Smile And Love Always!

Monday, July 07, 2008

"No Difference"

Whenever negative energy is involved, it makes ZERO, "No Difference" whether you're at Church or in the club. Should you allow yourself to fall into the trap of negativity, your whereabouts are trivial due to the fact that you have ALREADY given yourself permission to feed into the ridiculous hype.

At the end of the day, negativity all amounts to nothing more than exaggerated hype perpetuated by the very people who not only carry and transfer the energy, but wear it on their sleeves as a sort of badge of honor as if they have just returned from combat on the battlefield.

Strangely enough, should we be so tempted to engage in the mediocrity, we too might fall victim in the form of a casualty of war. Negativity has snipers in many locations, anxiously awaiting to demonstrate their marksmanship skills upon unknowing individuals who are just going about their daily routine, living their lives, minding their own business, whether they are in Church exalting the highest Praise or they are in the club sweating out a long week on the dancefloor.

Yes indeed, it makes ZERO, "No Difference" whatsoever, where you are. One of the greatest weapons against negativity lies within the knowledge that you are abundantly aware of its existence. Stay in the know!

Be Blessed.

Love and My Mother are the Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are the Motivation!
Love and My Mother are the Celebration!

All the Best, All the Time!

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