Smile And Love Always!

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

"Setting The Right Expectations"

You ever go on a job interview, get offered, accept the position and anxiously await your first day on that job? I mean your level of excitement is so HIGH that you are even looking forward to orientation!

From a couple of weeks to the first few months on the job you begin to realize that what you are doing is contrary, not even CLOSE to what you were initially hired to do. You start getting the feeling that perhaps there was a gap in communication or that perhaps the hiring manager said what he or she needed to say in order to lure you in and persuade you otherwise. Even if that is far-fetched, the bottom line is the wheels to the right expectations were NOT set in motion.

Sometimes in fear of REJECTION, we falsify the reality of the/our situation in order to gain acceptance, albeit inevitably skewed considering the birth of the expectations were not natural and that the right expectations were NOT set in place.

Once we realize that the expectations were not 100% in their transfer from one person to the next, it appears as if the onus is squarely on our shoulders to either get onboard or be the odd man/woman out should we refuse to accept.

Therein lies the conflict! You KNEW what you wanted and thought that you were getting EXACTLY that! Only to find out that what you thought and what you got were each at the opposite ends of the spectrum, nowhere in each others sight.

"Setting The Right Expectations" is absolutely imperative! In doing so, you decrease, diminish and eradicate any ambiguity, perceived or otherwise as to what you expect, what is expected of you and all that exists between the two. A colleague of mine once told me to "inspect what you expect."

Don't fear rejection! Sometimes rejection is a Blessing in disguise because what is later revealed might not be in accordance to what our expectations were to begin with.

Embrace rejection, for it might wind up saving us from a lifetime of heartache and pain.

Momma used to say, "Everything that glitters ain't gold."

Once the revelation comes to pass, you will be glad that you were not shy about "Setting The Right Expectations."

Love and My Mother are the Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are the Motivation!
Love and My Mother are the Celebration!

All the Best, All the Time!

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