Smile And Love Always!

Friday, February 29, 2008

"Striking A Balance"

Some of my siblings are not as motivated as others and do not understand that their rut is self-imposed. While the other siblings are all too anxious to strive and make it happen on any level, perceived or real.

Some of my co-workers do not hold as many degrees as the others, while at the same time are AS talented and in some cases NOT AS talented as the ones that do hold the varying degrees.

One of my children gravitated towards their shapes and colors and took to them like a duck to water. The other child took a more "subtle" approach.

Some of GOD's children are more obedient to HIM and HIS Word as opposed to the one's that have one foot in Church and the other one still in the street. Then there are the one's who step not ONE foot IN church and are MORE obedient than the one's that do attend in the form of "Sunday Morning Christians" or the one's who have feet in both locations.

.....During the preparation for my Mother's Homegoing Celebration, I was amazed at the innate ability that she had to be able to navigate, meditate, disseminate, articulate, demonstrate, dictate and oft times doctrinate, all of what she had to each of her children. What poise, patience and dexterity she had to be able to balance and juggle the personalities of not only her ADULT children, but THEIR children as well.

What I realized is how important it is to "Strike A Balance" in life as you travel along your journey's path. "Striking A Balance" allows you to maintain your sanity, all the while acknowledging that you cannot be everything to everyone. You will indeed fall into one of the aforementioned demographics. You will be you and you alone and with that needs to accompany a reconciliation with yourself that it is ok to be who you are and what you are, without the negative reinforcements of those who might be perceived as on the upper echelon compared to your more "subtle" approach.

But I've discovered that with all that said, options and choices have everything to do with HOW we "Strike A Balance." My grandmother used to tell me, "Corey, sometimes you have to ACT crazy, to keep from GOING crazy." I did not know at that time that grandma was just "Striking A Balance."

Imagine the balance that HE has to strike when dealing with all of HIS children.

Therefore, going forward, I will not only better my ability to "Strike A Balance," I will embrace the differences that initially made me "Strike A Balance." Through example, "Striking A Balance" in your life will SERVE to be a living example to someone who's trying to LEARN how to "Strike A Balance" to BETTER their lives, BRIDGE the gap and APPRECIATE others equally the same.

We should ALL "Strike A Balance."

Love and My Mother are the Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are the Motivation!
Love and My Mother are the Celebration!

All the Best, All the Time!

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