, someone that you cherish, someone that you hold near and dear to your heart, LITERALLY!

Love is a beautiful gesture to be outdone by no one or nothing, "BUT Love."

You cannot outshine the sun!
You cannot forgive more than Jesus!
You cannot Love more than Love!
Nothing trumps Love, "But Love."

Love is a tie game where there is no tiebreaker, "BUT Love."

Love is a one of one, none before, none in which to come, "But Love."

Love is everything that you would have it to be. Less manual intervention coupled with more Love filled intentions, marinated in the realization that NOTHING is better than Love, "BUT Love."

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

"Absorbing From and Competing With"

We need the people that do wrong by us and against us in our Lives. It is through them that we learn what not to do, how not to be, along with how they do what they do to us and why. We are then able to recognize and PROCESS them for who and what they REALLY are. Therefore, it is vitally important for us to "Absorb From" and not "Compete With" these very people that unbeknownst to themselves, inadvertently enrich OUR Lives.

We are smarter because of them. We are wiser because of their actions. We are more focused because of their inactions. We are better for enduring what they put us through. We are more Loving because of their hateful ways. We are more complete because of their inept ability to do or be something meaningful with purposeful precision. We ARE, simply because they are NOT!

We need people in our Lives that are smarter than we think we already are. If we are to learn anything, we need to be "Absorbing From" and not "Competing With" the minds that could possibly teach us a lesson or two during the course of our existence.

You cannot do both! You will either "Absorb From" or "Compete With," and in the PROCESS you will learn to compete less and absorb more, that is until you have absorbed enough to now become competitive.

But the continuation of growth REQUIRES us to "Absorb From" and not "Compete With," forever altering our learning curve, on the permanent path to changing Life as we now know it, to Life as we would like for it to be.

In the Spirit of Love,
In the Spirit of Life,
In the Spirit of Reconciliation,
In the Spirit of Optimism,
In the Spirit of Growth,
In the Spirit of Hope,
And in the Spirit of Tomorrow.

Know the difference between "Absorbing From and Competing With."

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

Friday, November 14, 2008

"It Gets Better"

Hook, line and sinker, you fell right into that rut. You know that comfortable bed that's easy to get into, but hard to get out of? Well, that's what ruts are like, comfortable beds. And once you find yourself in one, immediately start plotting your escape to effectively convince yourself of the fact that "It Gets Better."

Sometimes it feels like those dark clouds have intentionally singled us out for the sake of their own amusement as we continuously struggle with the "who, what, where & why's." Sometimes it is not what we go through, or as I like to say "grow through," but what we come out of that makes us the pillars, the convicted, the "Unflappable" Faith holders, the unique storytellers, the experienced teachers and the expanded wisdom seekers.

Growth is an ever important component of Life. We cannot simply go from "Point A" to "Point B" without having experienced some sort of growth. During those "Growth Spurts" are where we find ourselves going through/growing through the most. This is just preparation for the next level because "It Gets Better."

That job that no longer offers you a challenge or is just a means to an end......"It Gets Better."

Those unsurmountable bills that keep coming in......"It Gets Better."

That relationship that keeps you entangled because it is "what you know"......"It Gets Better."

The healing from a broken marriage and subsequent divorce......"It Gets Better."

That dead beat dad that perpetrates as your childs father......"It Gets Better."

That late or nonexistent child support check......"It Gets Better."

Those taboo subjects that your family refused to ever talk about......"It Gets Better."

The hurt from the loss of a Loved one......I heard "It Gets Better."

Economic strife and having no viable means to make a way out of no way......"It Gets Better."

Crossing the finish line in Victory, at the end of your race....."It Got Better!"

Start plotting your escape now and do not allow that rut to think that it has you forever in its grasp. Once you've escaped, go back on behalf of those that are stuck and become that pillar, that convicted, that "Unflappable" holder of Faith, that unique storyteller, that experienced teacher and that expanded wisdom seeker. And with extreme testimony, tell them how "It Got Better."

"It Gets Better"

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

"Peace, The Spirit Of"

My Mother used to always say, "Peace, Be Still." Always at least 10 steps ahead of me, My Mother's hidden treasures are still being discovered, uncovered and understood, by me. Truth be told they will probably continue down the same path of recognition for many years in which to come.

So many seeds this marvelous and magnificent woman planted. She knew that one day she would be leaving and as always, preparing me was her way of preparing herself so she could tell "Peace, Be Still."

In the midst of the storm, it has been said that one should Pray for peace. I now understand My Mothers words like never before. I appreciate the peace that she was Praying for. I'm grateful that I first heard her words, "Peace, Be Still." I graciously inherit her "Peace, The Spirit Of."

I never fully understood, but now I fully understand!

I'm so glad I was listening to you Momma. I miss you and My Love for you is right here, with every step that I take, with every breath, with every stride that I make, with every choice, I can still hear your lovely voice!

Tonight, I will Pray for "Peace, The Spirit Of."

"Peace, Be Still" Momma. "Peace, Be Still."

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

"Unpredictability of Life"

Life is as unpredictable as an unfiltered mouth on an unknowing child or an unfiltered mouth on a knowing adult. The predictability factor is non-existent and one of the only known variables in the "Equation of Life" is the fact that your "Mathematical Value" is directly attributed to what YOU bring TO the table as well as what YOU consume FROM the table. Are you adding TO or subtracting FROM?

The "Unpredictability of Life" guarantees me there will no way to predict anything other than my participation in everything that I am unable to predict.

Remove the unpredictability factor from what you define as attractive and see the beauty that lies within the unpredictable.

GOD's actions are unpredictable, yet I still see the beauty in everything that HE does.

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

Friday, November 07, 2008


I witnessed in pure amazement the composure that was exemplified in the midst of character MIScharacterizations, false accusations and deplorable insinuations that would have you believe "That One" person embodies all that is NOT right with the world and not good enough to BE right or ever GET right in the eyes of individuals that live within their own silo, totally ambiguous to "what else" occupies the world in which we live.

"Unflappable" he was as the stones from the decks and porches of glass homes were being cast in his direction. Faithful in his deportment he remained as they feebly failed in their attempts to reach his stature. Mediocre at best to illustrate their gameLESS plan of attack by ambushing in broad daylight.

Credibility having gone south was forcing instability to stay put while ambiguity was trying to move on.

Due to his ability to remain "Unflappable" I have witnessed internal growth of my own for the objects that are aimed in my direction have been more manageable in terms of deflection than those that were being levied at the agent of "Change."

I am better for what was endured, although the lesson being taught was vicarious, yet effective still.

Remain "Unflappable" as you weather and are in the midst of.....


Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

Thursday, November 06, 2008

"The Crowd"

The naysayers will doubt you, out of their OWN fear. The pundits will critique you, because they "can't" do it themselves. The fair weathered, will blow away at the first gust of wind. The staunch will stand WITH you. GOD will Bless you all the while your Faith sustains. Victory shall bare witness to your name as perseverance rewards your commitment to be a better you for a better place for better results, to accomplish "All the Best, All the Time!"

Life begins when you awake from your sleep, there is no rest for the weary. Accomplishment begins when your to do list starts getting checked off. Success comes when that list is finished and the next one is started. Legacy is formed when you repeatedly continue to do what separates you from "The Crowd."

In a sea of faces, how you so choose to stand out is really contingent upon the purpose and the reason that you are standing out. With the operative word being "Purpose," we should all find ours since we ALL have ONE.

Be careful to not FOLLOW "The Crowd" and should your "Purpose" so dictate, direct those within "The Crowd" to find THEIR "Purpose" and always encourage others to do the exact same.

As you become the success that you are destined to be, the doubt will subside, the doubters will be converted and the tide will irrevocably "Change," lending itself to excuses no more. Aspirations are now realizations and your determination forever "Changes" your situation.

You are truly becoming everything that perhaps you were once told otherwise, simultaneously being everything that GOD made you to be! You have effectively separated yourself from "The Crowd." Congratulations in advance!

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

"Changes Everything"

Some of the things that matter the most to us need to be made known to us by the ones that own the information that we unknowingly need to be made aware of. Sometimes this information "Changes Everything" and because of that, it could be withheld from you in fear that everything WILL indeed change. But the owners of that information do not "Honestly" determine what to withhold and what to divulge. They own the information, not the right!

I have witnessed this practice in the corporate world as well as the personal arena, in particularly when the information in question "Changes Everything" or at least has the ability to "Change Everything" should the information become public.

In the corporate world, a potential investor would probably change their mind. In the personal arena, a Lifetime investor would probably change their minds as well. One thing remains for certain, everything changes because information "Changes Everything."

It is time to "Embrace Change."

Love and My Mother are My Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are My Motivation!
Love and My Mother are My Celebration!
Love and My Mother are My Dedication!

All the Best, All the Time!