Smile And Love Always!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

"Ghost Town"

Have you ever been traveling down a road or highway and all of a sudden you begin to realize that no one else is on that road or highway except for you? You are steadily GOING, all the while there is absolutely no ONE or NOTHING coming in the opposite direction.

You begin to wonder if you were the last to know or find out something that everyone else seemed to know, EXCEPT for you.

But as you continue on your journey, you start paying CLOSER attention to what's REALLY going on, what IS or is NOT happening, what you DO or do NOT see, and then it starts to dawn on you. At this particular moment in time, you are TRULY all alone! All by yourself! It is kind of like you are in a real life "Ghost Town."

Unfortunately, this feeling is not unique to one particular person or group of people. Sometimes when the road or highway that we are traveling down is called LOVE, it appears that we are all alone. NOTHING is coming in our direction and there appear to be no viable exit ramps in site.

When it comes to LOVE, there are those that KNOW what to do with it, those that do NOT know what to do with it and then there are those that knowingly ABUSE it! Oft times on our journey up LOVE's road or down LOVE's highway, we happen upon these VERY different people and by chance, stance or circumstance, we ultimately give them a ride without knowing where their heads are at and if it is indeed in sync with their hearts, GOOD hearts.

Now we start getting flat tires, find ourselves dodging pot holes on a regular basis and our vehicles are in desperate need of front-end alignments, tune-ups and paint jobs amongst other things.

There is no sense in pointing fingers at this point in time because our vehicular maintenance was going to be needed anyway. We just find ourselves upset at the fact that the frequency in which it now has to happen is unnerving, overwhelming.

LOVE should not BE a "Ghost Town."

LOVE should not FEEL like a "Ghost Town."

LOVE should not APPEAR to be a "Ghost Town" or EXIST as one.

Driving down or up LOVE's road or highway, you should find yourself in good company. HOV lanes should be EVERY lane because your passenger(s) have the same wants and needs as you and you just so happen to be going in the same direction, to the same destination.

Should you ever happen to pick up someone that doesn't know what to do with LOVE, either exercise REASONABLE (not unlimited) amounts of patience with them or let them catch the next ride.

Should you ever happen to pick up someone that knowingly abuses LOVE, put your hazard lights on, pump your brakes and immediately pull over and tell them to "get out!"

Should you ever happen to pick up someone that knows what to do with love, embrace them every chance that you get, cherish them with all that you have and be thankful that on LOVE's bypass, you were able to fill up on the most valuable source of fuel known, LOVE.

That "Ghost Town" should now have a Census Bureau to tally up the vast amounts of LOVE that now happily exist.

In the absence of my Mother's physical presence, it feels like a "Ghost Town," but since the presence of her LOVE forever remains, I have claimed my residence in a very populous place called LOVE.

Love and My Mother are the Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are the Motivation!
Love and My Mother are the Celebration!

All the Best, All the Time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've been down that highway to "Ghost Town" more than I've ever wanted to. But I'm learning a lot of things along the way. I've also met some people on the way. Not hitchers, but people to give me some direction. If I'm getting off track, they are there to keep me on the right direction. And to keep it movin'. Even though I sometimes love my vacation in the lovely "Ghost Town". I'm not ready to set up camp there. And the venture continues... Happy Driving!