Smile And Love Always!

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

"What Not to Do"

Throughout life we live and learn what to do, how to do it, where to do it and when to do it. Life teaches us to be prudent in our planning and even then nothing is guaranteed. We are always shown examples of who to look up to, who to emulate, who to pattern ourselves after; all with either with great happiness or supreme disdain.

Then we have the "Poster Child" for "What Not to Do," who not to be, where not to go, who not to associate or affiliate with. I use the "Poster Child" ideology in the reverse manner. For me that "Poster Child" is my daughter! That "Poster Child" is my son! They are my reminders of "What Not to Do!" You see I cannot and will not allow myself to do ANYTHING that could POTENTIALLY embarrass the likes of my children, family and loved ones. Just as I represent everything that my Mother instilled in me, I also represent everything that I instill within my children. I could not tell my children not to smoke as I excused myself to the deck to light one up. Therefore, I stopped smoking. I cannot pray for a safe trip to and from my daily destinations if I am the most aggressive driver on the road. I needed to be the example that I was attempting to set through my words.

I have taken the liberty of incorporating and embedding them into my daily thought processes. You can say that they are "hard coded" in all that I say and/or do. I have "Customers & Representation" on both ends of the spectrum with a built in "Expectation Insulation." This affords me the luxury of living up to my own expectations and exceeding them abundantly because all that I love, cherish, admire and adore, is watching my every move.

As my Mother watches from above, my children are front and center, clinging on to my every word and studying my every move, absorbing it all, in an exact sponge-like manner. Constant reminders such as Post-It Notes, Blackberry devices, Calendars and Appointment Books are all great ways to remind yourself. But what if you forget to enter them into your friendly reminder?

Living, Loving Reminders have proven to be the best reminders for me. I could not possibly fathom not living up to what is expected of me from them. Afterall, I represent them on both ends of the spectrum.

How do you choose "What Not to Do?"

Love and My Mother are the Inspiration!
Love and My Mother are the Motivation!
Love and My Mother are the Celebration!

All the Best, All the Time!