Smile And Love Always!

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

"Guilty of Our Own Demise"

More often than not and quite frankly too much of the time, we find ourselves looking for someone or something to place the blame squarely on the fact that we are in the predicaments that we have SO elaborately customized for ourselves. The intricate details that house our "situations" have long since been in the need of a Home Makeover, a new interior decorator and in some cases a deconstruction for a reconstruction, starting with the core, the foundation.

More often than not and quite frankly too much of the time, we have been the owner, the slum lord AND the tenant, all in need of one thing: "An EVICTION of Our Old Thought Process." If it wasn't working for us THEN, why do we think it will all of a sudden pose an about face if WE ourselves have not posed an about face with respect to our own lives?

More often than not and quite frankly too much of the time, WE are the reason for and "Guilty of Our Own Demise." No one has held me back, BUT me! No one has hindered my success, BUT me! No one has written me off, BUT me! People do not believe in me because "I" do not believe in ME!

As a wide receiver on a football team, it is important to POSITION yourself in order to catch the ball so that you and your team can advance. The amount of yardage gained is contingent upon varying factors, but first and foremost is your ability to CATCH the ball due in large part to your POSITION. When you POSITIONED yourself to advance yourself, you took the initiative to develop a "play to win" mentality that will undoubtedly snowball into inevitable additional receptions for more yardage and even further gain!

When I reflect back on being "Guilty of My Own Demise," I feel Blessed to know that I have yet another opportunity to POSITION myself so that I can realize the "Emotions of Victory." The sheer elation of actual participation! The magnitude of MY gratitude! The Blessing of being Blessed!

It is time to stop being "Guilty of Our Own Demise." Through conviction it is time to give ourselves LIFE through living and being passionate enough to participate and rejoice in the fact that we have yet another opportunity that has been afforded to us, thus allowing us to align and POSITION ourselves for everything that life has to offer.

If HE's the quarterback and you're the wide receiver, catch the ball and receive the Blessing!

Love and My Mother are the Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are the Motivation!
Love and My Mother are the Celebration!

All the Best, All the Time!

1 comment:

CIMSAAF said...

I like the metaphor! And, yes this is very true.