Smile And Love Always!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

"Love Is Love"

"One hundred dollars worth of Love is equivalent to one million dollars worth of Love."

Should a person only have one hundred dollars to their name and they Love you with EVERYTHING that they have, you are both Loved and Blessed beyond your wildest dreams.

Should a person have one million dollars to their name and they Love you with EVERYTHING that they have, you are both Loved and Blessed beyond your wildest dreams.

Not at any point in time is that million dollars worth any more, or any less for that matter, than that one hundred dollars. Love is one of those "you cannot put a price tag on" type of items. Your credit card cannot purchase it! Your salary cannot afford it! Lottery winnings could not buy one single ounce of it! It is TRULY EVERY sense of the word!

Should you happen upon someone with one hundred dollars or someone with one million dollars, do not fool yourself into thinking that the bigger account translates to bigger Love because "Love Is Love" and whether or not the Love is coming from the hundred dollar account or the million dollar account, "Love Is Love" and knows ZERO difference between the two. It exists because it is REAL! It will continue to exist should either account reach 100% in depletion or withdrawals because "Love Is Love" and will continue to be so.

You see that is EXACTLY why "Love Is Love." Love does not make withdrawals or contributes to depletions. "Love Is Love" because Love makes CONTINUOUS deposits into an account that cannot be withdrawn against!

"Love is Love" because in the midst of a drought, a famine or a surplus, Love continues doing the ONLY thing that Love knows how to do.......and that's Love.

"Love is Love" because Love is IGNORANT to ANYTHING that exists OUTSIDE of the parameters of Love.

"Love is Love" because Love is KNOWLEDGEABLE to EVERYTHING that exists WITHIN the parameters of Love.

"Love is Love" because Love knows absolutely nothing BUT, Love.

One hundred or one million changes positively nothing when it comes to Love.

And that is the very reason WHY....."Love is Love."

Love and My Mother are the Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are the Motivation!
Love and My Mother are the Celebration!

All the Best, All the Time!

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